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Created January 26, 2017 09:29
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var postTitle = new Array();
var postUrl = new Array();
var postPublished = new Array();
var postDate = new Array();
var postLabels = new Array();
var postRecent = new Array();
var sortBy = "titleasc";
var tocLoaded = false;
var numChars = 250;
var postFilter = "";
var numberfeed = 0;
function bloggersitemap(a) {
function b() {
if ("entry" in a.feed) {
var d = a.feed.entry.length;
numberfeed = d;
ii = 0;
for (var h = 0; h < d; h++) {
var n = a.feed.entry[h];
var e = n.title.$t;
var m = n.published.$t.substring(0, 10);
var j;
for (var g = 0; g <; g++) {
if ([g].rel == "alternate") { j =[g].href;
break } }
var o = "";
for (var g = 0; g <; g++) {
if ([g].rel == "enclosure") { o =[g].href;
break } }
var c = "";
if ("category" in n) {
for (var g = 0; g < n.category.length; g++) { c = n.category[g].term;
var f = c.lastIndexOf(";");
if (f != -1) { c = c.substring(0, f) }
postLabels[ii] = c;
postTitle[ii] = e;
postDate[ii] = m;
postUrl[ii] = j;
postPublished[ii] = o;
if (h < 10) { postRecent[ii] = true } else { postRecent[ii] = false }
ii = ii + 1 } } } } }
sortBy = "titleasc";
tocLoaded = true;
document.write('</br><div class="sitemap-link"><a href="" style="font-size: 10px; text-decoration:none; color: #5146CD;">Get This Widget</a></div>') }
function filterPosts(a) { scroll(0, 0);
postFilter = a;
displayToc(postFilter) }
function allPosts() { sortlabel();
postFilter = "";
displayToc(postFilter) }
function sortPosts(d) {
function c(e, g) {
var f = postTitle[e];
postTitle[e] = postTitle[g];
postTitle[g] = f;
var f = postDate[e];
postDate[e] = postDate[g];
postDate[g] = f;
var f = postUrl[e];
postUrl[e] = postUrl[g];
postUrl[g] = f;
var f = postLabels[e];
postLabels[e] = postLabels[g];
postLabels[g] = f;
var f = postPublished[e];
postPublished[e] = postPublished[g];
postPublished[g] = f;
var f = postRecent[e];
postRecent[e] = postRecent[g];
postRecent[g] = f }
for (var b = 0; b < postTitle.length - 1; b++) {
for (var a = b + 1; a < postTitle.length; a++) {
if (d == "titleasc") {
if (postTitle[b] > postTitle[a]) { c(b, a) } }
if (d == "titledesc") {
if (postTitle[b] < postTitle[a]) { c(b, a) } }
if (d == "dateoldest") {
if (postDate[b] > postDate[a]) { c(b, a) } }
if (d == "datenewest") {
if (postDate[b] < postDate[a]) { c(b, a) } }
if (d == "orderlabel") {
if (postLabels[b] > postLabels[a]) { c(b, a) } } } } }
function sortlabel() { sortBy = "orderlabel";
var a = 0;
var b = 0;
while (b < postTitle.length) { temp1 = postLabels[b];
firsti = a;
do { a = a + 1 } while (postLabels[a] == temp1);
b = a;
sortPosts2(firsti, a);
if (b > postTitle.length) {
break } } }
function sortPosts2(d, c) {
function e(f, h) {
var g = postTitle[f];
postTitle[f] = postTitle[h];
postTitle[h] = g;
var g = postDate[f];
postDate[f] = postDate[h];
postDate[h] = g;
var g = postUrl[f];
postUrl[f] = postUrl[h];
postUrl[h] = g;
var g = postLabels[f];
postLabels[f] = postLabels[h];
postLabels[h] = g;
var g = postPublished[f];
postPublished[f] = postPublished[h];
postPublished[h] = g;
var g = postRecent[f];
postRecent[f] = postRecent[h];
postRecent[h] = g }
for (var b = d; b < c - 1; b++) {
for (var a = b + 1; a < c; a++) {
if (postTitle[b] > postTitle[a]) { e(b, a) } } } }
function displayToc(a) {
var l = 0;
var h = "";
var e = "Post Title";
var m = "Click to sort by title";
var d = "Date";
var k = "Click to sort by date";
