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Last active May 14, 2024 21:02
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список скрытых/открытых методов API

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[count] => Array
[0] => 1045
[method] => Array
[email] => Array
[0] => email.canCreate
[1] => email.create
[classifieds] => Array
[0] => classifieds.detectClassifieds
[1] => classifieds.feedYoulaGroupsBlock
[2] => classifieds.geoSuggest
[3] => classifieds.geocodingReference
[4] => classifieds.geocodingReverse
[5] => classifieds.getProductSimilars
[6] => classifieds.getProfileInfo
[7] => classifieds.getSearchResults
[8] => classifieds.getUserContactInfo
[9] => classifieds.getWorkiItem
[10] => classifieds.getYoulaProductItems
[11] => classifieds.hideClassifiedsBottomExtension
[12] => classifieds.productChatInfo
[13] => classifieds.sendProductChatMessage
[14] => classifieds.setProductStatus
[15] => classifieds.simpleCreateProduct
[16] => classifieds.autoRecognitionCreateProduct
[17] => classifieds.convertPostToProductPost
[18] => classifieds.createProductFromPost
[19] => classifieds.getPhotoUploadServer
[20] => classifieds.savePhoto
[21] => classifieds.feedRecommendationBlock
[narratives] => Array
[0] => narratives.batchEdit
[1] => narratives.create
[2] => narratives.delete
[3] => narratives.edit
[4] => narratives.getById
[5] => narratives.getFromOwner
[6] => narratives.saveCustomCover
[7] => narratives.getCustomCoverUploadServer
[store] => Array
[0] => store.disableStickersBonus
[1] => store.enableStickersBonus
[2] => store.getStickersBonusHistoryRecords
[3] => store.getStickersBonusRewardTerms
[4] => store.getStickersBonusRewardsCatalog
[5] => store.getStickersUserDiscounts
[6] => store.orderStickersBonusReward
[7] => store.reorderProducts
[8] => store.getStickers
[9] => store.getFriendsList
[10] => store.buyProduct
[11] => store.getProducts
[12] => store.getReplenishBalanceLink
[13] => store.getStockItems
[14] => store.getStockItemByStickerId
[15] => store.getStickerPacksRecommendationBlock
[16] => store.getStickerPacksRecommendationBlocks
[17] => store.getStickersRandomSelectorOptions
[18] => store.getStickersRandomSelectorPacks
[19] => store.getStockItemByName
[20] => store.getStockItemByProductId
[21] => store.hasNewItems
[22] => store.hideCatalogNotification
[23] => store.markAsViewed
[24] => store.markStickerPackAsViewed
[25] => store.prepareStickersOrder
[26] => store.purchase
[27] => store.setStickersRandomSelectorResultViewed
[28] => store.updateStickerProductsState
[29] => store.addStickerSuggestion
[30] => store.addStickersToFavorite
[31] => store.deleteStickerSuggestion
[32] => store.getStickerPacksAvailableForGift
[33] => store.getFavoriteStickers
[34] => store.getStickersKeywords
[35] => store.getStickersRecommendationBlock
[36] => store.getStickersRecommendationBlocks
[37] => store.getStickerSuggestions
[38] => store.removeStickersFromFavorite
[audio] => Array
[0] => audio.getById
[1] => audio.setPlaylistCoverPhoto
[2] => audio.getCatalogBlockById
[3] => audio.followArtist
[4] => audio.followCurator
[5] => audio.followOwner
[6] => audio.unfollowArtist
[7] => audio.unfollowCurator
[8] => audio.unfollowOwner
[9] => audio.getCatalog
[10] => audio.getSearchTrends
[11] => audio.add
[12] => audio.getRelatedArtistsById
[13] => audio.getRestrictionPopup
[14] => audio.getHeadphoneMessages
[15] => audio.createPlaylist
[16] => audio.getUploadServer
[17] => audio.delete
[18] => audio.deletePlaylist
[19] => audio.savePlaylistAsCopy
[20] => audio.deletePlaylistCoverPhoto
[21] => audio.sendTrackReaction
[22] => audio.finishRecomsOnboarding
[23] => audio.recommendationsOnboarding
[24] => audio.followPlaylist
[25] => audio.restore
[26] => audio.get
[27] =>
[28] => audio.getAudiosByArtist
[29] => audio.getAudiosByCurator
[30] => audio.getButtonTracks
[31] =>
[32] => audio.searchArtists
[33] => audio.searchPlaylists
[34] => audio.getLyrics
[35] => audio.sendStartEvent
[36] => audio.getOnboardingOffer
[37] => audio.setBroadcast
[38] => audio.subscribeToQueue
[39] => audio.getPlaylists
[40] => audio.getRecommendations
[41] => audio.consumeFullscreenBanner
[42] => audio.getFullscreenBanner
[masks] => Array
[0] => masks.getEffects
[1] => masks.getModel
