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Last active January 24, 2019 09:21
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The Cofree Traversable
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RankNTypes, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, StandaloneDeriving, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module CofreeTraversable where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Coerce
import Unsafe.Coerce
The Cofree Traversable of 'f' is a functor 'CFT f' such that
- There exists the natural transformation 'CFT f ~> f'
- Given a natural transformation 't ~> f', where 't' is Traversable,
you can get a traversable homomorphism 't ~> CFT f'
A traversable homomorphism, which I just made up, is a natural transformation
(Traversable f, Traversable g) => (forall x. f x -> g x)
such that for all ta, f:
nat <$> traverse f ta == traverse f (nat ta)
Intuitively, this means that the natural transformation preserves the elements of the traversable and their order.
A potential use for this construction is to (in practice) create a "local" Traversable instance for a particular value of a functor 'f a'
by using fromTraversal (converting it back using fromCFT when needed.)
type Traversal s t a b = forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
-- Final Encoding --
data CFTFinal f a where
CFTFinal :: Traversable t => (forall x. t x -> f x) -> t a -> CFTFinal f a
deriving instance Functor (CFTFinal f)
deriving instance Foldable (CFTFinal f)
instance Traversable (CFTFinal f) where
traverse f (CFTFinal nat ta) = CFTFinal nat <$> traverse f ta
toCFTFinal :: Traversable f => f a -> CFTFinal f a
toCFTFinal = CFTFinal id
fromCFTFinal :: CFTFinal f a -> f a
fromCFTFinal (CFTFinal nat ta) = nat ta
-- fromTraversalFinal is forced to use some other representation of the Cofree Traversable. Is there some way to fix that?
-- 'tr' does not need to be a legal traversal for the resulting 'CFTFinal f' to be a legal traversable, but if it is, you
-- get some nice properties, like:
-- fromCFTFinal . fromTraversalFinal tr == id
fromTraversalFinal :: (forall b. Traversal (f a) (f b) a b) -> f a -> CFTFinal f a
fromTraversalFinal tr ta = CFTFinal fromCFTBazaar (fromTraversalBazaar tr ta)
-- Given a natural transformation from a traversable 't' to 'f', you get a traversable homomorphism from 't' to 'CFTFinal f'
unfoldCFTFinal :: Traversable t => (forall x. t x -> f x) -> t a -> CFTFinal f a
unfoldCFTFinal = CFTFinal
hoistCFTFinal :: (forall x. f x -> g x) -> CFTFinal f a -> CFTFinal g a
hoistCFTFinal nat (CFTFinal nat' ta) = CFTFinal (nat . nat') ta
-- FunList encoding --
data FunList a b t
= Done t
| More a (FunList a b (b -> t))
deriving (Functor)
fpure :: a -> FunList a b b
fpure a = More a (Done id)
fextract :: FunList a a t -> t
fextract (Done t) = t
fextract (More a r) = fextract r a
instance Applicative (FunList a b) where
pure = Done
Done f <*> fa = fmap f fa
More a r <*> fa = More a (liftA2 flip r fa)
newtype CFTFunList f a = CFTFunList { runCFTFunList :: forall b. FunList a b (f b) }
instance Functor (CFTFunList f) where
fmap = fmapDefault
instance Foldable (CFTFunList f) where
foldMap = foldMapDefault
endof :: FunList a b (b -> r b) -> FunList a b (EndoF r b)
endof = coerce
unendof :: forall a r b. (FunList a b (EndoF r b)) -> FunList a b (b -> r b)
unendof = coerce
newtype EndoF f a = EndoF { runEndoF :: a -> f a }
-- This instance is a convoluted mess, but shows that a Traversable instance really is possible without unsafeCoerce for this representation.
-- Of course, you can use the same method CFTBazaar uses instead.
instance Traversable (CFTFunList f) where
traverse (f :: a -> g b) ft = go CFTFunList (runCFTFunList ft)
-- Pattern matching on (forall x. FunList a x (t x)) instantiates the x
-- to (some ambiguous) variable, rather than preserving the quantification.
