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Last active July 30, 2019 02:35
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  • Save Kiran01bm/42c60f686df838232bedfef6d22ec899 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Kiran01bm/42c60f686df838232bedfef6d22ec899 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
NPM Repo Auth


  1. You have created the private, public and virtual NPM repos and associated blob stores.
  2. Created a user with access to be able to read and publish to npm repo
  3. You have added a npm bearer token realm to be able to do publish. Publish requires user authentication and realm config on server. Note: The default realm that is applied is called the Local Authentication and Local Authorization realm. They allow the repository manager to manage security setup without additional external systems.
  4. No npmrc to begin with, If you have one then rename it before going ahead.
~/Documents/GIT/project/temp/tulsi-node on  master! ⌚ 13:48:15
$ cat ~/.npmrc
cat: /Users/kiran/.npmrc: No such file or directory


To allow self-signed certificate. Note: Ideally you should do - npm config set cafile ~/Downloads/nexusCACert.pem

~/Documents/GIT/project/temp/tulsi-node on  master! ⌚ 13:48:17
$ npm config set strict-ssl false

Set registry to point to your private repo

~/Documents/GIT/project/temp/tulsi-node on  master! ⌚ 13:48:23
$ npm config set registry

Check the ~/.npmrc file

~/Documents/GIT/project/temp/tulsi-node on  master! ⌚ 13:48:41
$ cat ~/.npmrc

Set Email for admin:

~/Documents/GIT/project/temp/tulsi-node on  master! ⌚ 13:48:49
$ npm config set email

Add user for and authenticate so that the authtokens are created

~/Documents/GIT/project/temp/tulsi-node on  master! ⌚ 13:49:01
$ npm adduser
Username: wwarnpmuser
Email: (this IS public) (
Logged in as wwarnpmuser on

Test publish

~/Documents/GIT/project/temp/tulsi-node on  master! ⌚ 13:49:19
$ npm publish
npm notice
npm notice 📦  tulsi-node@1.1.21
npm notice === Tarball Contents ===
npm notice 1.0kB  package.json
npm notice 192B   .eslintrc.json
npm notice 1.7kB  awsses-lib.js
npm notice 489B   buildspec.yml
npm notice 5.9kB  cache-lib.js
npm notice 927B   dynamodb-lib.js
npm notice 1.0kB  global.js
npm notice 13.2kB index.js
npm notice 1.7kB  logger-lib.js
npm notice 1.4kB  maria-lib.js
npm notice 51B
npm notice 6.2kB  request-handler.js
npm notice 2.5kB  response-lib.js
npm notice 995B   sequelize-lib.js
npm notice 1.6kB  ses-lib.js
npm notice 3.9kB  sns-lib.js
npm notice 8.2kB  sqs-lib.js
npm notice 4.9kB  other/
npm notice 214B   test/test.js
npm notice === Tarball Details ===
npm notice name:          tulsi-node
npm notice version:       1.1.21
npm notice package size:  15.1 kB
npm notice unpacked size: 56.1 kB
npm notice shasum:        962bcb385931a89441419a217362cfadb4deb499
npm notice integrity:     sha512-b0yQ3Q+bTy6yl[...]icYBiUFsKp9Tw==
npm notice total files:   19
npm notice
+ tulsi-node@1.1.21

Check contents of ~/.npmrc

~/Documents/GIT/project/temp/tulsi-node on  master! ⌚ 13:51:42
$ cat ~/.npmrc

~/Documents/GIT/project/temp/tulsi-node on  master! ⌚ 13:52:42

Sample Project

~/Downloads/Test ⌚ 12:00:17
$ rm ~/.npmrc

~/Downloads/Test ⌚ 12:00:19
$ npm config set strict-ssl false

~/Downloads/Test ⌚ 12:00:24
$ npm config set email

~/Downloads/Test ⌚ 12:00:28
$ mkdir sampleApp && cd sampleApp

~/Downloads/Test/sampleApp ⌚ 12:00:31
$ npm init -y
Wrote to /Users/kiran/Downloads/Test/sampleApp/package.json:

  "name": "sampleApp",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "keywords": [],
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC"

~/Downloads/Test/sampleApp ⌚ 12:00:35
$ touch index.js

~/Downloads/Test/sampleApp ⌚ 12:00:38
$ vi package.json

~/Downloads/Test/sampleApp ⌚ 12:00:51
$ npm login --registry=
Username: wwarnpmuser
Email: (this IS public) (
Logged in as wwarnpmuser on

~/Downloads/Test/sampleApp ⌚ 12:01:08
$ npm install
npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
npm WARN sampleApp@1.0.0 No description
npm WARN sampleApp@1.0.0 No repository field.

up to date in 0.859s
found 0 vulnerabilities

~/Downloads/Test/sampleApp ⌚ 12:01:16
$  npm publish
npm notice
npm notice 📦  sampleApp@1.0.0
npm notice === Tarball Contents ===
npm notice 321B package.json
npm notice 0    index.js
npm notice === Tarball Details ===
npm notice name:          sampleApp
npm notice version:       1.0.0
npm notice package size:  339 B
npm notice unpacked size: 321 B
npm notice shasum:        f5eedd450055c792c56d8962e91f0f706c33f3b7
npm notice integrity:     sha512-GLLFQELCcZv2F[...]e2So8XIlt9EpA==
npm notice total files:   2
npm notice
+ sampleApp@1.0.0

~/Downloads/Test/sampleApp ⌚ 12:01:23
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