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using System.Buffers;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace Ouroboros.Maths;
public static class BinaryIntegerConstants<T> where T : IBinaryInteger<T>
public static T Eleven { get; }
public static T Five { get; }
public static T Four { get; }
public static T Log2Size { get; }
public static T Seven { get; }
public static T Seventeen { get; }
public static T Six { get; }
public static int Size { get; }
public static T Ten { get; }
public static T Thirteen { get; }
public static T Three { get; }
public static T Two { get; }
static BinaryIntegerConstants() {
var size = int.CreateChecked(value: T.PopCount(value: T.AllBitsSet));
Eleven = T.CreateTruncating(value: 11U);
Five = T.CreateTruncating(value: 5U);
Four = T.CreateTruncating(value: 4U);
Log2Size = T.Log2(value: T.CreateChecked(value: size));
Six = T.CreateTruncating(value: 6U);
Seven = T.CreateTruncating(value: 7U);
Seventeen = T.CreateTruncating(value: 17U);
Size = int.CreateChecked(value: size);
Ten = T.CreateTruncating(value: 10U);
Thirteen = T.CreateTruncating(value: 13U);
Three = T.CreateTruncating(value: 3U);
Two = T.CreateTruncating(value: 2U);
public static class BinaryIntegerFunctions
internal static T As<T>(this bool value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> =>
T.CreateTruncating(value: Unsafe.As<bool, byte>(source: ref value));
/// <remarks>
/// Should get translated to BLSR (or the equivalent) on supported platforms.
/// </remarks>
internal static T ClearLeastSignificantBit<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> =>
(value & (value - T.One));
/// <remarks>
/// Should get translated to BLSI (or the equivalent) on supported platforms.
/// </remarks>
internal static T ExtractLeastSignificantBit<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> =>
(value & (-value));
internal static T IsGreaterThan<T>(this T value, T other) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> =>
(value > other).As<T>();
internal static T IsNonZero<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> =>
(T.Zero != value).As<T>();
internal static T IsPowerOfTwo<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> =>
(value.ClearLeastSignificantBit().IsZero() - (T.Zero >= value).As<T>());
internal static T IsZero<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> =>
(T.Zero == value).As<T>();
internal static T Max<T>(this T value, T other) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> =>
(value ^ ((value ^ other) & (-other.IsGreaterThan(other: value))));
internal static T NthFermatMask<T>(this int value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> =>
(T.AllBitsSet / value.NthFermatNumber<T>());
internal static T NthFermatNumber<T>(this int value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> =>
((T.One << (1 << value)) + T.One);
internal static T SetLeastSignificantBits<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> =>
(value | (value - T.One));
public static T DigitalRoot<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> {
var x = value.IsNonZero();
var y = T.Abs(value: value);
var z = T.CreateChecked(value: 9U);
return (x + ((y - x) % z));
public static IEnumerable<T> EnumerateDigits<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> {
var quotient = value;
do {
(quotient, var remainder) = T.DivRem(left: quotient, right: BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Ten);
yield return remainder;
} while (T.Zero != quotient);
public static T GreatestCommonDivisor<T>(this T value, T other) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> {
if (T.Zero == other) { return value; }
else if (T.Zero == value) { return other; }
other = T.Abs(value: other);
value = T.Abs(value: value);
var x = int.CreateTruncating(value: T.TrailingZeroCount(value: (other | value)));
do {
other >>= int.CreateTruncating(value: T.TrailingZeroCount(value: other));
value >>= int.CreateTruncating(value: T.TrailingZeroCount(value: value));
var y = ((other ^ value) & (-(value < other).As<T>()));
other ^= y;
value ^= y;
value -= other;
} while (T.Zero != value);
return (other << x);
