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Last active July 6, 2019 18:14
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Experimentation with Lift' on ContT
runReaderInMonadReader :: (Member (Lift' m) r, MonadReader i m)
=> Sem (Reader i ': r) a
-> Sem r a
runReaderInMonadReader (Sem sem) = sem $ \u -> case decomp u of
Right (Yo e s wv ex _) -> case e of
Ask -> ex . (<$ s) <$> sendM' Control.Monad.Reader.ask
Local f m -> fmap ex $ withWeaving $ \s' wv' _ ->
(wv' ( runReaderInMonadReader (wv (m <$ s)) <$ s'))
Left g -> liftSem $ hoist runReaderInMonadReader g
-- Way too janky. Plays badly with MonadState's that can fail.
runWriterInMonadState :: (Monoid s, Member (Lift' m) r, MonadState s m)
=> Sem (Writer s ': r) a
-> Sem r a
runWriterInMonadState = interpretH $ \case
Tell o -> do
a <- sendM' $ Control.Monad.State.modify (<> o)
pureT a
Listen m -> do
s <- sendM' $ Control.Monad.State.state (\s -> (s, mempty))
m' <- runT m
res <- raise $ runWriterInMonadState m'
s' <- sendM' $ Control.Monad.State.state (\s' -> (s', s <> s'))
return ((,) s' <$> res)
Censor f m -> do
s <- sendM' $ Control.Monad.State.state (\s -> (s, mempty))
m' <- runT m
res <- raise $ runWriterInMonadState m'
sendM' $ Control.Monad.State.modify (\s' -> s <> f s')
return res
callCC' :: Member (Lift' (ContT s m)) r
=> ((forall b. a -> Sem r b) -> Sem r a)
-> Sem r a
callCC' cc = withWeaving $ \s wv _ ->
ContT $ \c ->
(wv $
cc (\a -> sendM' . ContT $ \_ -> c (a <$ s))
<$ s)
shift' :: (Monad m, Member (Lift' (ContT (Maybe s) m)) r)
=> ((a -> Sem r (Maybe s)) -> Sem r (Maybe s))
-> Sem r a
shift' cc = withWeaving $ \s wv ins ->
ContT $ \c ->
(wv $
cc (\a -> sendM' . ContT $ \c' -> c (a <$ s) >>= c')
<$ s)
(pure . join . ins)
test1 :: IO (Int, String)
test1 =
(`runStateT` mempty)
. (`runReaderT` 1)
. (`runContT` pure)
. runM'
. runWriterInMonadState
. runReaderInMonadReader $ do
tell "abra
callCC' $ \c ->
local (+1) $ censor (\_ -> "") (c ())
i <- ask
tell "hadabra"
return i
-- test1 == (2, "hadabra")
-- This is runWriterInMonadState's fault, not callCC'.
test2 :: IO (Maybe Int, String)
test2 =
(`runStateT` mempty)
. (`runReaderT` 1)
. (`runContT` pure)
. runM'
. runWriterInMonadState
. runReaderInMonadReader $ do
tell "abra"
shift' $ \c ->
local (+1) $ censor (\_ -> "") (c ())
i <- ask
tell "hadabra"
return (Just i)
-- test2 == (Just 2, "abra")
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