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Last active November 23, 2018 18:12
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{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia, StandaloneDeriving, PolyKinds, RankNTypes #-}
module DerivingViaPolyKinds where
class Foo (f :: k -> *)
newtype Bar (f :: k -> *) (a :: k) = Bar (f a)
-- deriving Foo via f -- Works
-- Standalone deriving instances only work if you instantiate the polykinded variable:
-- deriving via (f :: * -> *) instance Foo f => Foo (Bar f)
-- deriving via (f :: (* -> *) -> *) instance Foo f => Foo (Bar f)
-- None of these work:
deriving via f instance Foo f => Foo (Bar f)
deriving via (f :: k -> *) instance Foo f => Foo (Bar f)
deriving via (f :: k -> *) instance Foo (f :: k -> *) => Foo (Bar f)
deriving via (f :: k -> *) instance Foo f => Foo (Bar (f :: k -> *))
deriving via (f :: k -> *) instance Foo (f :: k -> *) => Foo (Bar f :: k -> *)
deriving via f instance Foo (f :: k -> *) => Foo (Bar f)
deriving via f instance Foo (f :: k -> *) => Foo (Bar f :: k -> *)
forall-ing won't help.
forall k. on the LHS interprets it as an RankNType
forall k. on the RHS interprets it a universally quantified variable free from the LHS.
deriving via (forall k. f :: k -> *) instance Foo (f :: k -> *) => Foo (Bar f :: k -> *)
deriving via (forall k. f :: k -> *) instance Foo f => Foo (Bar f)
deriving via (forall f k. f :: k -> *) instance Foo (f :: k -> *) => Foo (Bar f :: k -> *)
deriving via (forall f k. f :: k -> *) instance Foo f => Foo (Bar f)
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