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Created May 21, 2023 10:36
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fun PlacementWithinAnchor(
modifier: Modifier,
content: @Composable PlacementWithinAnchorScope.() -> Unit
) {
LocalLayoutCoordinatesHolder provides ContainerLayoutCoordinatesHolder()
) {
modifier = modifier
) {
private val LocalLayoutCoordinatesHolder = compositionLocalOf<ContainerLayoutCoordinatesHolder> {
throw IllegalStateException("No LayoutCoordinates provided")
object PlacementWithinAnchorScope {
fun Modifier.placementAnchor() = composed {
val currentLayoutCoordinatesHolder = LocalLayoutCoordinatesHolder.current
onPlaced {
currentLayoutCoordinatesHolder.containerLayoutCoordinates = it
fun Modifier.onPlacedWithinAnchor(
onPlaced: (WithinAnchor) -> Unit
) = composed {
val currentLocalLayoutCoordinatesHolder = LocalLayoutCoordinatesHolder.current
onGloballyPositioned {
val anchorLayoutCoordinates = currentLocalLayoutCoordinatesHolder.containerLayoutCoordinates
val boundsWithinAnchor = anchorLayoutCoordinates
.localBoundingBoxOf(it, false)
val positionWithinAnchor = Offset(
val corners = with(boundsWithinAnchor) { listOf(topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight) }
val anchorBounds = Rect(Offset.Zero, anchorLayoutCoordinates.size.toSize())
val isVisible = corners.any { anchorBounds.contains(it) }
onPlaced(WithinAnchor(positionWithinAnchor, boundsWithinAnchor, isVisible))
data class WithinAnchor(
val position: Offset = Offset.Zero,
val bounds: Rect = Rect.Zero,
val isVisible: Boolean = false
class ContainerLayoutCoordinatesHolder {
lateinit var containerLayoutCoordinates: LayoutCoordinates
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