[2] => masks.addEffectToFavorite
[3] => masks.addToFavorite
[4] => masks.getById
[5] => masks.getCameraCatalog
[6] => masks.getCatalog
[7] => masks.getEffectsCalls
[8] => masks.getVoipCatalog
[9] => masks.hasNew
[10] => masks.markAsViewed
[11] => masks.removeEffectFromFavorite
[12] => masks.removeFromFavorite
[docs] => Array
[0] => docs.getWallUploadServer
[1] => docs.getUploadServer
[2] =>
[3] => docs.getById
[4] => docs.add
[5] => docs.delete
[6] => docs.get
[7] =>
[internal] => Array
[0] => internal.registerCallback
[1] => internal.eventLogger
[2] => internal.platform
[3] => internal.getBackgrounds
[4] => internal.closeSituationalSuggest
[5] => internal.getUserNotifications
[6] => internal.hideUserNotification
[7] => internal.shouldNotifyPush
[8] => internal.remoteConfig
[9] => internal.logger
[10] => internal.appMetadata
[friends] => Array
[0] => friends.add
[1] => friends.delete
[2] =>
[3] => friends.addBulk
[4] => friends.get
[5] => friends.getLists
[6] => friends.hideSuggestion
[7] => friends.deleteAllRequests
[8] => friends.ignoreInterestingRequest
[9] => friends.markRequestsRead
[10] => friends.markNewRecommendationsAsViewed
[11] => friends.skip
[12] => friends.getOnline
[13] => friends.getRecommendations
[14] => friends.addList
[15] => friends.deleteList
[16] => friends.editList
[execute] => Array
[0] => execute.setSubscriptionStatus
[1] => execute.getCommentsNew
[2] => execute.searchPeople
[3] => execute.getGifts
[4] => execute.wallEdit
[5] => execute.editComment
[6] => execute.getStickersCatalogFirstPage
[7] => execute.getAvailableForGiftStickers
[8] => execute.getSpecialEventsInfo
[9] => execute.getGameLeaderboard
[10] => execute.reportContent
[11] => execute.storiesGetFeedSettings
[12] => execute.searchApps);
[13] => execute.wallParseAttachedLinkMultiple
[14] => execute.getDocTypes
[15] => execute.getAudioServicePackages
[16] => execute.generateAppButtonProfile
[17] => execute.getAllSubscriptions
[18] => execute.getBalanceSettings
[19] => execute.getCommunityDetails
[20] => execute.getCommunityNotificationSettings
[21] => execute.CommunityPhotosCounter
[22] => execute.groupsGet
[23] => execute.marketGetServices
[24] => execute.marketGetServicesSearchParams
[25] => execute.notificationsDeleteGroupSource
[26] => execute.resolveDonutScreenName
[27] => execute.resolveScreenName
[28] => execute.searchGroups
[29] => execute.getPhotosByIdWithTags
[30] => execute.getPlaceCheckinsNew
[31] => execute.getPlaceInfoNew
[32] => execute.getGeoNews
[33] => execute.storiesAskQuestion
[34] => execute.deleteStory
[35] => execute.getStoriesBirthdayUsers
[36] => execute.getStoryQuestion
[37] => execute.appsSendRequests
[38] => execute.friendsAddWithRecommendations
[39] => execute.getRequestsAndRecommendations
[40] => execute.getRequestsAndRecommendationsSwipe
[41] => execute.profileFriendsBlock
[42] => execute.getPodcastList
[43] => execute.getPodcastPage
[44] => execute.getMarket
[45] => execute.getAccountSettings
[46] => execute.getFriendsAndLists
[47] => execute.getMutualFriendsExtended
[48] => execute.getFriendRequestsMaterial
[49] => execute.getFriendRequestsNotifications
[50] => execute.getFriendRequestsSwipe
[51] => execute.getFullAddress
[52] => execute.getGroupBannedUsers
[53] => execute.getMarketItemFullPage
[54] => execute.marketReplaceCartItem
[55] => execute.getFriendsUsedMoneyTransfers
[56] => execute.moneyGetTransferFull
[57] => execute.deleteAvatarNew
[58] => execute.getNewPhotoTagsWithProfiles
[59] => execute.getUserPhotosAndNewTags
[60] => execute.storiesAddBan
[61] => execute.storiesDeleteBan
[62] => execute.storiesGetRepliesFull
[63] => execute.getStoriesAndOwners
[64] => execute.getUsersAndGroups
[65] => execute.getVideosWithProfiles
[66] => execute.getVideoAlbums
[67] => execute.videoGetTabs
[68] => execute.isVideoAdded
[69] => execute.searchVideosWithProfiles
[70] => execute.addFaveLink
[71] => execute.fetchComments
[72] => execute.getUserInfo
[73] => execute.getNewsfeedSmart
[74] => execute.newsfeedIgnoreItem
[75] => execute.createCommentRestricted
[76] => execute.searchGetHintsWithAttachments
[77] => execute.wallGetWrapNew
[78] => execute.pollsEdit
[79] => execute.pollsGetExtraWithCriteria
[80] => execute.bestFriendsGet
[81] => execute.bestFriendsSearch
[82] => execute.getFeedLikes
