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Created November 3, 2016 03:49
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A plugin pattern for creating plugins in RPGMaker MV
// PluginPattern.js
* @author Plugin Author Name
* @plugindesc The description of my plugin.
* @param Example Param 1
* @desc A descrtion for a parameter for my plugin.
* @default 400
* @param Example Param 2
* @desc A description of my second param which is a string
* @default Example Test
* @help
* This is where you put the help information for your plugin.
// Contact Information
* Contact me via twitter: EISKino, or on the rpg maker forums.
* Username on forums: Kino.
* Forum Link:
* Website Link:
* Twitter Link:
* Patreon Link:
* Hope this plugin pattern helps, and enjoy!
* --Kino
//Namespace for any code you create; replace this with your own name
const MyNameSpace = MyNameSpace || {};
//Create a new namespace for plugins
MyNameSpace.Plugins = MyNameSpace.Plugins || {};
//Helpers for Utility Functions or for developer uses
MyNameSpace.Helpers = MyNameSpace.Helpers || {};
(function($) {
// PluginManager Parameters
//Registers the Plugin for use
var parameters = PluginManager.parameters("PluginPattern");
//A place that holds all the parameters from your plugin params above
const PluginPatternParams = {
ExampleParam1: Number(parameters['Example Param 1']),
ExampleParam2: String(parameters['Example Param 2'])
$.Plugins.Plugin1 = function($) {
//This use strict keyword helps you write better code
//it catches more possible errors in the code.
'use strict';
//This is where you write your own code.
//Write whatever you want for your plugins.
// Public API / Exports
//These are functions that you can access through your namespace
//Example Access: MyNameSpace.Helpers.helper1("Hello World"); //Prints "Hello World" to the console
$.Helpers.helper1 = function(Text) {
$.Helpers.helper2 = function() {
console.log(PluginPatternParams.ExampleParam2); //Example Test
//Run All Plugin Code
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