public static T LeastCommonMultiple<T>(this T value, T other) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> {
var gcd = value.GreatestCommonDivisor(other: other);
return ((value / gcd) * other);
public static T LeastSignificantBit<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> =>
(value.IsNonZero() * (T.TrailingZeroCount(value: value) + T.One));
public static TResult MortonPair<TInput, TResult>(this TInput value, TInput other) where TInput : IBinaryInteger<TInput> where TResult : IBinaryInteger<TResult> {
var x = TResult.CreateTruncating(value: value);
var y = TResult.CreateTruncating(value: other);
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<TResult>.Size > 128) {
var i = (BitOperations.Log2(value: ((uint)(BinaryIntegerConstants<TResult>.Size))) - 7);
do {
x = ((x | (x << (1 << i))) & (i).NthFermatMask<TResult>());
y = ((y | (y << (1 << i))) & (i).NthFermatMask<TResult>());
} while (0 < --i);
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<TResult>.Size > 64) {
x = ((x | (x << 64)) & (6).NthFermatMask<TResult>());
y = ((y | (y << 64)) & (6).NthFermatMask<TResult>());
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<TResult>.Size > 32) {
x = ((x | (x << 32)) & (5).NthFermatMask<TResult>());
y = ((y | (y << 32)) & (5).NthFermatMask<TResult>());
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<TResult>.Size > 16) {
x = ((x | (x << 16)) & (4).NthFermatMask<TResult>());
y = ((y | (y << 16)) & (4).NthFermatMask<TResult>());
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<TResult>.Size > 8) {
x = ((x | (x << 8)) & (3).NthFermatMask<TResult>());
y = ((y | (y << 8)) & (3).NthFermatMask<TResult>());
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<TResult>.Size > 4) {
x = ((x | (x << 4)) & (2).NthFermatMask<TResult>());
y = ((y | (y << 4)) & (2).NthFermatMask<TResult>());
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<TResult>.Size > 2) {
x = ((x | (x << 2)) & (1).NthFermatMask<TResult>());
y = ((y | (y << 2)) & (1).NthFermatMask<TResult>());
x = ((x | (x << 1)) & (0).NthFermatMask<TResult>());
y = ((y | (y << 1)) & (0).NthFermatMask<TResult>());
return (x | (y << 1));
public static T MostSignificantBit<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> =>
(T.CreateTruncating(value: BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size) - T.LeadingZeroCount(value: value));
public static T NthSquare<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> =>
(value * value);
public static T PermuteBitsLexicographically<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> {
var x = value.SetLeastSignificantBits();
var y = int.CreateTruncating(value: (T.TrailingZeroCount(value: value) + T.One));
var z = (((~x).ExtractLeastSignificantBit() - T.One) >> y);
return ((x + T.One) | z);
public static T PopulationParity<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> =>
(T.PopCount(value: value) & T.One);
public static T ReflectedBinaryDecode<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> {
var x = (value ^ (value >> 1));
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size > 2) {
x ^= (x >> 2);
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size > 4) {
x ^= (x >> 4);
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size > 8) {
x ^= (x >> 8);
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size > 16) {
x ^= (x >> 16);
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size > 32) {
x ^= (x >> 32);
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size > 64) {
x ^= (x >> 64);
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size > 128) {
var i = (BitOperations.Log2(value: ((uint)(BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size))) - 7);
do {
x ^= (x >> (int.CreateTruncating(value: BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size) >> i));
} while (0 < --i);
return x;
public static T ReflectedBinaryEncode<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> =>
(value ^ (value >> 1));
public sealed class Pcg32XshRr
private const ulong MAGIC_VALUE_DEFAULT = 6364136223846793005UL;
private const string STREAM_VALUE_ERROR = "stream offset must be a positive integer less than 2^63";
private const ulong STREAM_VALUE_MAX = ((1UL << 63) - 1UL);