[83] => execute.getGiftByStickerId
[84] => execute.getGiftsCatalogMaterial
[85] => execute.wallArchive
[86] => execute.takeCoupon
[87] => execute.getCopyrightInfo
[88] => execute.getPostingSettings
[89] => execute.wallReveal
[90] => execute.wallPost
[91] => execute.searchNewsfeedSmart
[92] => execute.setPostTopic
[93] => execute.getPostPreviewWithInfo
[94] => execute.pollsAddVote
[95] => execute.pollsDeleteVote
[96] => execute.getGamePage
[97] => execute.getGamesPage
[98] => execute.getServiceApp
[99] => execute.joinGroup
[100] => execute.joinGroupFromAd
[101] => execute.setGroupExtendedMarketEnabled
[102] => execute.editGroupWithPlace
[103] => execute.getCommunityChats
[104] => execute.getReactedUsers
[105] => execute.getVideoById
[106] => execute.setVideoAlbums
[107] => execute.addAudioToPlaylist
[108] => execute.removeAudioFromPlaylist
[109] => execute.savePlaylist
[110] => execute.getMusicPage
[111] => execute.getTrustedPackage
[112] => execute.getPlaylist
[113] => execute.CommunityAudiosAndPlaylists
[114] => execute.getWallSubscriptions
[115] => execute.getPodcastListPage
[116] => execute.getPodcastEpisodesWithInfo
[117] => execute.podcastsJoinGroup
[118] => execute.podcastsLeaveGroup
[119] => execute.getAwardedUsers
[120] => execute.getBirthdaysInfo
[121] => execute.getMarketAddresses
[122] => execute.boardGetTopics
[123] => execute.getMasksModelSmart
[124] => execute.getSourcesForClips
[125] => execute.getOwnerClipsGridLists
[126] => execute.getMoneyTransferInfo
[127] => execute.getFave
[128] => execute.getFaveWithPages
[129] => execute.narrativeChangeStoryCover
[130] => execute.narrativeDeleteStory
[131] => execute.getUserTopicsWithSources
[132] => execute.setNewsfeedTopics
[133] => execute.searchAll
[134] => execute.searchApps
[135] => execute.discoverCategories
[136] => execute.getNotifications
[137] => execute.getNotificationsIgnoredSources
[138] => execute.getNotificationsSettings
[139] => execute.getClipsPage
[140] => execute.getNewsfeedCustom
[141] => execute.getPhotoAlbumsAndTags
[142] => execute.cancelDonutSubscription
[143] => execute.saveGroupOnboardingState
[144] => execute.getClipsNotifications
[fave] => Array
[0] => fave.getMarketItems
[1] => fave.addPodcastEpisode
[2] => fave.getPhotos
[3] => fave.removePodcastEpisode
[4] => fave.addArticle
[5] => fave.setPageTags
[6] => fave.addClassified
[7] => fave.setTags
[8] => fave.addClip
[9] => fave.trackPageInteraction
[10] => fave.addProduct
[11] => fave.getPages
[12] => fave.addNarrative
[13] => fave.addPage
[14] => fave.addPost
[15] => fave.addTag
[16] => fave.addVideo
[17] => fave.editTag
[18] => fave.getTags
[19] => fave.markSeen
[20] => fave.addLink
[21] => fave.removeLink
[22] => fave.removeArticle
[23] => fave.removeClassified
[24] => fave.removeClip
[25] => fave.removeProduct
[26] => fave.removeNarrative
[27] => fave.removePage
[28] => fave.removePost
[29] => fave.removeTag
[30] => fave.removeVideo
[31] => fave.reorderTags
[account] => Array
[0] => account.testValidation
[1] => account.unregisterDevice
[2] => account.setOnline
[3] => account.setOffline
[4] => account.registerDevice
[5] => account.setInfo
[6] => account.getInfo
[7] => account.changePassword
[8] => account.getGeoByIp
[9] => account.setNavigationVariantEnabled
[10] => account.setPrivacy
[11] => account.acceptRules
[12] => account.ban
[13] => account.getHelpHints
[14] => account.getPrivacySettings
[15] => account.getToggles
[16] => account.searchContacts
[17] => account.resetMessagesContacts
[18] => account.importMessagesContacts
[19] => account.getContactList
[20] => account.setSilenceMode
[21] => account.unban
[22] => account.getCounters
[23] => account.importContacts
[24] => account.getAwayToken
[25] => account.needServicePolicy
[26] => account.getNavigation
[27] => account.checkPassword
[28] => account.getProfileNavigationInfo
[29] => account.getProfileShortInfo
[30] => account.getTogglesAnonym
[31] => account.getAdAwayToken
[32] => account.getPushSettings
[33] => account.getZSTDDict
[34] => account.hideHelpHint
[35] => account.markMenuItemAsViewed
[36] => account.setCommentOrder
[37] => account.setPushSettings
[38] => account.showHelpHint
[39] => account.validateAction
[40] => account.saveProfileInfo
[41] => account.getBalance