var c = "Category";
var j = "";
if (sortBy == "titleasc") { m += " (descending)";
k += " (newest first)" }
if (sortBy == "titledesc") { m += " (ascending)";
k += " (newest first)" }
if (sortBy == "dateoldest") { m += " (ascending)";
k += " (newest first)" }
if (sortBy == "datenewest") { m += " (ascending)";
k += " (oldest first)" }
if (postFilter != "") { j = "Click to view all" }
h += "<table>";
h += "<tr>";
h += '<td class="header1">';
h += '<a href="javascript:toggleTitleSort();" title="' + m + '">' + e + "</a>";
h += "</td>";
h += '<td class="header2">';
h += '<a href="javascript:toggleDateSort();" title="' + k + '">' + d + "</a>";
h += "</td>";
h += '<td class="header3">';
h += '<a href="javascript:allPosts();" title="' + j + '">' + c + "</a>";
h += "</td>";
h += '<td class="header4">';
h += "Read all";
h += "</td>";
h += "</tr>";
for (var g = 0; g < postTitle.length; g++) {
if (a == "") { h += '<tr><td class="entry1"><a href="' + postUrl[g] + '">' + postTitle[g] + '</a></td><td class="entry2">' + postDate[g] + '</td><td class="entry3">' + postLabels[g] + '</td><td class="entry4"><a href="' + postPublished[g] + '">Read</a></td></tr>';
l++ } else { z = postLabels[g].lastIndexOf(a);
if (z != -1) { h += '<tr><td class="entry1"><a href="' + postUrl[g] + '">' + postTitle[g] + '</a></td><td class="entry2">' + postDate[g] + '</td><td class="entry3">' + postLabels[g] + '</td><td class="entry4"><a href="' + postPublished[g] + '">Read</a></td></tr>';
l++ } } }
h += "</table>";
if (l == postTitle.length) {
var f = '<span class="toc-note">Show All ' + postTitle.length + " Posts<br/></span>" } else {
var f = '<span class="toc-note">Show ' + l + " posts by category '";
f += postFilter + "' the " + postTitle.length + " Total Posts<br/></span>" }
var b = document.getElementById("toc");
b.innerHTML = f + h }
function displayToc2() {
var a = 0;
var b = 0;
while (b < postTitle.length) { temp1 = postLabels[b];
document.write('<p class="labels"><a href="/search/label/' + temp1 + '">' + temp1 + "</a></p><ol>");
firsti = a;
do { document.write("<li>");
document.write('<a class="post-titles" href="' + postUrl[a] + '">' + postTitle[a] + "</a>");
if (postRecent[a] == true) { document.write(' - <strong><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">New!</span></strong>') }
a = a + 1 } while (postLabels[a] == temp1);
b = a;
sortPosts2(firsti, a);
if (b > postTitle.length) {
break } } }
function toggleTitleSort() {
if (sortBy == "titleasc") { sortBy = "titledesc" } else { sortBy = "titleasc" }
displayToc(postFilter) }
function toggleDateSort() {
if (sortBy == "datenewest") { sortBy = "dateoldest" } else { sortBy = "datenewest" }
displayToc(postFilter) }
function showToc() {
if (tocLoaded) { displayToc(postFilter);
var a = document.getElementById("toclink") } else { alert("Just wait... TOC is loading") } }
function hideToc() {
var a = document.getElementById("toc");
a.innerHTML = "";
var b = document.getElementById("toclink");
b.innerHTML = '<a href="#" onclick="scroll(0,0); showToc(); Effect.toggle(\'toc-result\',\'blind\');">?? Display Table of Contents</a> <img src=""/>' }
function looptemp2() {
for (var a = 0; a < numberfeed; a++) { document.write("<br>");
document.write('Post Link : <a href="' + postUrl[a] + '">' + postTitle[a] + "</a><br>");
document.write('Read all : <a href="' + postPublished[a] + '">' + postTitle[a] + "</a><br>");
document.write("<br>") } };
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