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Created January 30, 2015 14:22
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// UIImage+H568.m
// Created by Angel Garcia on 9/28/12.
#import "UIImage+H568.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
@implementation UIImage (H568)
+ (void)load {
if ((UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) &&
([UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height > 480.0f)) {
//Exchange XIB loading implementation
Method m1 = class_getInstanceMethod(NSClassFromString(@"UIImageNibPlaceholder"), @selector(initWithCoder:));
Method m2 = class_getInstanceMethod(self, @selector(initWithCoderH568:));
method_exchangeImplementations(m1, m2);
//Exchange imageNamed: implementation
method_exchangeImplementations(class_getClassMethod(self, @selector(imageNamed:)),
class_getClassMethod(self, @selector(imageNamedH568:)));
+ (UIImage *)imageNamedH568:(NSString *)imageName {
return [UIImage imageNamedH568:[self renameImageNameForH568:imageName]];
- (id)initWithCoderH568:(NSCoder *)aDecoder {
NSString *resourceName = [aDecoder decodeObjectForKey:@"UIResourceName"];
NSString *resourceH568 = [UIImage renameImageNameForH568:resourceName];
//If no 568h version, load as default
if ([resourceName isEqualToString:resourceH568]) {
return [self initWithCoderH568:aDecoder];
//If 568h exists, load with [UIImage imageNamed:]
else {
return [UIImage imageNamedH568:resourceH568];
+ (NSString *)renameImageNameForH568:(NSString *)imageName {
NSMutableString *imageNameMutable = [imageName mutableCopy];
//Delete png extension
NSRange extension = [imageName rangeOfString:@".png" options:NSBackwardsSearch | NSAnchoredSearch];
if (extension.location != NSNotFound) {
[imageNameMutable deleteCharactersInRange:extension];
//Look for @2x to introduce -568h string
NSRange retinaAtSymbol = [imageName rangeOfString:@"@2x"];
if (retinaAtSymbol.location != NSNotFound) {
[imageNameMutable insertString:@"-568h" atIndex:retinaAtSymbol.location];
} else {
[imageNameMutable appendString:@"-568h@2x"];
//Check if the image exists and load the new 568 if so or the original name if not
NSString *imagePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:imageNameMutable ofType:@"png"];
if (imagePath) {
//Remove the @2x to load with the correct scale 2.0
[imageNameMutable replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"@2x" withString:@"" options:NSBackwardsSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [imageNameMutable length])];
return imageNameMutable;
} else {
return imageName;
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