[42] => account.getBanned
[43] => account.getCommentGroups
[44] => account.getPingUrl
[45] => account.getProfileInfo
[46] => account.getModelKeys
[47] => account.getModelsNoAuth
[48] => account.getModels
[49] => account.getMenu
[messages] => Array
[0] => messages.edit
[1] => messages.send
[2] => messages.getHistory
[3] => messages.archiveConversation
[4] => messages.unarchiveConversation
[5] => messages.pinConversation
[6] => messages.reorderPinnedConversations
[7] => messages.unpinConversation
[8] => messages.editAudioMessageTranscription
[9] => messages.sendService
[10] => messages.setConversationStyle
[11] => messages.getChatPreview
[12] => messages.addChatUser
[13] => messages.setChatPhoto
[14] => messages.editChat
[15] => messages.unpin
[16] =>
[17] => messages.removeChatUser
[18] => messages.joinChatByInviteLink
[19] => messages.createChat
[20] => messages.getCallInteractionConfig
[21] => messages.getAnonymCallToken
[22] => messages.getCallPreview
[23] => messages.resetConversationStyle
[24] => messages.hideSuggestedContact
[25] => messages.allowMessagesFromGroup
[26] => messages.denyMessagesFromGroup
[27] => messages.getJoinLink
[28] => messages.getCallParticipants
[29] => messages.getSuggestedContacts
[30] => messages.markAsListened
[31] => messages.conversationBarCallback
[32] => messages.conversationBarHide
[33] => messages.rejectAllMessageRequests
[34] => messages.markAsRead
[35] => messages.rejectMessageRequest
[36] => messages.markAsUnreadConversation
[37] => messages.setMemberRole
[38] => messages.acceptMessageRequest
[39] => messages.sendMessageEvent
[40] => messages.searchConversations
[41] =>
[42] => messages.deleteChatPhoto
[43] => messages.deleteConversation
[44] => messages.recogniseAudioMessage
[45] => messages.translate
[46] => messages.getById
[47] => messages.getByConversationMessageId
[48] => messages.getContactsById
[49] => messages.getConversationMembers
[50] => messages.getConversations
[51] => messages.getConversationsById
[52] => messages.getHistoryAttachments
[53] => messages.getInviteLink
[54] => messages.getSharedConversations
[55] => messages.delete
[56] => messages.getCallHistory
[57] => messages.getCurrentCalls
[58] => messages.getGroupsForCall
[59] => messages.getCallPlatform
[60] => messages.allocateCall
[61] => messages.getLongPollServer
[62] => messages.sendVoipEvent
[63] => messages.forceCallFinish
[64] => messages.notifyGroupCallAttempt
[65] => messages.getConversationsByCall
[66] => messages.getCallToken
[67] => messages.isMessagesFromGroupAllowed
[68] => messages.getRecentGraffities
[69] => messages.hideRecentGraffiti
[70] => messages.getRecentStickers
[likes] => Array
[0] => likes.add
[1] => likes.delete
[2] => likes.getList
[database] => Array
[0] => database.getCities
[1] => database.getCountries
[2] => database.getCitiesById
[3] => database.getCountriesById
[4] => database.getMetroStationsById
[newsfeed] => Array
[0] => newsfeed.getItemMeta
[1] => newsfeed.getComments
[2] => newsfeed.getRecommendedLiveVideos
[3] => newsfeed.doubtCategory
[4] => newsfeed.getCaptionInfo
[5] => newsfeed.getPostTopics
[6] => newsfeed.getSubscribersFeed
[7] => newsfeed.hideFeedback
[8] => newsfeed.hidePollFeedback
[9] => newsfeed.sendFeedback
[10] => newsfeed.sendPollFeedback
[11] => newsfeed.setPostVote
[12] => newsfeed.unignoreItem
[13] => newsfeed.unsubscribe
[14] => newsfeed.getLikesFeed
[15] => newsfeed.get
[16] => newsfeed.addBan
[17] => newsfeed.banTagsBlock
[18] => newsfeed.deleteBan
[19] => newsfeed.getPromotionLists
[20] => newsfeed.getSuggestedSources
[21] => newsfeed.getUserTopicSources
[22] => newsfeed.hidePromoAds
[23] => newsfeed.markDiscoverBadgeViewed
[24] => newsfeed.getDiscoverCustom
[stories] => Array
[0] => stories.hideAllReplies
[1] => stories.hidePrivacyBlock
[2] => stories.hideReply
[3] => stories.markAppNotificationsSeen
[4] => stories.banBirthday
[5] => stories.markNotInterested
[6] => stories.banQuestionAuthor
[7] => stories.markQuestionsSeen
[8] => stories.deleteQuestion
[9] => stories.markSeen
[10] => stories.get
[11] => stories.markSeenAdvice
[12] => stories.getArchive
[13] => stories.markSkipped
[14] => stories.getBackgrounds
[15] => stories.seenReplies
[16] => stories.getBirthdayBanned
[17] => stories.sendBirthdayInvite
