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Last active October 9, 2018 23:23
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public class BinaryHeap<T>
private readonly IComparer<T> m_comparer;
private readonly IList<T> m_values;
private int m_offset;
public int Capacity => m_values.Count;
public int Count => m_offset;
public BinaryHeap(IList<T> values, IComparer<T> comparer) {
m_comparer = comparer;
m_offset = values.Count;
m_values = values;
public T Peek() {
return m_values[0];
public T Pop() {
if (TryPop(out T value)) {
return value;
else {
throw new InvalidOperationException(message: "heap is empty");
public int Push(T value) {
var offset = Count;
if (Capacity <= offset) {
while (0 < offset) {
var parent = ((offset - 1) >> 1);
if (m_comparer.Compare(m_values[parent], value) > 0) {
m_values[offset] = m_values[parent];
offset = parent;
m_values[offset] = value;
return m_offset++;
public T Replace(T newValue) {
if (TryReplace(newValue, out T oldValue)) {
return oldValue;
else {
throw new InvalidOperationException(message: "heap is empty");
public bool TryPop(out T value) {
if (0 < Count) {
value = Peek();
m_values[0] = m_values[--m_offset];
m_values[m_offset] = default;
return true;
else {
value = default;
return false;
public bool TryReplace(T newValue, out T oldValue) {
if (0 < Count) {
oldValue = Peek();
m_values[0] = newValue;
return true;
else {
oldValue = default;
return false;
private void Build() {
BinaryHeap.Build(m_values, m_comparer, m_offset);
private void Sieve() {
BinaryHeap.Sieve(m_values, m_comparer, 0, m_offset);
public static class BinaryHeap
public static void Build<T>(IList<T> values, IComparer<T> comparer, int count) {
for (var offset = ((count - 1) >> 1); (-1 < offset); offset--) {
Sieve(values, comparer, offset, count);
public static void Sieve<T>(IList<T> values, IComparer<T> comparer, int offset, int count) {
while (offset < count) {
var left = ((offset << 1) + 1);
var right = (left + 1);
var parent = offset;
if ((left < count) && (0 < comparer.Compare(values[left], values[parent]))) {
parent = left;
if ((right < count) && (0 < comparer.Compare(values[right], values[parent]))) {
parent = right;
if (offset == parent) {
var temp = values[offset];
values[offset] = values[parent];
values[parent] = temp;
offset = parent;
public static void Sort<T>(IList<T> values, IComparer<T> comparer) {
var count = values.Count;
Build(values, comparer, count);
for (var offset = (count - 1); (0 < offset); offset--) {
var temp = values[0];
values[0] = values[offset];
values[offset] = temp;
Sieve(values, comparer, 0, offset);
public static void Sort<T>(IList<T> values) {
Sort(values, Comparer<T>.Default);
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