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Kino KinoAR

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KinoAR / TemplateLiterals.js
Last active October 16, 2016 17:25
An example of template literals syntax vs ES5 strings for Endless Illusion Software ES6 features tutorial.
//Template Literals
//Multiline Strings
var es5string = "Hello sir, welcome to our store, I'm sure you've had"
+ "\na tough day sir."
+ "\nDon't worry, we can still help you!";
// Classes
// Introduction
* Classes are a way to bundle similar functionality for a specified object.
// Block Scoped Variables
//Variable Types
KinoAR / Symbols.js
Last active October 31, 2016 14:33
A gist for my symbols tutorial for RPGMaker MV
// Symbols
//Creating Local Symbol
var localSymbol = Symbol("My Symbol");
//Creating Global Symbol
var mySymbol2 = Symbol.for("My Symbol2");
KinoAR / Strings.js
Last active November 1, 2016 04:45
// Strings
//String Examples
//String Literals
//Double quotes
KinoAR / PluginPattern.js
Created November 3, 2016 03:49
A plugin pattern for creating plugins in RPGMaker MV
// PluginPattern.js
* @author Plugin Author Name
* @plugindesc The description of my plugin.
KinoAR / Librarium.json
Last active November 6, 2016 20:17
A basic JSON template for the EISLibrarium RPGMAKER MV Plugin
"title": "A Testing Guide",
"pages": [
"pageNumber": 1,
"pageText": "This is the first page.\\TX[Dic-Anime]"
"pageNumber": 2,
KinoAR / ObserverPattern.js
Created November 8, 2016 16:51
RPGMakerMV pattern for observing changes to player inventory.
// Observer Pattern
//This creates an observer in RPGMaker MV
//This is an example of checking whether an item exists on an observer
(function() {
KinoAR /
Last active September 9, 2017 02:38
A text file containing the script calls for the EISAchievements plugin.



This plugin allows you to create, and monitor achievements in your game. You can view each achievement, apply masks, and give the player rewards upon completing one using common events.

On PlayTesting for the first time an achievement file will be generated. The file will contain a single achievement with an example of the structure. To reset your achievements, simply delete the achievements.json file.

KinoAR / SocialSystem.txt
Created November 18, 2016 03:49
SocialSystem Help
// Introduction
* This plugin allows you to create a social system in-game.
* It stores the information on contacts on a map, and generates
* a list of contacts / people.
// Notetags