[18] => stories.getBirthdayWishes
[19] => stories.setDiscoverVisible
[20] => stories.getById
[21] => stories.subscribe
[22] => stories.getDiscover
[23] => stories.unbanBirthday
[24] => stories.getFeedSettings
[25] => stories.unbanQuestionAuthor
[26] => stories.getGfycatToken
[27] => stories.unhideAdvice
[28] => stories.getQuestions
[29] => stories.unsubscribe
[30] => stories.getStats
[31] => stories.getSubscriptions
[32] => stories.getTopHashtags
[33] => stories.getViewers
[34] => stories.hideAdvice
[35] => stories.createFromLive
[36] => stories.getPhotoUploadServer
[37] => stories.getVideoUploadServer
[38] =>
[39] => stories.markOwnersSeen
[40] => stories.saveFeedSettings
[41] => stories.getAudioMeta
[42] => stories.trackUploadScreenSeen
[43] => stories.subscribeUserToApp
[video] => Array
[0] => video.liveHeartbeat
[1] => video.stopStreaming
[2] => video.startStreaming
[3] => video.delete
[4] => video.get
[5] => video.getUpcomingLives
[6] => video.getGroupsForStreaming
[7] =>
[8] => video.edit
[9] => video.getExternalStatsToken
[10] => video.getStatsToken
[11] => video.notInterested
[12] => video.oid
[13] => video.verifyInfo
[14] => video.deleteComment
[15] => video.restoreComment
[16] => video.createComment
[17] => video.privacy
[18] => video.add
[19] => video.addAlbum
[20] => video.trackActionButtonClick
[21] => video.viewSegments
[22] => video.getComments
[23] => video.getLiveStatus
[24] => video.getLongPollServer
[25] => video.getRecommendedLiveVideos
[26] => video.getStreamOptions
[27] => video.getStreamSearchOptions
[28] => video.liveAddBan
[29] => video.liveDeleteBan
[30] => video.liveGetGiftCatalog
[31] => video.liveGetSpectators
[32] => video.liveSendGift
[33] => video.liveSendSticker
[34] => video.removeActionButton
[35] => video.setActionButton
[36] => video.agreeDisclaimer
[37] => video.clearViewingHistoryRecords
[38] => video.deleteAlbum
[39] => video.removeViewingHistoryRecords
[40] => video.getVideoDiscover
[41] => video.editAlbum
[42] => video.getActionButtonsStats
[43] => video.getActionButtonsOnboarding
[44] => video.getAlbums
[45] => video.getDiscoverLive
[46] => video.getOwnerLives
[47] => video.getThumbsUploadServer
[48] => video.removeFromAlbum
[49] => video.liveStopHeartbeat
[wall] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => wall.delete
[2] => wall.deleteComment
[3] => wall.restoreComment
[4] => wall.createComment
[5] => wall.get
[6] => wall.getById
[7] => wall.getPosterFallbackUploadLink
[8] => wall.checkCopyrightLink
[9] => wall.getComment
[10] => wall.parseAttachedLink
[11] =>
[12] => wall.closeComments
[13] => wall.edit
[14] => wall.hideRepostToStoryActivity
[15] => wall.openComments
[16] => wall.repost
[17] => wall.saveCustomPoster
[users] => Array
[0] => users.get
[1] => users.getNearby
[2] => users.getSubscriptions
[3] =>
[4] => users.getFollowers
[groups] => Array
[0] => groups.getById
[1] => groups.getEditSettings
[2] => groups.join
[3] => groups.removeRecents
[4] => groups.getMembers
[5] => groups.create
[6] => groups.getInvites
[7] =>
[8] => groups.hideWarning
[9] => groups.getAddresses
[10] => groups.getRecommendedGroups
[11] => groups.getSuggestions
[12] => groups.approveRequest
[13] => groups.get
[14] => groups.getCatalogSections
[15] => groups.getEvents
[16] => groups.getInviteLinkPreview
[17] => groups.getSuitableInviteLink
[18] => groups.hideBanner
[19] => groups.hideRecommendedGroup
[20] => groups.invite
[21] => groups.leave
[22] => groups.removeUser
[23] => groups.setCatalogSections
[24] => groups.setPushMessagesSettings
[25] => groups.isMember
[26] => groups.sendPayload
[27] => groups.setOnboardingState
[uploadInfo] => Array
[0] => uploadInfo.targetFile
[photos] => Array
[0] => photos.getById
[1] => photos.getMarketAlbumUploadServer
[2] => photos.getMessagesUploadServer
[3] => photos.getUploadServer
[4] => photos.getWallUploadServer
[5] =>
[6] => photos.saveMarketAlbumPhoto
[7] => photos.saveMessagesPhoto
[8] => photos.saveWallPhoto
[9] => photos.getOwnerPhotoUploadServer
[10] => photos.saveOwnerPhoto
[11] => photos.delete
[12] => photos.deleteComment
[13] => photos.restoreComment
[14] => photos.getChatUploadServer
[15] => photos.createComment
[16] => photos.getPhotoRecognitionTags
[17] => photos.setPhotoAsOwnerPhoto
[18] => photos.addEditorRecentSticker
