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Created December 13, 2013 04:27
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// Load PEAR MDB2
require 'MDB2.php';
// Load the form helper functions.
require 'formhelpers.php';
require 'connect_mysql.php';
// Connect to the database
$db = connect_mysql();
if (MDB2::isError($db)) { die ("Can't connect: " . $db->getMessage()); }
// Set up automatic error handling
// Set up fetch mode: rows as objects
// 部門番号の選択
$deptno_choices = array();
$rows = $db->queryAll('select deptno from departments order by deptno');
foreach($rows as $row){
$deptno_choices[] = $row->deptno;
$deptno_only = $deptno_choices;
$deptno_choices[] = '全部';
// The main page logic:
// - If the form is submitted, validate and then process or redisplay
// - If it's not submitted, display
if ($_POST['_submit_check']) {
// If validate_form() returns errors, pass them to show_form()
if ($form_errors = validate_form()) {
} else {
// The submitted data is valid, so process it
} else {
// The form wasn't submitted, so display
function show_form($errors = '') {
// If the form is submitted, get defaults from submitted parameters
if ($_POST['_submit_check']) {
$defaults = $_POST;
} else {
// Otherwise, set our own defaults
$defaults = array('min_sal' => '100000',
'max_sal' => '500000');
// If errors were passed in, put them in $error_text (with HTML markup)
if (is_array($errors)) {
$error_text = '<tr><td>右記のエラーを修正してください:';
$error_text .= '</td><td><ul><li>';
$error_text .= implode('</li><li>',$errors);
$error_text .= '</li></ul></td></tr>';
} else {
// No errors? Then $error_text is blank
$error_text = '';
// Jump out of PHP mode to make displaying all the HTML tags easier
<form method="POST" action="<?php print $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<?php print $error_text ?>
<td><?php input_text('ename', $defaults) ?></td></tr>
<td><?php input_text('min_sal', $defaults) ?></td></tr>
<td><?php input_text('max_sal', $defaults) ?></td></tr>
<td><?php input_select('deptno', $defaults, $GLOBALS['deptno_choices']); ?>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><?php input_submit('search','Search'); ?>
<input type="hidden" name="_submit_check" value="1"/>
} // The end of show_form()
function validate_form() {
$errors = array();
// minimum sal must be a valid floating point number
if ($_POST['min_sal'] != strval(floatval($_POST['min_sal']))) {
$errors[] = '給与(最少)に正しい値を入力してください。';
// maximum sal must be a valid floating point number
if ($_POST['max_sal'] != strval(floatval($_POST['max_sal']))) {
$errors[] = '給与(最多)に正しい値を入力してください。';
// minimum sal must be less than the maximum sal
if ($_POST['min_sal'] >= $_POST['max_sal']) {
$errors[] = '給与(最少)は給与(最多)より少ない値を入力してください。';
if (! array_key_exists($_POST['deptno'], $GLOBALS['deptno_choices'])) {
$errors[] = '正しい部門番号を選択してください。';
return $errors;
function process_form() {
// Access the global variable $db inside this function
global $db, $deptno_only;
// build up the query
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM employees WHERE sal >= ? AND sal <= ?';
// if a employee name was submitted, add to the WHERE clause
// we use quoteSmart() and strtr() to prevent user-enter wildcards from working
if (strlen(trim($_POST['ename']))) {
$employee = $db->quote($_POST['ename']);
$employee = strtr($employee, array('_' => '\_', '%' => '\%'));
$sql .= " AND ename LIKE $employee";
// if deptno is "yes" or "no", add appropriate SQL
// (if it's either, we don't need to add deptno to the WHERE clause)
$spicy_choice = $GLOBALS['deptno_choices'][ $_POST['deptno'] ];
if (in_array($spicy_choice, $deptno_only)) {
$sql .= " AND deptno = $spicy_choice";
// $sql .= ' order by e.empno';
// Send the query to the database program and get all the rows back
$sth = $db->prepare($sql);
$result = $sth->execute(array($_POST['min_sal'], $_POST['max_sal']));
$employees = $result->fetchAll();
if (count($employees) == 0) {
print 'No employees matched.';
} else {
print '<table border="">';
print '<tr><th>番号</th><th>従業員名</th><th>読み</th><th>職種</th><th>上司</th><th>入社日</th><th>給与</th><th>歩合</th><th>部門番号</th></tr>';
foreach ($employees as $emp) {
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