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Created August 31, 2021 22:05
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Advanced Example of the power of Struct Init
//Test it out here:
class Test {
public static function main() {
// Uncomment this and see what happens
// var firstUser:Person = {
// name: 'Tim'
// };
// trace(;
var user:Test2 = {
name: 'Tim'
class Person {
public var age:Int = 30;
public var name:String = '';
public var color:String = '';
public var eyes:Int = 0;
// Try commenting out this function and see what happens
public function new(?color:String, ?eyes:Int) {
// do stuff like set private defaults
@:structInit class Test2 {
public var name:String;
var age:Int = 30;
// public function new(name:String, age:Int) {
// = name;
// this.age = age;
// }
public function greet()
trace('Hello, I\'m $name, and I\'m $age years old!');
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KinoAR commented Aug 31, 2021

You can test out the code above right here:

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