[19] => photos.skipTags
[20] => photos.agreeBlurRestriction
[21] => photos.confirmTag
[22] => photos.confirmTags
[23] => photos.declineTags
[24] => photos.deleteAlbum
[25] => photos.edit
[26] => photos.editAlbum
[27] => photos.getAll
[28] => photos.getAudioPlaylistCoverUploadServer
[29] => photos.getCallBackgroundsPhotoUploadServer
[30] => photos.getPosterUploadServer
[31] => photos.getUserPhotos
[32] => photos.makeCover
[33] => photos.move
[34] => photos.removeTag
[35] => photos.saveBackgroundPhoto
[36] => photos.copy
[37] => photos.createAlbum
[38] => photos.getTags
[39] => photos.getAlbums
[40] => photos.getEditorStickers
[41] => photos.get
[storyUpload] => Array
[0] => storyUpload.groupId
[phones] => Array
[0] => phones.getPhoneList
[1] => phones.getPhoneOwnerInfo
[2] => phones.isNeedFeedBack
[3] => phones.postFeedback
[4] => phones.reportCall
[videoFile] => Array
[0] => videoFile.path
[resources] => Array
[0] => resources.configuration
[gifts] => Array
[0] => gifts.send
[1] => gifts.delete
[2] => gifts.getCatalog
[3] => gifts.getCatalogGift
[4] => gifts.hideTooltip
[group] => Array
[0] =>
[vmoji] => Array
[0] => vmoji.getPhotoUploadUrl
[1] => vmoji.setAvatarState
[ProfilePhotoTagEvent] => Array
[0] => ProfilePhotoTagEvent.AllPhotoRemoved
[search] => Array
[0] => search.clearRecents
[1] => search.addRecents
[2] => search.getHints
[questions] => Array
[0] => questions.send
[1] => questions.authorBan
[2] => questions.authorUnBan
[3] => questions.delete
[4] => questions.deleteFromAuthor
[5] => questions.getById
[6] => questions.get
[7] => questions.restore
[8] => questions.restoreFromAuthor\
[statEvents] => Array
[0] => statEvents.add
[1] => statEvents.addAnonymously
[2] => statEvents.addSAKMobile
[3] => statEvents.addSAKMobileAnonymously
[adsint] => Array
[0] => adsint.registerAdEvents
[1] => adsint.hideAd
[reports] => Array
[0] => reports.add
[donut] => Array
[0] => donut.getFriends
[1] => donut.getSubscriptions
[2] => donut.cancelSubscription
[textlives] => Array
[0] => textlives.editPost
[1] => textlives.setActivity
[2] => textlives.changeFollowState
[3] => textlives.getOwnerTextlives
[4] => textlives.addPost
[aliexpress] => Array
[0] => aliexpress.getCarouselItems
[1] => aliexpress.hideProduct
[shortVideo] => Array
[0] => shortVideo.editClickableStickers
[1] => shortVideo.notInterested
[2] => shortVideo.create
[3] => shortVideo.markNewClipsBadgeViewed
[4] => shortVideo.getCollection
[5] => shortVideo.markClipsBadgeViewed
[6] => shortVideo.getOwnerVideos
[7] => shortVideo.toggleOwnerNotifications
[8] => shortVideo.getTopVideos
[9] => shortVideo.getAllInterests
[10] => shortVideo.saveInterests
[market] => Array
[0] => market.getCategories
[1] => market.get
[2] => market.getRecentSearch
[3] => market.getRecommendedItems
[4] => market.getSettings
[5] => market.hideItem
[6] =>
[7] => market.searchItems
[8] => market.setAlbumItems
[9] => market.addAlbum
[10] => market.clearRecentSearchQueries
[11] => market.deleteAlbum
[12] => market.editAlbum
[13] => market.getAlbumById
[14] => market.getById
[15] => market.createComment
[16] => market.getServicesSection
[17] => market.markUnmigratedServicesTooltipAsRead
[18] => market.getCart
[19] => market.getDeliveryPoints
[20] => market.getEditUrl
[21] => market.getOrderById
[22] => market.getOrderItems
[23] => market.getOrderSettings
[24] => market.getOrders
[25] => market.getReviews
[26] => market.getServicesAlbums
[27] => market.searchServices
[28] => market.setOrderSettings
[29] => market.editComment
[30] => market.getAbandonedCarts
[31] => market.getFeed
[32] => market.getFeedCategories
[33] => market.addToCart
[34] => market.createOrder
[35] => market.delete
[36] => market.deleteComment
[37] => market.getOrderPaymentURL
[38] => market.removeFromCart
[apps] => Array
[0] => apps.getCatalog
[1] => apps.getCatalogNextRandomGame
[2] => apps.getCollectionApps
[3] => apps.getGamesCatalog
[4] => apps.getRecents
[5] => apps.getRecommendations
[6] => apps.getRequests
[7] => apps.markRequestAsRead
[8] => apps.remove
[9] => apps.removeFromMenu
[10] =>
[11] => apps.addToMenu
[12] => apps.changeAppBadgeStatus
[13] => apps.clearRecents
[14] => apps.deleteRequest
[15] => apps.addAppToFeedBlackList
[16] => apps.addAppToProfile
