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Created April 16, 2015 00:25
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(lldb) bt all
* thread #1: tid = 0x49b1, 0x39eab636 libobjc.A.dylib`objc_msgSend + 22, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0xfbcf389e)
frame #0: 0x39eab636 libobjc.A.dylib`objc_msgSend + 22
frame #1: 0x2fbf41b4 Foundation`_NSDescriptionWithLocaleFunc + 52
frame #2: 0x2f2adf2a CoreFoundation`__CFStringAppendFormatCore + 5658
frame #3: 0x2f21d660 CoreFoundation`_CFStringCreateWithFormatAndArgumentsAux + 76
frame #4: 0x2fbf4162 Foundation`-[NSPlaceholderString initWithFormat:locale:arguments:] + 130
frame #5: 0x2fbf4068 Foundation`+[NSString stringWithFormat:] + 60
frame #6: 0x0007d7f0 introspy.dylib`___lldb_unnamed_function141$$introspy.dylib + 28
frame #7: 0x31b4b2d4 UIKit`-[UIStatusBarItem viewClass] + 72
frame #8: 0x31b4b24e UIKit`+[UIStatusBarItemView createViewForItem:withData:actions:foregroundStyle:] + 30
frame #9: 0x31b4b0c0 UIKit`-[UIStatusBarLayoutManager _createViewForItem:withData:actions:] + 108
frame #10: 0x31aee21c UIKit`-[UIStatusBarLayoutManager _prepareEnabledItemType:withEnabledItems:withData:actions:itemAppearing:itemDisappearing:] + 264
frame #11: 0x31aee0ca UIKit`-[UIStatusBarLayoutManager prepareEnabledItems:withData:actions:] + 78
frame #12: 0x31aedf12 UIKit`-[UIStatusBarForegroundView _setStatusBarData:actions:animated:] + 162
frame #13: 0x31aedc2e UIKit`-[UIStatusBarForegroundView setStatusBarData:actions:animated:] + 198
frame #14: 0x31b7c984 UIKit`__44-[UIStatusBar _prepareToSetStyle:animation:]_block_invoke + 360
frame #15: 0x31b05ae4 UIKit`+[UIView(Animation) performWithoutAnimation:] + 72
frame #16: 0x31b7a8b8 UIKit`-[UIStatusBar _prepareToSetStyle:animation:] + 668
frame #17: 0x31b6055a UIKit`-[UIStatusBar _requestStyleAttributes:animationParameters:] + 298
frame #18: 0x31b75788 UIKit`-[UIApplication _setStatusBarStyle:animationParameters:] + 156
frame #19: 0x31aff2d8 UIKit`-[UIApplication _updateCurrentStatusBarViewControllerAppearance] + 132
frame #20: 0x31afa4d4 UIKit`-[UIWindow initWithFrame:] + 264
frame #21: 0x31b5eb80 UIKit`-[UIStatusBarWindow initWithFrame:] + 104
frame #22: 0x31b16144 UIKit`-[UIView init] + 44
frame #23: 0x31b5de66 UIKit`-[UIApplication _createStatusBarWithRequestedStyle:orientation:hidden:] + 142
frame #24: 0x31b5d43a UIKit`-[UIApplication _runWithURL:payload:launchOrientation:statusBarStyle:statusBarHidden:] + 378
frame #25: 0x31af9708 UIKit`-[UIApplication handleEvent:withNewEvent:] + 3540
frame #26: 0x31af8870 UIKit`-[UIApplication sendEvent:] + 72
frame #27: 0x31b5ccc8 UIKit`_UIApplicationHandleEvent + 616
frame #28: 0x34132aec GraphicsServices`_PurpleEventCallback + 608
frame #29: 0x341326d6 GraphicsServices`PurpleEventCallback + 34
frame #30: 0x2f2a2ab6 CoreFoundation`__CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 34
frame #31: 0x2f2a2a52 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 346
frame #32: 0x2f2a1226 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 1398
frame #33: 0x2f20bf0e CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 522
frame #34: 0x2f20bcf2 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunInMode + 106
frame #35: 0x31b5bef0 UIKit`-[UIApplication _run] + 760
frame #36: 0x31b5716c UIKit`UIApplicationMain + 1136
* frame #37: 0x00025f6c IntrospyPls`main(argc=1, argv=0x27de4c94) + 108 at main.m:14
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