private static ulong Jump(ulong count, ulong magic, ulong state, ulong stream) {
unchecked {
var accMul = 1UL;
var accAdd = 0UL;
var curMul = magic;
var curAdd = stream;
while (count > 0UL) {
if (0UL < (count & 1UL)) {
accMul *= curMul;
accAdd = ((accAdd * curMul) + curAdd);
curAdd = ((curMul + 1UL) * curAdd);
curMul *= curMul;
count >>= 1;
return ((accMul * state) + accAdd);
private static uint NextUInt32(ulong magic, ref ulong state, ulong stream) {
unchecked {
state = ((state * magic) + stream);
return uint.RotateRight(rotateAmount: ((int)(state >> 59)), value: ((uint)(((state >> 18) ^ state) >> 27)));
private static uint Sample(uint exclusiveHigh, ulong magic, ref ulong state, ulong stream) {
unchecked {
var sample = ((ulong)NextUInt32(magic: magic, state: ref state, stream: stream));
var result = (sample * exclusiveHigh);
var leftover = ((uint)result);
if (leftover < exclusiveHigh) {
var threshold = ((((uint)(-exclusiveHigh)) % exclusiveHigh));
while (leftover < threshold) {
sample = NextUInt32(magic: magic, state: ref state, stream: stream);
result = (sample * exclusiveHigh);
leftover = ((uint)result);
return ((uint)(result >> 32));
public static Pcg32XshRr New(ulong magic, ulong state, ulong stream) => new(magic: magic, state: state, stream: stream);
public static Pcg32XshRr New(ulong state, ulong stream) => New(magic: MAGIC_VALUE_DEFAULT, state: state, stream: stream);
public static Pcg32XshRr New() => New(state: SecureRandom.NextUInt64(), stream: SecureRandom.NextUInt64(maximum: STREAM_VALUE_MAX, minimum: 0UL));
private readonly ulong m_magic;
private readonly ulong m_stream;
private ulong m_state;
private Pcg32XshRr(ulong magic, ulong state, ulong stream) {
if (stream > STREAM_VALUE_MAX) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(actualValue: stream, message: STREAM_VALUE_ERROR, paramName: nameof(stream));
m_magic = magic;
m_state = state;
m_stream = ((((~(stream & 1UL)) << 63) | stream) | 1UL);
public void Jump(ulong count) {
m_state = Jump(count: count, magic: m_magic, state: m_state, stream: m_stream);
public uint NextPrime(uint maximum, uint minimum) {
var result = (NextUInt32(maximum: maximum, minimum: minimum) | 1U);
while (!result.IsPrime()) {
result += 2U;
return result;
public uint NextUInt32() => NextUInt32(magic: m_magic, state: ref m_state, stream: m_stream);
public uint NextUInt32(uint maximum, uint minimum) {
var range = (maximum - minimum);
return ((range != uint.MaxValue) ? (Sample(exclusiveHigh: (range + 1U), magic: m_magic, state: ref m_state, stream: m_stream) + minimum) : NextUInt32());
public static class PrimeExtensions
private static ReadOnlySpan<ulong> MillerRabinBases32 => new ulong[] { 2UL, 7UL, 61UL, };
private static UInt128 GetModuloMultiplier(ulong divisor) =>
((UInt128.MaxValue / divisor) + UInt128.One);
private static ulong Modulo(ulong divisor, UInt128 multiplier, ulong value) =>
((ulong)(((((multiplier * value) >> (sizeof(ulong) * 8)) + UInt128.One) * divisor) >> (sizeof(ulong) * 8)));
public static bool IsPrime(this uint value) {
if (0U == (value & 01U)) { return (02U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 03U)) { return (03U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 05U)) { return (05U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 07U)) { return (07U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 11U)) { return (11U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 13U)) { return (13U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 17U)) { return (17U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 19U)) { return (19U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 23U)) { return (23U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 29U)) { return (29U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 31U)) { return (31U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 37U)) { return (37U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 41U)) { return (41U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 43U)) { return (43U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 47U)) { return (47U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 53U)) { return (53U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 59U)) { return (59U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 61U)) { return (61U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 67U)) { return (67U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 71U)) { return (71U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 73U)) { return (73U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 79U)) { return (79U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 83U)) { return (83U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 89U)) { return (89U == value); }
