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Created July 14, 2022 21:30
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Clone Arms Rigging in The Last Clockwinder
// Copyright 2022 John Austin - Pontoco
// License: MIT
// This is the rigging code that is used to calculate IK and place arm bones in The Last Clockwinder.
// It began using the Unity Animation Rigging package, but we found that to be too slow and overly separated into too many
// trivial jobs (it was dominated by scheduling time).
// This code is largely the result of manually inlining all of the rigging code we were using from our Animation Rigging setup.
// You'll notice that it's well setup to run as a Job! But we never needed the extra performance. In face, just running this code 25 times
// (once for each clone) was so much faster that this code was no longer a bottleneck.
using System;
using Assets.Scripts.Utilities;
using Core.Assistants;
using Core.Audio;
using Core.Harness;
using Core.PlayerControl;
using Game.UI.HelpIndicator;
using Global.Utilities.Unity;
using Global.Utilities.Unity.Springs;
using NewtonVR;
using UniRx;
using UniRx.Triggers;
using Unity.Labs.SuperScience;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Animations;
using UnityEngine.Animations.Rigging;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
using Utilities;
using Utilities.Unity;
namespace Game
/// <summary>The main class of the assistant rigs. Contains the toplevel for assistant specific code.</summary>
public class AssistantVisuals : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary></summary>
public class Params : ScriptParams<Params>
public Material BackPlateMaterial1, BackPlateMaterial2, BackPlateMaterial4;
public int MaxClonesToDisableAnimations = 18;
public float DisableHandAnimationDistance = 3;
public float LowFrameRateDistance = 5;
public int LowFrameRateSkip = 2;
private class HandAnimation
private readonly SpringFloat spring = new SpringFloat(10, 3);
private int timer;
private bool holdPrev;
private readonly AnimationClipPlayable clip;
public HandAnimation(PlayableGraph graph, Animator animator, AnimationClip animClip)
clip = AnimationClipPlayable.Create(graph, animClip);
var output = AnimationPlayableOutput.Create(graph, "Animator", animator);
public void Update(bool holdButtonDown)
if (holdButtonDown)
timer = 10;
spring.TargetValue = timer > 0 || holdButtonDown ? 1 : .3f;
holdPrev = holdButtonDown;
timer = Math.Max(timer - 1, 0);
public class ArmRigging
private const bool debug = false;
// Rigging for the skeleton. The skeleton is the intermediate rig that IK is performed on.
public Transform SkeletonHand;
public Vector3 SkeletonHandOffset; // Offset of the skeleton hand in local space of the rig hand
public Transform SkeletonIkHint;
private Matrix4x4 IkHintChestOffset;
public Transform SkeletonArmRoot;
public Transform SkeletonArmMid;
public Transform SkeletonArmTip;
private Matrix4x4 SkinArmRootOffset;
private Matrix4x4 SkinArmMidOffset;
// Rigging for the skinning. The skinning is the final flat-hierarchy bones that feed the animator.
public Transform SkinHand;
public Transform SkinArmRoot;
public Transform SkinArmMid;
private Matrix4x4 SkinHandOffset; // offset from the player rig hand positions.
// Twist correction
private Quaternion sourceInitialRotationInv;
private Quaternion bicepInitialRotation;
private Quaternion forearmInitialRotation;
public void InitializeRigging(Transform skeletonTorso)
SkinHandOffset = TransformHelpers.GetTransformBetween(SkeletonHand, SkinHand);
IkHintChestOffset = TransformHelpers.GetTransformBetween(SkeletonIkHint, skeletonTorso);
SkinArmRootOffset = TransformHelpers.GetTransformBetween(SkinArmRoot, SkeletonArmRoot);
SkinArmMidOffset = TransformHelpers.GetTransformBetween(SkinArmMid, SkeletonArmMid);
// Twist Correction
sourceInitialRotationInv = Quaternion.Inverse(SkeletonArmTip.localRotation);
bicepInitialRotation = SkeletonArmRoot.localRotation;
forearmInitialRotation = SkeletonArmMid.localRotation;
public void UpdateSkeleton(PlayerHand hand, Vector3 skeletonTorsoPosition, Quaternion skeletonTorsoRotation,
float twistCorrectionAll, float twistCorrectionBicep,
float twistCorrectionForearm)
TwistCorrection(SkeletonArmTip, SkeletonArmRoot, SkeletonArmMid, twistCorrectionAll,
twistCorrectionBicep, twistCorrectionForearm);
// todo: we only need positions of these
var armHint = Matrix4x4.TRS(skeletonTorsoPosition, skeletonTorsoRotation, *
if (debug)
GizmoModule.DrawSphere(armHint.ExtractTranslation(), .01f,;
// Skeleton hand positions
var skeletonHandPosition = hand.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(SkeletonHandOffset);
var skeletonHandRotation = hand.transform.rotation;
// Skin hand positions
// todo: can be optimized if not inlined/simplified.
