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Last active November 2, 2020 23:49
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cond-let and cond-let> macros, to leverage bindings between test and result expressions, as well as earlier ones (for cond-let)
(ns cond-let)
;; (cond-let
;; (odd? x) [x n] (inc x)
;; (< n 10) [y (inc n)] 10
;; :else n))
;; we want the above to yield
;; (let [x n]
;; (if (odd? x)
;; (inc x)
;; (let [y (inc n)]
;; (if (< n 10)
;; 10
;; (if :else
;; n
;; (throw ...."no matching clause"))))))
(defmacro cond-let
"Takes ternary clauses which can use bindings visible to both the test
and result expression, as well as all following clauses (except when shadowed);
the last clause which can be binary and follows 'cond semantics.
Each ternary clause can be of the form
text-expr binding-vector result-expr
test-expr :>> result-expr
if there are no new bindings added to the clause
(:>> is an ordinary keyword)
[& clauses]
(let [emit (fn emit [args]
(let [[[pred binds expr :as clause] more]
(split-at 3 args)
n (count args)]
(= n 0) `(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "No matching clause: " ~expr)))
(< n 2) `(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "Must have at least 2 arguments: "
(= n 2)
`(if ~pred
~(second clause)
~(emit more))
(= :>> (second clause))
`(if ~pred
~(emit more))
`(let ~binds
(if ~pred
~(emit more))))))]
(emit clauses)))
;; (cond-let>
;; (odd? x) [x n] (inc x)
;; (even? n) :>> (dec n)
;; (< 10 (+ y z)) [y (inc n) z 80] (* 2 n z)
;; :else n
;; we want the above to yield:
;; (or (let [x n]
;; (when (odd? x)
;; (inc x))
;; (when (even? n)
;; (dec n))))
;; (let [y (inc n) z 80]
;; (when (< 10 (+ y z))
;; (* 2 n z)))
;; (when :else
;; n)
;; (throw..."No matching clause.."))
(defmacro cond-let>
"Same as for cond-let, except bindings are local to each clause only."
[& clauses ]
(let [emit (fn emit [args]
(let [[[pred binds expr :as clause] more]
(split-at 3 args)
n (count args)]
(= n 0) [`(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "No matching clause: " ~expr)))]
(< n 2) [`(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "Must have at least 2 arguments, only got: "
(= n 2)
(cons `(when ~pred
~(second clause))
(emit more))
(= :>> (second clause))
(cons `(when ~pred
~(last clause))
(emit more))
(cons `(let ~binds
(when ~pred
(emit more)))))]
`(or ~@(emit clauses))))
(defn cond-let-sample [n]
(neg? x) [x n] (inc x)
(even? n) :>> (* (quot x n) (dec n))
(< 9 (+ y z)) [y (inc n) z 3] (* 2 n z)
(= 7 (+ y z)) :>> "reused binding from previous clause"
:else n))
(cond-let-sample -3) ;; => -2
(cond-let-sample 34) ;; => 33
(cond-let-sample 7) ;; => 42
(cond-let-sample 3) ;; => 3
(cond-let-sample 3) ;; =? "reused binding from previous clause"
(defn cond-let>-sample [n]
(neg? x) [x n] (inc x)
(even? n) :>> (dec n)
(< 10 (+ y z)) [y (inc n) z 3] (* 2 n z)
:else n)
(cond-let>-sample -3) ;; => -2
(cond-let>-sample 34) ;; => 33
(cond-let>-sample 7) ;; => 42
(cond-let>-sample 3) ;; => 3
;; cond-let> clauses don't nest bindings, uncomment to try:
(odd? x) [x 2] x
(even? x) :>> "even steven" ;; can't reuse higher up bindings!
:else :whatever)
;; => ...Unable to resolve symbol: x in this context
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KingCode commented Nov 2, 2020

Changes (November 2 2020):

  1. Bug-fix: for both macros, the throw clause for insufficient arguments was itself throwing because of evaluating the input clause as a list when reporting.
  2. The implementation of cond-let> now uses local let forms instead of inline functions, at @miikka 's suggestion, which is more aligned with the name of the macro. (This is transparent to the user). This takes actually less code than the inline version!

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