[17] => apps.removeAppFromProfile
[18] => apps.uninstall
[19] => apps.addToGroup
[20] => apps.addToMainScreenDeviceShown
[21] => apps.confirmPolicy
[22] => apps.get
[23] => apps.getAppLaunchParams
[24] => apps.checkAllowedScopes
[25] => apps.getEmbeddedUrl
[26] => apps.getFriendsList
[27] => apps.getGroupsList
[28] => apps.getLeaderboardByApp
[29] => apps.getScopes
[30] => apps.getSecretHash
[31] => apps.getVkApps
[32] => apps.isNotificationsAllowed
[33] => apps.needShowAddToMainScreenDevice
[34] => apps.sendRequest
[35] => apps.setGameIsInstalled
[36] => apps.getAdvertisementConfig
[37] => apps.getMiniAppCategories
[38] => apps.getMiniAppsCatalog
[39] => apps.getMiniAppsCatalogSearch
[40] => apps.getActivity
[41] => apps.getCatalogActivities
[42] => apps.getGenres
[43] => apps.getSections
[44] => apps.toggleRequests
[45] => apps.getFromMenu
[46] => apps.allowNotifications
[47] => apps.denyNotifications
[48] => apps.getDevicePermissions
[49] => apps.setDevicePermissions
[50] => apps.setActionShown
[51] => apps.needToShowAction
[52] => apps.recommend
[superApp] => Array
[0] => superApp.markBadgeAsClicked
[1] => superApp.logIncorrectWidget
[2] => superApp.searchLocality
[3] => superApp.setLocality
[4] => superApp.markFriendsBadgeViewed
[5] => superApp.get
[6] => superApp.getUpdatedWidgetByUid
[7] => superApp.hideWidgetState
[8] => superApp.editWidgetSettings
[9] => superApp.getWidgetSettings
[10] => superApp.getBirthday
[auth] => Array
[0] => auth.refreshToken
[1] => auth.checkPhone
[2] => auth.getExchangeToken
[3] => auth.validatePhoneCancel
[4] => auth.getAppScopes
[5] => auth.getContinuationForService
[6] => auth.getCredentialsForApp
[7] => auth.getCredentialsForService
[8] => auth.getExchangeTokenInfo
[9] => auth.signup
[10] => auth.validateEmail
[11] => auth.validateEmailConfirm
[12] => auth.validatePhone
[13] => auth.validatePhoneCheck
[14] => auth.validatePhoneConfirm
[15] => auth.checkAccess
[16] => auth.getDigestHashesByPackage
[17] => auth.validateAccount
[18] => auth.validatePhoneInfo
[specials] => Array
[0] => specials.easterEggFound
[1] => specials.getEasterEggs
[2] => specials.hideEasterEggEvent
[3] => specials.performAction
[4] => specials.getEasterEggPopup
[5] => specials.getSpecialPopup
[widgetsKit] => Array
[0] => widgetsKit.create
[1] => widgetsKit.sendCallbackEvent
[board] => Array
[0] => board.createComment
[1] => board.getComments
[2] => board.getTopics
[3] => board.editComment
[4] => board.deleteComment
[5] => board.deleteTopic
[badges] => Array
[0] => badges.getOwnerEntries
[1] => badges.getOwnerInfo
[2] => badges.getCatalog
[3] => badges.getCatalogSection
[4] => badges.getObjectEntries
[5] => badges.send
[6] => badges.setViewed
[utils] => Array
[0] => utils.getProxiesPreferences
[1] => utils.checkUserName
[2] => utils.guessUserSex
[3] => utils.resolveScreenName
[4] => utils.checkScreenName
[5] => utils.resolveShortLink
[6] => utils.resolveUrlFromEmail
[money] => Array
[0] => money.getWalletStatus
[1] => money.declineTransfer
[2] => money.getParams
[3] => money.getTransferList
[4] => money.sendTransfer
[5] => money.getAuthData
[6] => money.getCards
[7] => money.getDebtorList
[8] => money.getTransferLinks
[9] => money.getTransferMethods
[10] => money.getTransferStatus
[11] => money.sendRequest
[vkRun] => Array
[0] => vkRun.setTarget
[1] => vkRun.getLeaderboard
[2] => vkRun.importBulk
[3] => vkRun.getClientConfig
[4] => vkRun.import
[5] => vkRun.setSteps
[catalog] => Array
[0] => catalog.getVideo
[1] => catalog.getShopping
[2] => catalog.consumeBanner
[3] => catalog.getBlockItems
[4] => catalog.getGroupsSearch
[5] => catalog.getSection
[6] => catalog.reorderBlockItems
[7] => catalog.replaceBlocks
[8] => catalog.replaceSections
[9] => catalog.getGroups
[10] => catalog.getFriends
[11] => catalog.getAudio
[12] => catalog.getAudioArtist
[13] => catalog.getAudioAuto
[14] => catalog.getAudioCurator
[15] => catalog.getAudioPlayer
[16] => catalog.getAudioSearch
[17] => catalog.getAudioClips
[18] => catalog.getAudioClipsSearch
[19] => catalog.getAudioStory
[20] => catalog.getAudioStorySearch
[21] => catalog.getPodcasts
[22] => catalog.getPodcastsSearch
[23] => catalog.getDebug
[24] => catalog.getClassifieds
[25] => catalog.getMarket
[26] => catalog.getMarketUserProducts