if (0U == (value % 97U)) { return (97U == value); }
var exponent = (value - 1U);
var multiplier = GetModuloMultiplier(divisor: value);
var shift = ((int)uint.TrailingZeroCount(value: exponent));
var valueMinusOne = exponent;
exponent >>= shift;
for (var i = 0; (i < MillerRabinBases32.Length); ++i) { // IsStrongPseudoprime
var @base = MillerRabinBases32[i];
var index = exponent;
var witness = 1UL;
do { // ModularExponentiation
if (0U != (index & 1U)) {
witness = Modulo(
divisor: value,
multiplier: multiplier,
value: (@base * witness)
@base = Modulo(
divisor: value,
multiplier: multiplier,
value: (@base * @base)
} while (0U != (index >>= 1));
if ((1U != witness) && (valueMinusOne != witness)) {
while (++index < shift) {
witness = Modulo(
divisor: value,
multiplier: multiplier,
value: (witness * witness)
if ((1U == witness)) { return false; }
if (valueMinusOne == witness) { break; }
if (index == shift) { return false; }
return (1U != value);
public static uint NthPrime(this uint value) {
if (203280220U < value) { return 0U; }
if (3U > value) { return ((0U == value) ? 2U : ((1U == value) ? 3U : 5U)); }
var factor = (((uint)((value * 1.10445d) * Math.Log(d: value))) | 1U);
var index = ((factor.IsPrime() ? (factor - 1U) : factor).Totient() - 1U);
do {
if (factor.IsPrime() && (++index == value)) { break; }
factor += 2U;
} while (index <= value);
return factor;
/// <remarks>
/// Based on the source code:
/// One believes that that maximum memory usage of this function is 512 kilobytes.
/// Variables w, x, y, and z are used to indicate that one has no idea WTF is going on.
/// Variables i, j, and k are used as indices to various arrays that one also doesn't really understand.
/// </remarks>
public static uint Totient(this uint value) {
if (value.IsPrime()) { return --value; }
if (value < 9U) { return ((value < 2U) ? 0U : ((value < 3U) ? 1U : ((value < 5U) ? 2U : ((value < 7U) ? 3U : 4U)))); }
var squareRoot = ((uint)Math.Sqrt(d: value));
var squareRootHalved = ((squareRoot + 1U) >> 1);
var larges = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(minimumLength: ((int)squareRootHalved));
var roughs = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(minimumLength: ((int)squareRootHalved));
var smalls = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(minimumLength: ((int)squareRootHalved));
for (var index = 0U; (index < squareRootHalved); ++index) {
larges[index] = (((value / ((index << 1) + 1U)) - 1U) >> 1);
roughs[index] = ((index << 1) + 1U);
smalls[index] = index;
var counter = 0U;
var factor = 3U;
if (factor <= squareRoot) {
var ignore = ArrayPool<bool>.Shared.Rent(minimumLength: ((int)(squareRoot + 1U)));
Array.Clear(array: ignore);
do {
if (!ignore[factor]) {
var factorSquared = (factor * factor);
if ((((ulong)factorSquared) * factorSquared) > value) { break; }
ignore[factor] = true;
var i = factorSquared;
var j = 0U;
var k = 0U;
while (i <= squareRoot) {
ignore[i] = true;
i += (factor << 1);
while (j < squareRootHalved) {
i = roughs[j];
if (!ignore[i]) {
var x = (i * factor);
var y = ((x > squareRoot) ? smalls[(((value / x) - 1U) >> 1)] : larges[(smalls[(x >> 1)] - counter)]);
var z = (larges[j] - y);
larges[k] = (z + counter);
roughs[k++] = i;
i = ((squareRoot - 1U) >> 1);
j = (((squareRoot / factor) - 1U) | 1U);
squareRootHalved = k;
while (j >= factor) {
var x = (smalls[(j >> 1)] - counter);
for (k = ((j * factor) >> 1); (i >= k); --i) {
smalls[i] -= x;
j -= 2U;
factor += 2U;
} while (factor <= squareRoot);
ArrayPool<bool>.Shared.Return(array: ignore);
larges[0] += (((squareRootHalved + ((counter - 1U) << 1)) * (squareRootHalved - 1U)) >> 1);
