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Created November 21, 2021 14:52
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MLNX_OFED download tool
$Script:Helper = "";
Class OfedVersions : System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator {
[string[]] GetValidValues() {
return (Get-OfedVersions).versions
[string[]] $versions;
[string[]] $ga;
[string] $latest;
function Get-OfedVersions {
param (
$versions = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Script:helper `
-Method "POST" `
-Body @{
action = 'get_versions'
[OfedVersions] $versions
function Get-OfedDistros {
param (
[ArgumentCompleter( { OfedArgumentCompleter @args -Type Versions } )]
$distros = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Script:helper `
-Method "POST" `
-Body @{
action = 'get_distros'
version = $Version
[string[]] $distros
class OfedDistros: System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator {
[string[]] GetValidValues() {
return (Get-OfedDistros)
function Get-OfedOSes {
param (
[ArgumentCompleter( { OfedArgumentCompleter @args -Type Versions } )]
[ArgumentCompleter( { OfedArgumentCompleter @args -Type Distros } )]
$osvers = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $helper `
-Method "POST" `
-Body @{
action = 'get_oses'
version = $Version
distro = $Distro
function Get-OfedArches {
param (
[ArgumentCompleter( { OfedArgumentCompleter @args -Type Versions } )]
[ArgumentCompleter( { OfedArgumentCompleter @args -Type Distros } )]
[ArgumentCompleter( { OfedArgumentCompleter @args -Type OSes } )]
$arches = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $helper `
-Method "POST" `
-Body @{
action = 'get_arches'
version = $Version
distro = $Distro
os = $OS
function Get-OfedDownloadInfo {
param (
[ArgumentCompleter( { OfedArgumentCompleter @args -Type Versions } )]
[ArgumentCompleter( { OfedArgumentCompleter @args -Type Distros } )]
[ArgumentCompleter( { OfedArgumentCompleter @args -Type OSes } )]
[ArgumentCompleter( { OfedArgumentCompleter @args -Type Arches } )]
$download_info = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $helper `
-Method "POST" `
-Body @{
action = 'get_download_info'
version = $Version
distro = $Distro
os = $OS
arch = $Arch
# [OfedDownloadInfo]$download_info
class OfedDownloadInfo {
[OfedDocs[]] $docs;
[OfedFiles[]] $files;
class OfedDocs {
[string] $desc;
[Uri] $url;
class OfedFiles {
[string] $file;
[string] $desc;
[string] $size;
[string] $md5sum;
[string] $sha;
[string] $note;
[uri] $url;
function OfedArgumentCompleter {
param ( $commandName,
[ValidateSet('Distros', 'Versions', 'OSes', 'Arches')]
$type )
$wordToComplete = $wordToComplete.TrimStart("'`"")
switch ($type.ToLower()) {
'distros' {
$completions = Get-OfedDistros -Version $fakeBoundParameters.Version
'versions' {
$completions = (Get-OfedVersions).versions
'oses' {
$completions = Get-OfedOSes -Version $fakeBoundParameters.Version -Distro $fakeBoundParameters.Distro
'arches' {
$completions = Get-OfedArches -Version $fakeBoundParameters.Version -Distro $fakeBoundParameters.Distro -OS $fakeBoundParameters.OS
$resultList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]]::new()
$wordToComplete = $wordToComplete.Trim(("'", '"'))
$completions | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.StartsWith($wordToComplete, [System.StringComparison]::CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {
return $resultList
function Get-OfedRealUrl {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
$regex = 'mrequest=(?<mrequest>.*?)&mtype=(?<mtype>.*?)&mver=(?<mver>.*?)&mname=(?<mname>.*[^&])'
$match = [regex]::Match($Url, $regex)
$url = '' +
$match.Groups['mtype'].Value + '/' +
$match.Groups['mver'].Value + '/' +
return $url
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