-- These functions are a workaround for that.
_done :: FunList x y t -> t
_done ~(Done t) = t
_more :: FunList x y t -> FunList x y (y -> t)
_more ~(More _ r) = r
go :: ((forall x. FunList b x (r x)) -> h b) -> (forall x. FunList a x (r x)) -> g (h b)
go t g = case g of
Done _ -> pure (t (Done (_done g)))
More a _ -> liftA2 (\a' f' -> (coerce f') a') (f a) (go (\r -> EndoF $ \x -> t (More x (unendof r))) (endof (_more g)))
fromCFTFunList :: CFTFunList f a -> f a
fromCFTFunList cft = fextract (runCFTFunList cft)
toCFTFunList :: Traversable f => f a -> CFTFunList f a
toCFTFunList ta = CFTFunList (traverse fpure ta)
-- | Given a natural transformation from a traversable 't' to 'f', you get a traversable homomorphism from 't' to 'CFTFunList f'
unfoldCFTFunList :: Traversable t => (forall x. t x -> f x) -> t a -> CFTFunList f a
unfoldCFTFunList nat ta = CFTFunList (nat <$> traverse fpure ta)
hoistCFTFunList :: (forall x. f x -> g x) -> CFTFunList f a -> CFTFunList g a
hoistCFTFunList nat (CFTFunList ft) = CFTFunList (fmap nat ft)
-- Bazaar encoding --
newtype Bazaar a b t = Bazaar { runBazaar :: forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> f t }
deriving (Functor)
bpure :: a -> Bazaar a b b
bpure a = Bazaar (\c -> c a)
bextract :: Bazaar a a t -> t
bextract baz = runIdentity (runBazaar baz Identity)
instance Applicative (Bazaar a b) where
pure a = Bazaar $ \_ -> pure a
ff <*> fa = Bazaar $ \c -> runBazaar ff c <*> runBazaar fa c
newtype CFTBazaar f a = CFTBazaar { runCFTBazaar :: forall g b. Applicative g => (a -> g b) -> g (f b) }
deriving (Functor)
instance Foldable (CFTBazaar f) where
foldMap (f :: a -> m) bz = getConst (runCFTBazaar bz (coerce f :: a -> Const m b))
instance Traversable (CFTBazaar f) where
traverse (f :: a -> g b) bz = conversion $ getCompose $ runCFTBazaar bz (Compose . fmap bpure . f)
conversion :: (forall x. g (Bazaar b x (f x))) -> g (CFTBazaar f b)
conversion (g :: g (Bazaar b x (f x))) = (unsafeCoerce :: Bazaar b x (f x) -> CFTBazaar f b) <$> g
-- Lack of impredicative types makes unsafeCoerce necessary.
-- I'm 90% sure that parametricity means that the unsafeCoerce is safe in this context, even with GADTs,
-- since GADTs can't use type-specialized constructors for a fmap.
-- It would be nice not to need it though.
toCFTBazaar :: Traversable f => f a -> CFTBazaar f a
toCFTBazaar fa = CFTBazaar (`traverse` fa)
fromCFTBazaar :: CFTBazaar f a -> f a
fromCFTBazaar baz = runIdentity (runCFTBazaar baz Identity)
fromTraversalBazaar :: (forall b. Traversal (f a) (f b) a b) -> f a -> CFTBazaar f a
fromTraversalBazaar tr ta = CFTBazaar (`tr` ta)
-- Given a natural transformation from a traversable 't' to 'f', you get a traversable homomorphism from 't' to 'CFTBazaar f'
unfoldCFTBazaar :: Traversable t => (forall x. t x -> f x) -> t a -> CFTBazaar f a
unfoldCFTBazaar nat ta = CFTBazaar $ \c -> nat <$> traverse c ta
hoistCFTBazaar :: (forall x. f x -> g x) -> CFTBazaar f a -> CFTBazaar g a
hoistCFTBazaar nat bz = CFTBazaar $ \c -> nat <$> runCFTBazaar bz c
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