for (var i = 1U; (i < squareRootHalved); ++i) { larges[0] -= larges[i]; }
for (var i = 1U; (i < squareRootHalved); ++i) {
var w = roughs[i];
var x = (value / w);
var y = (smalls[(((x / w) - 1U) >> 1)] - counter);
if (y < (i + 1U)) { break; }
var z = 0U;
for (var j = (i + 1U); (j <= y); ++j) {
z += smalls[(((x / roughs[j]) - 1U) >> 1)];
larges[0] += (z - ((y - i) * ((counter + i) - 1U)));
value = (larges[0] + 1U);
ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Return(array: smalls);
ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Return(array: roughs);
ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Return(array: larges);
return value;
public static class SecureRandom
private static uint NextUInt32(uint exclusiveHigh) {
var range = (uint.MaxValue - (((uint.MaxValue % exclusiveHigh) + 1U) % exclusiveHigh));
uint result;
do {
result = NextUInt32();
} while (result > range);
return (result % exclusiveHigh);
private static ulong NextUInt64(ulong exclusiveHigh) {
var range = (ulong.MaxValue - (((ulong.MaxValue % exclusiveHigh) + 1UL) % exclusiveHigh));
ulong result;
do {
result = NextUInt64();
} while (result > range);
return (result % exclusiveHigh);
public static uint NextPrime() {
var result = (NextUInt32() | 1U);
while (!result.IsPrime()) {
result += 2U;
return result;
public static uint NextUInt32() {
var result = 0U;
RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(data: MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(span: new Span<uint>(reference: ref result)));
return result;
public static uint NextUInt32(uint maximum, uint minimum) {
var range = (maximum - minimum);
return ((range != uint.MaxValue) ? (NextUInt32(exclusiveHigh: (range + 1U)) + minimum) : NextUInt32());
public static ulong NextUInt64() {
var result = 0UL;
RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(data: MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(span: new Span<ulong>(reference: ref result)));
return result;
public static ulong NextUInt64(ulong maximum, ulong minimum) {
var range = (maximum - minimum);
return ((range != ulong.MaxValue) ? (NextUInt64(exclusiveHigh: (range + 1UL)) + minimum) : NextUInt64());
public static class UnsignedNumberFunctions
public static TResult ElegantPair<TInput, TResult>(this TInput value, TInput other) where TInput : IBinaryInteger<TInput>, IUnsignedNumber<TInput> where TResult : IBinaryInteger<TResult>, IUnsignedNumber<TResult> {
var x = value.Max(other: other);
var y = ((value ^ other) * (x & TInput.One));
var z = TResult.CreateTruncating(value: x);
return ((z * (z + TResult.One)) + (TResult.CreateTruncating(value: (y ^ other)) - TResult.CreateTruncating(value: (y ^ value))));
public static (TResult x, TResult y) ElegantUnpair<TInput, TResult>(this TInput value) where TInput : IBinaryInteger<TInput>, IUnsignedNumber<TInput> where TResult : IBinaryInteger<TResult>, IUnsignedNumber<TResult> {
var x = value.SquareRoot();
var y = TResult.CreateTruncating(value: (value - (x * x)));
var z = TResult.CreateTruncating(value: x);
if (y < z) {
(y, z) = (z, y);
else {
y = ((z << 1) - y);
if (TResult.IsOddInteger(value: TResult.Max(x: y, y: z))) {
(y, z) = (z, y);
return (y, z);
public static IEnumerable<T> EnumeratePrimeFactors<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T>, IUnsignedNumber<T> {
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Four > value) { yield break; }
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Five == value) { yield break; }
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Seven == value) { yield break; }
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Eleven == value) { yield break; }
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Thirteen == value) { yield break; }
var index = value;
while (T.Zero == (index & T.One)/* enumerate factors of 2 */) {
yield return BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Two;
index >>= 1;
while (T.Zero == (index % BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Three)) { // enumerate factors of 3
yield return BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Three;
index /= BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Three;
