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Created January 10, 2018 15:44
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A list of all the commands available to the user in the vn plugin.
// Script Calls
* Namespace: Lucia or $luc. You can use them interchangeably.
* Lucia.textLog(); or $luc.textLog();
* Opens the text log scene.
* Lucia.showVNCommands(true/false);
* Shows or hides the visual novel command window.
* Example: Lucia.showVNCommands(true); //Shows the visual novel command window.
* $luc.showVNCommands(false); //Hides the visual novel command window.
* Lucia.fullScreenMode(true/false);
* Makes the message window full screen.
* Example: Lucia.fullScreenMode(true); //Makes the message window full screen.
* $luc.fullScreenMode(false); //Returns message window to original size.
* Lucia.screenShotMode(true/false);
* Hides all the windows on the screen from view.
* Example: Lucia.screenShotMode(true); //Hides all the windows.
* $luc.screenShotMode(false); //Shows all the windows again.
* Lucia.changeBackground(backgroundName);
* Changes the background to the specified image; the background will fade in.
* Example: Lucia.changeBackground(...);
* Lucia.hideBackground(true/false);
* Hides the background picture display on screen from view.
* Example: Lucia.hideBackground(true/); //Hides the background.
* $luc.hideBackground(false); //Reveals the background.
* Lucia.fadeOutBackground(speed);
* Fades out the background at a speed between 1 and 100.
* Example: Lucia.fadeOutBackground(10);
* Lucia.fadeInBackground(speed);
* Fades in the background at a speed between 1 and 100.
* Example: Lucia.fadeInBackground(10);
* Lucia.alignNameWindow(orientation);
* Moves then ame window to the left or right of the message box.
* Example: Lucia.alignNameWindow('right');
* Lucia.showPicture(boolean, path);
* Shows a picture in the new picture window.
* Example: Lucia.showPicture(true, "img/pictures/Translucent")
* To close the window: Lucia.showPicture(false);
* Lucia.sendMessage(message, faceName, faceIndex);
* Sends a message to the message window with the desired text
* and face graphic.
* Example:
* Lucia.sendMessage(`This text
* Needs to have
* line breaks
* In order to
* Show the power of my new plugin ~~`, "Actor1" , 2);
* Lucia.addChar(name, imagePath, position)
* Adds a bust graphic to the screen anchored to a position on
* the message window. Positions are: left, center, and right.
* Example:
* Lucia.addCharacter("Sue", "img/pictures/KinoZoeCloseUpNoGlass", "right")
* Lucia.addCharFrom(name, imagePath, startPosition, endPosition);
* Adds a bust graphic to the screen anchored to the position of
* the message window. The bust slides in from the off screen positions
* of left or right; end positions are: left center, and right.
* Example:
* Lucia.
* addCharFrom("Sue", "img/pictures/KinoZoeCloseUpNoGlass", "left", "right")
* Lucia.addCharByIndex(index, startPosition, endPosition);
* Adds a bust graphic to the screen at the specified position.
* Similar to addChar.
* Example: Lucia.addCharByIndexFrom(1, "left");
* Lucia.addCharByIndexFrom(index, startPosition, endPosition);
* Adds a bust graphic to the screen from the character list in the plugin
* parameters. Similar to addCharFrom.
* Example: Lucia.addCharByIndexFrom(1, "left", "right");
* Lucia.removeChar(name);
* Removes the bust graphic from the screen immediately.
* Example: Lucia.removeChar("Moemi");
* Lucia.charLeave(name, position);
* Has the bust graphic leave the scene from left or right.
* Example: Lucia.charLeave("Moemi", "right");
* Lucia.charLeaveByIndex(index, position);
* Has the bust graphic leave the scene from left or right.
* Example: Lucia.charLeaveByIndex(1, "left");
// Plugin Commands
* Note: Plugin commands mirror script calls in their parameters so see above
* if you're lost.
* fullScreen true/false
* Shows the message window in full screen or regular mode.
* screenShot true/false
* Shows/hides all the windows and simply displays the backdrop and characters.
* textLog
* Shows the text log scene.
* showVNCommands true/false
* Shows the visual novel command window with things such as log, win, etc.
* hideBackground true/false
* Shows or hides the background which contains the backdrop for the VN scenes.
* fadeInBackground speed
* Fades in the background; speed must be between 1 and 100.
* Example: fadeInBackground 25
* fadeOutBackground speed
* Fades out the background; speed msut be between 1 and 100.
* Example: fadeOutBackground 10
* hideForeground true/false
* Shows or hides the foreground which contains the character for the VN scenes.
* fadeInForeground
* Fades in the foreground that contains characters/busts.
* fadeOutForeground
* Fades out the foreground that contains characters/busts.
* showPicture true/false pictureName
* Shows a picture in the picture window.
* Example: showPicture true img/pictures/Translucent
* alignNameWindow position
* Aligns the name window to the left or right side of the
* message window.
* Example: alignNameWindow left
* addChar name, imagePath, position
* Example addChar Moemi img/pictures/KinoZoeCloseUpNoGlass left
* addCharFrom name, imagePath, startPosition, endPosition
* Example: addCharFrom Moemi img/pictures/KinoZoeCloseUpNoGlass left right
* addCharByIndex index, position
* Example: addCharByIndex 1 left
* addCharByIndexFrom index, startPosition, endPosition
* Example: addCharByIndexFrom 1 left right
* removeChar name
* Example: removeChar Moemi
* charLeave name position
* Example: charLeave Moemi left
* charLeaveByIndex index position
* Example: charLeaveByIndex 1 left
// Text Codes
* \VNC[number]
* Shows the name of a character in the character list
* within the name window.
* Example: \VNC[1]
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