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Created April 23, 2024 11:42
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Test Plan for Product Listing Page

1. Introduction

  • Objective: The objective of this test plan is to ensure the functionality and usability of the product listing page.
  • Scope: The testing will cover all features and interactions available on the product listing page, including searching, navigation, product actions, pagination, and edge cases.

2. Test Cases

2.1 Product Header Test

  • User Story: As a user, I want to view essential UI elements on the product listing page so that I can easily navigate and interact with the page.

  • Steps:

    1. Navigate to the product listing page.
    2. Verify the presence and layout of UI elements such as the "Product" heading, search input field, and action buttons like "Create a draft" , "Add to Amamzon" or "Import from amazon" depending on the user and "Go to Trash"
  • Expected Result: All essential UI elements are visible and positioned correctly on the page.

2.2 Search Functionality Test

  • User Story: As a user, I want to search for products on the product listing page so that I can quickly find the items I need.
  • Steps:
    1. Enter the name of an existing product in the search field by ASIN and SKU.
    2. Verify that the product appears in the product list.
    3. Enter the name of a non-existent product in the search field.
    4. Verify that appropriate UI showed up for not found.
  • Expected Result: Search returns relevant products and handles non-existent queries appropriately.

2.3 Navigation Test

  • User Story: As a user, I want to navigate to other pages from the product listing page so that I can perform additional actions.

  • Steps:

    1. Click on the "Go to Trash" button .
    2. Verify navigation to the trash page means - ?state=deleted.

    3.1. New User

    - Click on "Add from Amazon" button.
    - We should be navigated to the "setting page" to connect our account with

    3.2. Already Connnected User

    - Click on the "Import from Amazon" button.
    - We should be seeing the loading indicator that our actions is loading
    - We shoule be seeing the percentage status for importing our product
    - We should be seeing toaster message for finished importing product
    1. Click on the "Create a draft" button.
    2. Verify that if could take to you to the draft product page for you to optimize.
  • Expected Result: Navigation actions lead to the intended destinations and action dispatches.

2.4 Product Actions Test

  • User Story: As a user, I want to perform actions on products listed on the page so that I can manage them effectively.
  • Steps:
    1. Click on the "Optimize" button for a product.
    2. Verify navigation to the product editing page.
    3. Click on the "Move to trash" button for a product.
    4. Verify successful deletion and showing toaster for confirmation or product disapearance / moved to trash.
  • Expected Result: Product actions perform their respective functions accurately.

2.5 Pagination Test

  • User Story: As a user, I want to navigate through multiple pages of products so that I can view more items.
  • Steps:
    1. Check if only 20 products are displayed per page if 20+ product exists.
    2. Ensure the pagination disables when there no product.
    3. Navigate to different pages using pagination controls.
  • Expected Result: Pagination controls allow navigation between pages, and the correct number of products is displayed per page.

2.6 Product in trash listing Test

  • User Story: As a user, I want to perform actions on products in the trash so that I can manage them effectively.
  • Steps:
    1. Navigate to the trash page.
    2. Click on the "Restore" button for a product.
    3. Verify successful restoration of the product to the active state.
    4. Click on the "Delete Permanently" button for a product.
    5. Verify successful permanent deletion of the product as toaster or someething like that.
  • Expected Result: Product actions in the trash perform their respective functions accurately.

2.7 Trash Product Header Test

  • User Story: As a user, I want to manage the trash bin to permanently remove products or restore them to the active state.
  • Steps:
    1. Navigate to the trash page.
    2. Click on the "Leave the Trash" button.
    3. Verify navigation back to the product listing page.
    4. Click on the "Empty the Trash" button.
    5. Verify the opening of a confirmation popup.
    6. Confirm the deletion of all products in the trash.
  • Expected Result: Trash management actions perform their respective functions accurately.

2.8 Cross-Browser and Responsive Testing

  • User Story: As a user, I want the product listing page to render correctly on different browsers and devices so that I can access it from anywhere.
  • Steps:
    1. Run tests on different browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari) with a multiple workers.
    2. Test the page layout and functionality on different screen sizes with custom or predefined devices fixtures like using Pixels 7 as standard for android and iPhone 10+ for iphone.
  • Expected Result: The page renders correctly and functions as expected across various browsers and screen sizes.

3. Test Environment

  • Operating System: [Fedore - Linux Distro]
  • Browser: [Specify Browser(s)]
  • Device: [Specify Device(s)]

4. Test Execution

  • Test Results: [Specify Pass/Fail for each test case]


a place for writing any remarks or conclusion for that specific page

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