while (T.Zero == (index % BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Five)/* enumerate factors of 5 */) {
yield return BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Five;
index /= BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Five;
while (T.Zero == (index % BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Seven)/* enumerate factors of 7 */) {
yield return BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Seven;
index /= BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Seven;
while (T.Zero == (index % BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Eleven)/* enumerate factors of 11 */) {
yield return BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Eleven;
index /= BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Eleven;
while (T.Zero == (index % BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Thirteen)/* enumerate factors of 13 */) {
yield return BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Thirteen;
index /= BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Thirteen;
var factor = BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Seventeen;
var limit = index.SquareRoot();
if (factor <= limit) {
do {
while (T.Zero == (index % factor)/* enumerate factors of (30k - 13) */) {
yield return factor;
index /= factor;
factor += BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Two;
while (T.Zero == (index % factor)/* enumerate factors of (30k - 11) */) {
yield return factor;
index /= factor;
factor += BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Four;
while (T.Zero == (index % factor)/* enumerate factors of (30k - 7) */) {
yield return factor;
index /= factor;
factor += BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Six;
while (T.Zero == (index % factor)/* enumerate factors of (30k - 1) */) {
yield return factor;
index /= factor;
factor += BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Two;
while (T.Zero == (index % factor)/* enumerate factors of (30k + 1) */) {
yield return factor;
index /= factor;
factor += BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Six;
while (T.Zero == (index % factor)/* enumerate factors of (30k + 7) */) {
yield return factor;
index /= factor;
factor += BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Four;
while (T.Zero == (index % factor)/* enumerate factors of (30k + 11) */) {
yield return factor;
index /= factor;
factor += BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Two;
while (T.Zero == (index % factor)/* enumerate factors of (30k + 13) */) {
yield return factor;
index /= factor;
factor += BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Four;
limit = index.SquareRoot();
} while (factor <= limit);
if ((index != T.One) && (index != value)) {
yield return index;
public static T Log10<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T>, IUnsignedNumber<T> {
return BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size switch {
8 => (T.CreateTruncating(value: ((uint)MathF.Log10(x: uint.CreateTruncating(value: value)))) + T.One),
16 => (T.CreateTruncating(value: ((uint)MathF.Log10(x: uint.CreateTruncating(value: value)))) + T.One),
32 => (T.CreateTruncating(value: ((uint)Math.Log10(d: uint.CreateTruncating(value: value)))) + T.One),
_ => SoftwareImplementation(value: value),
static T SoftwareImplementation(T value) {
var quotient = value;
var result = T.Zero;
do {
quotient /= BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Ten;
} while (T.Zero != quotient);
return result;
/// <remarks>
/// Based on the paper:
/// An Improved Integer Multiplicative Inverse(modulo 2w)
/// Jeffrey Hurchalla, April 2022
/// </remarks>
public static T ModularInverse<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T>, IUnsignedNumber<T> {
var x = ((T.CreateChecked(value: 3) * value) ^ T.CreateChecked(value: 2));
var y = (T.One - (value * x));
x *= (y + T.One);
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size > 8) {
y *= y;
x *= (y + T.One);
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size > 16) {
y *= y;
x *= (y + T.One);
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size > 32) {
y *= y;
x *= (y + T.One);
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size > 64) {