[27] => catalog.getStickers
[28] => catalog.getStickersSearch
[29] => catalog.getShortVideoTop
[30] => catalog.getVideoAlbum
[31] => catalog.getVideoSearch
[32] => catalog.getVideoOriginals
[33] => catalog.getShortVideoSearch
[34] => catalog.getSearchAll
[App] => Array
[0] => App.markFriendsBadgeViewed
[1] => App.get
[2] => App.getUpdatedWidgetByUid
[3] => App.logIncorrectWidget
[4] => App.searchLocality
[5] => App.setLocality
[6] => App.editWidgetSettings
[7] => App.getWidgetSettings
[8] => App.markBadgeAsClicked
[situationalSuggests] => Array
[0] => situationalSuggests.sendStats
[awards] => Array
[0] => awards.getCatalog
[1] => awards.getObjectEntries
[2] => awards.send
[3] => awards.setViewed
[identity] => Array
[0] => identity.getCard
[1] => identity.addAddress
[2] => identity.addEmail
[3] => identity.addPhone
[4] => identity.deleteAddress
[5] => identity.deleteEmail
[6] => identity.deletePhone
[7] => identity.editAddress
[8] => identity.editEmail
[9] => identity.editPhone
[10] => identity.getLabels
[places] => Array
[0] =>
[orders] => Array
[0] => orders.confirmSubscription
[1] => orders.createSubscription
[2] => orders.getUserSubscription
[3] => orders.resumeSubscription
[4] => orders.confirmOrder
[5] => orders.createOrder
[6] => orders.cancelUserSubscription
[7] => orders.setAutoBuyStatus
[podcasts] => Array
[0] => podcasts.getRandomEpisode
[1] => podcasts.markAsListened
[2] => podcasts.getEpisode
[3] => podcasts.getEpisodes
[tags] => Array
[0] => tags.add
[1] => tags.delete
[2] => tags.getList
[stats] => Array
[0] => stats.trackCustomEvents
[1] => stats.trackUploadServerState
[2] => stats.trackInstalledApps
[3] => stats.trackEvents
[4] => stats.benchmark
[5] => stats.trackDownloadServerState
[6] => stats.trackVisitor
[appWidgets] => Array
[0] => appWidgets.update
[1] => appWidgets.getWidgetPreview
[bugtracker] => Array
[0] => bugtracker.getDownloadVersionUrlByTrackerToken
[1] => bugtracker.getProductBuilds
[2] => bugtracker.checkTrackerToken
[actionLinks] => Array
[0] => actionLinks.checkUrl
[1] => actionLinks.delete
[2] => actionLinks.getAvailableItems
[3] => actionLinks.getByTag
[4] =>
[polls] => Array
[0] => polls.getAnswersLimit
[1] => polls.getBackgrounds
[2] => polls.getVoters
[3] => polls.getPhotoUploadServer
[4] => polls.savePhoto
[5] => polls.create
[6] => polls.getById
[articles] => Array
[0] => articles.getByLink
[1] => articles.getOwnerPublished
[wishlists] => Array
[0] => wishlists.add
[1] => wishlists.remove
[bestFriends] => Array
[0] => bestFriends.batchEdit
[1] => bestFriends.get
[marusia] => Array
[0] => marusia.getBackendCommands
[1] => marusia.getCapabilities
[2] => marusia.getOnboarding
[3] => marusia.getPlaylistById
[4] => marusia.getServerType
[5] => marusia.getSuggests
[6] => marusia.processCommands
[notifications] => Array
[0] => notifications.getSettings
[1] => notifications.setGroupSettings
[2] => notifications.action
[3] => notifications.addGroupSource
[4] => notifications.deleteGroupSource
[5] => notifications.enableSettings
[6] => notifications.getGrouped
[7] => notifications.hide
[8] => notifications.markAsViewed
[9] => notifications.removeFromIgnored
[10] => notifications.restore
[11] => notifications.trackPushInteraction
[restore] => Array
[0] => restore.confirmInstantAuthByNotify
[1] => restore.getInstantAuthByNotifyInfo
[settings] => Array
[0] => settings.activateExternalOAuthService
[1] => settings.deactivateExternalOAuthService
[ads] => Array
[0] => ads.conversionHit
[1] => ads.retargetingHit
[notes] => Array
[0] => notes.getById
[status] => Array
[0] => status.getImagePopup
[1] => status.set
[storage] => Array
[0] => storage.get
[1] => storage.getKeys
[2] => storage.set
[interests] => Array
[0] =>
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Дядь, вроде слышал что есть метод который позволяет получить стикеры у пользователя, нельзя у кого-нибудь найти такой?

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rutexd commented Aug 28, 2023

Насколько оно актуально? Вроде были на пастбине пара дампов но за 2020.
Новые бы достать потихоньку уже...

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RDKg commented May 7, 2024

Кто-нибудь знает метод, чтобы узнать кто прочитал сообщение?

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