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Last active November 15, 2018 20:42
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The monad-to-comonad transformer
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, GADTs #-}
module Mo where
import Control.Comonad
import Control.Comonad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad
The monad-to-comonad transformer.
Originally, Mo was defined as the simpler (and isomorphic):
data Mo m w a where
Mo :: (w (m r) -> a) -> w r -> Mo m w a
The current version modifies this by lifting "w (m r)" to its Coyoneda variant,
which prevents a "Functor w" constraint on Mo's Comonad instance, as well as making the methods themselves be more efficient.
I've also managed to sketch out a solid proof that Mo is a comonad for Coyoneda version. For the "simplified" variant above,
I was only able to do so by assuming a sketchy, non-obvious law.
Credit goes to /u/davidfeuer on Reddit for creating the Coyoneda variant of Mo:
-- Mo becomes a lot more interesting when you don't have w ~ Identity,
-- because (Mo m Identity a) is just isomorphic to (m () -> a)
-- This is why Mo isn't called MoT, and a type synonym "Mo m = MoT m Identity" doesn't exist.
data Mo m w a where
Mo :: (forall b. (b -> m r) -> w b -> a) -> w r -> Mo m w a
-- A simpler way to create a mo. Makes use of the original definition.
mo' :: Functor w => (w (m r) -> a) -> w r -> Mo m w a
mo' ext = Mo ((ext .) . fmap)
-- These instances for the Coyoneda version of Mo were defined by /u/davidfeuer. Props to him!
instance Functor (Mo m w) where
fmap f (Mo ext wr) = Mo ((f .) . ext) wr
instance Monad m => Comonad (Mo m w) where
extract (Mo ext wr) = ext pure wr
duplicate (Mo ext wr) = Mo (\bmr -> Mo (\q -> ext (q >=> bmr))) wr
extend f (Mo ext wr) = Mo (\bmr -> f . Mo (\q -> ext (q >=> bmr))) wr
instance Applicative m => ComonadTrans (Mo m) where
lower (Mo ext wr) = extend (ext pure) wr
Proof that (Mo m w) is a Comonad.
extract . duplicate === id
extract (duplicate (Mo ext wr)) === extract $ Mo (\bmr -> Mo (\q -> ext (q >=> bmr))) wr
-- definition of extract
=== (\bmr -> Mo (\q -> ext (q >=> bmr))) pure wr
-- apply bmr => pure
=== Mo (\q -> ext (q >=> pure)) wr
-- (>=> pure) === id
=== Mo (\q -> ext q) wr
-- eta reduction
=== Mo ext wr
fmap extract . duplicate === id
fmap extract (duplicate (Mo ext wr)) === fmap extract $ Mo (\bmr -> Mo (\q -> ext (q >=> bmr))) wr
-- definition of fmap
=== Mo (\bmr -> extract . Mo (\q -> ext (q >=> bmr))) wr
-- eta abstraction
=== Mo (\bmr wb -> extract $ Mo (\q -> ext (q >=> bmr)) wb) wr
-- definition of extract
=== Mo (\bmr wb -> (\q -> ext (q >=> bmr)) pure wb) wr
-- apply q => pure
=== Mo (\bmr wb -> ext (pure >=> bmr) wb) wr
-- (pure >=>) === id
=== Mo (\bmr wb -> ext bmr wb) wr
-- eta reduction
=== Mo ext wr
duplicate . duplicate === fmap duplicate . duplicate
duplicate (duplicate (Mo ext wr)) === duplicate $ Mo (\bmr -> Mo (\q -> ext (q >=> bmr))) wr
-- definition of duplicate.
=== Mo (\bmr' -> Mo (\q' -> (\bmr -> Mo (\q -> ext (q >=> bmr))) (q' >=> bmr'))) wr
-- apply bmr => (q' >=> bmr')
=== Mo (\bmr' -> Mo (\q' -> Mo (\q -> ext (q >=> (q' >=> bmr'))))) wr
-- a >=> (b >=> c) === (a >=> b) >=> c
=== Mo (\bmr' -> Mo (\q' -> Mo (\q -> ext (q >=> q' >=> bmr')))) wr
-- rename bmr' to bmr
=== Mo (\bmr -> Mo (\q' -> Mo (\q -> ext (q >=> q' >=> bmr)))) wr
fmap duplicate (duplicate (Mo ext wr)) === fmap duplicate $ Mo (\bmr -> Mo (\q -> ext (q >=> bmr))) wr
-- definition of fmap
=== Mo (\bmr -> duplicate . Mo (\q -> ext (q >=> bmr))) wr
-- eta abstraction
=== Mo (\bmr wb -> duplicate $ Mo (\q -> ext (q >=> bmr)) wb) wr
-- definition of duplicate
=== Mo (\bmr wb -> Mo (\bmr' -> Mo (\q' -> (\q -> ext (q >=> bmr)) (q' >=> bmr'))) wb) wr
-- apply q => (q' >=> bmr')
=== Mo (\bmr wb -> Mo (\bmr' -> Mo (\q' -> ext ((q' >=> bmr') >=> bmr))) wb) wr
-- (a >=> b) >=> c === a >=> (b >=> c)
=== Mo (\bmr wb -> Mo (\bmr' -> Mo (\q' -> ext (q' >=> bmr' >=> bmr))) wb) wr
-- eta reduction
=== Mo (\bmr -> Mo (\bmr' -> Mo (\q' -> ext (q' >=> bmr' >=> bmr)))) wr
-- rename q' to q. rename bmr' to q'.
=== Mo (\bmr -> Mo (\q' -> Mo (\q -> ext (q >=> q' >=> bmr)))) wr
-- This doesn't really need to exist. It's equivalent to (fmap (join . extract) . liftMo')
liftMo :: (Monad m, Comonad w) => w (m a) -> Mo m w (m a)
liftMo = Mo (\q -> join . q . extract)
-- More general than liftMo.
liftMo' :: Functor w => w a -> Mo m w (w (m a))
liftMo' = Mo fmap
runMo :: Mo m w a -> (forall r. w r -> w (m r)) -> a
runMo (Mo ext wr) f = ext id (f wr)
study' :: Mo m w a -> (forall r. w r -> b) -> b
study' (Mo _ wr) f = f wr
study :: Functor w => Mo m w a -> w ()
study = (`study'` void)
-- I'm honestly not sure if there's any difference between these two in practice.
(<|) :: Monad m => (forall r. w r -> w (m r)) -> Mo m w a -> Mo m w a
m <| mo = extend (`runMo` m) mo
(|>) :: Monad m => Mo m w a -> (forall r. w r -> w (m r)) -> Mo m w a
mo |> m = runMo (duplicate mo) m
appendLine :: (String -> r) -> String -> IO r
appendLine f s = do
toAppend <- getLine
return $ f (s ++ toAppend)
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
:: ((->) String) (IO ())
liftMo putStrLn :: Mo IO ((->) String) (IO ())
example :: IO ()
example = extract $ liftMo putStrLn |> appendLine |> appendLine |> appendLine |> appendLine |> appendLine
*Mo> example
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