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Created September 11, 2021 16:42
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틱택토 코틀린
import java.util.Random
* @author kinetic
fun main() {
val board = Array(9) { " " }
var turn = 0 // 0 is human's turn, 1 is computer's turn
println("Tic Tak Toe")
println("사람: X, 컴퓨터: O")
println("-".repeat(15) + "\n")
var n: Int? = -1
/* Try to get input Start */
game@ while (true) {
input@ while (true) {
when (turn) {
/* User Data Input Start*/
0 -> {
print("좌표로 쓰일 정수값(0 ~ 2) 두개를 x y 순서로 입력해주세요. ex) 2 2: ")
// get line by user
val userInput = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toIntOrNull() }
// check input is valid
if (userInput[0] in 0..2 && userInput[1] in 0..2) {
// change 2D coordinate to 1D coordinate
n = userInput[0]!! + userInput[1]!! * 3
} else {
print("잘못된 입력입니다. ")
/* User Data Input End*/
// Random Computer Input
1 -> n = Random().nextInt(9)
if (board[n!!] != " ") {
if (turn == 0) print("이미 입력된 칸입니다, ")
} else break@input
/* Try to get input End */
// Input data to board, 0 is human's turn and 1 is computer's turn
board[n!!] = if (turn == 0) "X" else "O"
/* Print Board Start */
(3 downTo 1).forEach {
println(" ${board[it * 3 - 3]} | ${board[it * 3 - 2]} | ${board[it * 3 - 1]}") // print 1 line of board
if (it in 2..3) println("---|---|---") // print contour between lines
println("\n" + "-".repeat(15) + "\n")
/* Print Board End */
/* Check game is over Start*/
// All bingo cases
val bingo = arrayOf(
intArrayOf(0, 1, 2), intArrayOf(3, 4, 5), intArrayOf(6, 7, 8), // horizontal bingo
intArrayOf(0, 3, 6), intArrayOf(1, 4, 7), intArrayOf(2, 5, 8), // vertical bingo
intArrayOf(0, 4, 8), intArrayOf(2, 4, 6) // diagonal bingo
// Check bingo cases
for (it in bingo) {
if (board[it[0]] in arrayOf("O", "X") && board[it[0]] === board[it[1]] && board[it[1]] === board[it[2]]) {
when (turn) {
0 -> "You won! Congratulation!"
else -> "You lose.. Try again!"
if (board.count { it == " " } == 0) {
/* Check game is over End*/
turn = turn xor 1
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