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samuel-davis / Convert Tensorflow SavedModel to WebModel for TF-JS
Last active May 7, 2021 02:49
Convert a Tensorflow Object Detection SavedModel to a Web Model For TensorflowJS
#Currently within the Tensorflow ecosystem there is a ton of confusing similar words.
#Maybe this is because of my own understanding and is not due to their naming.
#Regardless I struggled making this work, so I #figured I would write a Gist.
# Firstly we are trying to convert a previously created Tensorflow frozen graph or checkpoint files.
# Specifically I wanted to #convert some of the Tensorflow Object Detection API models.
# We already have a SavedModel in the download from the object detection model zoo.
# If you need to get a SavedModel from your own trained Object Detection Model, you will need to export it using the script
# provided by the object_detection module. The python script is called exporter. It is not that well documented, but if you