y *= y;
x *= (y + T.One);
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size > 128) {
var i = (BitOperations.Log2(value: (((uint)BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size) / 4)) - 5);
do {
y *= y;
x *= (y + T.One);
} while (0 < --i);
return x;
public static T NextPowerOfTwo<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T>, IUnsignedNumber<T> {
var x = (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size - int.CreateTruncating(value: T.LeadingZeroCount(value: (value - T.One))));
var y = int.CreateTruncating(value: BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Log2Size);
return ((T.One ^ T.CreateTruncating(value: (((uint)x) >> y))) << x);
public static T NextSquare<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T>, IUnsignedNumber<T> {
var squareRootPlusOne = (value.SquareRoot() + T.One);
return (squareRootPlusOne * squareRootPlusOne);
/// <remarks>
/// Based on the paper:
/// Square Rooting Algorithms for Integer and Floating-Point Numbers
/// IEEE Transactions on Computers, August 1990
/// Volume: 39, Issue: 8, Pages: 1025 - 1029
/// </remarks>
public static T SquareRoot<T>(this T value) where T : IBinaryInteger<T>, IUnsignedNumber<T> {
return BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size switch {
8 => T.CreateTruncating(value: ((uint)MathF.Sqrt(x: uint.CreateTruncating(value: value)))),
16 => T.CreateTruncating(value: ((uint)MathF.Sqrt(x: uint.CreateTruncating(value: value)))),
32 => T.CreateTruncating(value: ((uint)Math.Sqrt(d: uint.CreateTruncating(value: value)))),
64 => T.CreateTruncating(value: Sqrt(value: ulong.CreateTruncating(value: value))),
_ => SoftwareImplementation(value: value),
Credit goes to njuffa for providing a reference implementation:
- This implementation of the algorithm runs in constant time, based on the size of T.
- Ignoring the loop that is entered when the size of T exceeds 64, all branches get eliminated during JIT compilation.
static T SoftwareImplementation(T value) {
var msb = int.CreateTruncating(value: value.MostSignificantBit());
var msbIsOdd = (msb & 1);
var m = ((msb + 1) >> 1);
var mMinusOne = (m - 1);
var mPlusOne = (m + 1);
var x = (T.One << mMinusOne);
var y = (x - (value >> (mPlusOne - msbIsOdd)));
var z = y;
x += x;
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size > 8) {
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size > 16) {
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size > 32) {
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size > 64) {
var i = T.CreateTruncating(value: (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size >> 3));
do {
i -= (T.One << 3);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
y = (((y * y) >> mPlusOne) + z);
} while (i != T.Zero);
y = (x - y);
x = T.CreateTruncating(value: msbIsOdd);
y -= BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size switch {
8 => (x * ((y * T.CreateChecked(value: 5UL)) >> 4)),
16 => (x * ((y * T.CreateChecked(value: 75UL)) >> 8)),
32 => (x * ((y * T.CreateChecked(value: 19195UL)) >> 16)),
64 => (x * ((y * T.CreateChecked(value: 1257966796UL)) >> 32)),
128 => (x * ((y * T.CreateChecked(value: 5402926248376769403UL)) >> 64)),
_ => throw new NotSupportedException(), // TODO: Research a way to calculate the proper constant at runtime.
x = (T.One << (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size - 1));
y -= (value - (y * y)).IsGreaterThan(other: x);
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size > 8) {
y -= (value - (y * y)).IsGreaterThan(other: x);
y -= (value - (y * y)).IsGreaterThan(other: x);
if (BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size > 32) {
y -= (value - (y * y)).IsGreaterThan(other: x);
y -= (value - (y * y)).IsGreaterThan(other: x);
y -= (value - (y * y)).IsGreaterThan(other: x);
return (y & (T.AllBitsSet >> 1));
static uint Sqrt(ulong value) {
var x = ((uint)Math.Sqrt(d: unchecked((long)value)));
var y = (unchecked(((ulong)x) * x) > value).As<uint>(); // ((x * x) > value) ? 1 : 0
var z = ((uint)(value >> 63)); // (64 == value.MostSignificantBit()) ? 1 : 0
return unchecked(x - (y | z));
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