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EE4 People - filter out all but current user's people (with bypass for admins), also show only people of that type in each type's metabox
* This is a custom template for people metabox content on the EE CPT page.
* Template Args available are:
* @type $people_type EE_Term_Taxonomy people type taxonomy term object
* @type $type EE_Term Term being displayed.
* @type $people EE_Person[] All the published people from the db (@todo need to do paging/filtering here)
* @type $assigned_people EE_Person[] Currently assigned persons for this display.
* @type $create_person_link string URL to create a new person.
<div id="cpt_to_people_container_<?php echo $people_type->get('term_taxonomy_id'); ?>">
<p class="description"><?php echo $people_type->get('description'); ?></p>
<?php if ( empty( $people ) ) { ?>
<?php printf( __( 'There are no people in the system. Go ahead and %screate one now%s.', 'event_espresso' ), '<a href="' . $create_person_link . '" target="_blank">', '</a>' ); ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<table class="people-to-cpt-table">
<th><?php _e('Order', 'event_espresso'); ?></th>
$assigned_people_ids = array();
$order_count = 0;
$row_count = 0;
$current_user = get_current_user_id();
$admin_roles = array('Administrator', 'custom_role');
// Get the term associated with the current metabox
$tax_id = $people_type->get('term_taxonomy_id');
// Get array of people listed in that term
$term_people = get_objects_in_term( $tax_id, 'espresso_people_type' );
// First we do the currently assigned people and list first.
foreach ( $assigned_people as $assigned_person ) {
<label class="selectit">
<input value="<?php echo $assigned_person->ID(); ?>" type="checkbox" name="people_to_cpt[<?php echo $tax_id; ?>][<?php echo $row_count; ?>][PER_ID]" id="people-to-cpt-<?php echo $tax_id; ?>" checked="checked"> <?php echo $assigned_person->full_name(); ?>
<input class="PER_order" id="people-to-cpt-order-<?php echo $tax_id; ?>" value="<?php echo $order_count; ?>" type="text" name="people_to_cpt[<?php echo $tax_id; ?>][<?php echo $row_count; ?>][PER_order]">
<?php $assigned_people_ids[] = $assigned_person->ID(); $order_count++; $row_count++; } ?>
// Next we loop through ALL people
foreach ( $people as $person ) {
// Find author of person
$author = $person->wp_user();
$per_id = $person->ID();
// Grab list of terms associated with the person
$per_terms = get_the_terms( $per_id, 'espresso_people_type' );
// Show all people in each type for admins
// This shouldn't be a role name, but it depends on what capabilities you've set for other roles
// current_user_can('administrator') check works for most, but not all of cases
if( current_user_can('administrator') ){
if( !in_array( $per_id, $assigned_people_ids) && in_array( $per_id, $term_people) ) { ?>
<label class="selectit">
<input value="<?php echo $per_id; ?>" type="checkbox" name="people_to_cpt[<?php echo $tax_id; ?>][<?php echo $row_count; ?>][PER_ID]" id="people-to-cpt-<?php echo $tax_id; ?>"> <?php echo $person->full_name(); ?>
<input class="PER_order" id="people-to-cpt-order-<?php echo $tax_id; ?>" value="" type="text" name="people_to_cpt[<?php echo $tax_id; ?>][<?php echo $row_count; ?>][PER_order]">
// Display for everyone else
} else {
// If person is not already associated AND person is created by the current user AND person is in the current term's array
if ( !in_array( $per_id, $assigned_people_ids ) && $author == $current_user && in_array( $per_id, $term_people) ) { ?>
<label class="selectit">
<input value="<?php echo $per_id; ?>" type="checkbox" name="people_to_cpt[<?php echo $tax_id; ?>][<?php echo $row_count; ?>][PER_ID]" id="people-to-cpt-<?php echo $tax_id; ?>"> <?php echo $person->full_name(); ?>
<input class="PER_order" id="people-to-cpt-order-<?php echo $tax_id; ?>" value="" type="text" name="people_to_cpt[<?php echo $tax_id; ?>][<?php echo $row_count; ?>][PER_order]">
<?php } }
} ?>
<?php } ?>
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