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Last active October 14, 2015 19:37
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Synchronet tileset test
var cols = console.screen_columns;
var rows = console.screen_rows;
var _tiles = [];
var frame = new Frame(
var _xTileCount = 8;
var _yTileCount = 3;
for (var x = 0; x < _xTileCount; x++) {
var newRow = [];
var newFileRow = [];
// Generate row of empty frames
for (var y = 0; y < _yTileCount; y++) {
// push new empty frame into row array
new Frame(x*16+1, y*16+1, 16, 16, BG_BLACK, frame)
newRow[y].transparent = false;
newRow[y].load(js.exec_dir + '/graphics/16x16_tileset.ans');
while( userInput != "X" && userInput != "Q" ) {
userInput = console.getkey(K_UPPER | K_NOCRLF);
Error when loading the .ANS version of the tileset:
Wed Oct 14 2015 10:39 am
Node 1 !JavaScript /sbbs/exec/load/frame.js line 228: out of memory
Error when loading the .BIN version of the tileset:
Wed Oct 14 2015 10:53 am
Node 1 !JavaScript /sbbs/exec/load/frame.js line 1625: out of memory
I used some debug code to figure out the state of things when the program crashes.
When loading the .ANS version of the tileset:
newRow[y].data_width: 17
newRow[y].data_height: 832
x and y values before error: x: 1, y: 1
When loading the .BIN version of the tileset:
newRow[y].data_width: 129
newRow[y].data_height: 112
x and y values before error: x: 1, y: 1
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