SkinHand.position = skeletonHandPosition + SkinHandOffset.ExtractTranslation();
SkinHand.rotation = skeletonHandRotation * SkinHandOffset.ExtractRotation();
// Skeleton Arms (IK)
SolveTwoBoneIk(SkeletonArmRoot, SkeletonArmMid, SkeletonArmTip,
armHint.ExtractTranslation(), SkinHand.position);
// Skin arms
SkinArmRoot.position =
(SkeletonArmRoot.localToWorldMatrix * SkinArmRootOffset).ExtractTranslation();
SkinArmRoot.rotation =
(SkeletonArmRoot.localToWorldMatrix * SkinArmRootOffset).ExtractRotation();
SkinArmMid.position =
(SkeletonArmMid.localToWorldMatrix * SkinArmMidOffset).ExtractTranslation();
SkinArmMid.rotation =
(SkeletonArmMid.localToWorldMatrix * SkinArmMidOffset).ExtractRotation();
private void SolveTwoBoneIk( /*Vector3 rootPosition, Vector3 midPosition, Vector3 tipPosition, */
Transform rootBone, Transform midBone, Transform tipBone,
Vector3 hintPosition,
Vector3 targetPosition)
const float k_SqrEpsilon = 1e-8f;
Vector3 aPosition = rootBone.position;
Vector3 bPosition = midBone.position;
Vector3 cPosition = tipBone.position;
Vector3 ab = bPosition - aPosition;
Vector3 bc = cPosition - bPosition;
Vector3 ac = cPosition - aPosition;
Vector3 at = targetPosition - aPosition;
float abLen = ab.magnitude;
float bcLen = bc.magnitude;
float acLen = ac.magnitude;
float atLen = at.magnitude;
float oldAbcAngle = TriangleAngle(acLen, abLen, bcLen);
float newAbcAngle = TriangleAngle(atLen, abLen, bcLen);
// Rotate the forearm to be the correct angle:
// Bend normal strategy is to take whatever has been provided in the animation
// stream to minimize configuration changes, however if this is collinear
// try computing a bend normal given the desired target position.
// If this also fails, try resolving axis using hint if provided.
Vector3 axis = Vector3.Cross(ab, bc);
if (axis.sqrMagnitude < k_SqrEpsilon)
axis = Vector3.Cross(hintPosition - aPosition, bc);
if (axis.sqrMagnitude < k_SqrEpsilon)
axis = Vector3.Cross(at, bc);
if (axis.sqrMagnitude < k_SqrEpsilon)
axis = Vector3.up;
axis = Vector3.Normalize(axis);
// todo replace with quaternion-axis-angle constructor
float a = 0.5f * (oldAbcAngle - newAbcAngle);
float sin = Mathf.Sin(a);
float cos = Mathf.Cos(a);
Quaternion deltaR = new Quaternion(axis.x * sin, axis.y * sin, axis.z * sin, cos);
midBone.rotation = deltaR * midBone.rotation;
// Rotate the root to align the forearm to the target:
cPosition = tipBone.position; // This updates the positive based on the rotated mid bone.
ac = cPosition - aPosition;
rootBone.rotation = QuaternionExt.FromToRotation(ac, at) * rootBone.rotation;
float acSqrMag = ac.sqrMagnitude;
if (acSqrMag > 0f)
bPosition = midBone.position;
cPosition = tipBone.position;
ab = bPosition - aPosition;
ac = cPosition - aPosition;
Vector3 acNorm = ac / Mathf.Sqrt(acSqrMag);
Vector3 ah = hintPosition - aPosition;
Vector3 abProj = ab - acNorm * Vector3.Dot(ab, acNorm);
Vector3 ahProj = ah - acNorm * Vector3.Dot(ah, acNorm);
float maxReach = abLen + bcLen;
if (abProj.sqrMagnitude > (maxReach * maxReach * 0.001f) && ahProj.sqrMagnitude > 0f)
Quaternion hintR = QuaternionExt.FromToRotation(abProj, ahProj);
rootBone.rotation = hintR * rootBone.rotation;
private void TwistCorrection(Transform source, Transform bicep, Transform forearm,
float twistCorrectionAll, float twistCorrectionBicep,
float twistCorrectionForearm)
float w = twistCorrectionAll;
if (w > 0f)
Quaternion twistRot =
TwistRotation(Vector3.forward, sourceInitialRotationInv * source.localRotation);
// bicep
Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, twistRot, twistCorrectionBicep);
bicep.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(bicepInitialRotation, rot, w);
rot = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, twistRot, twistCorrectionForearm);
forearm.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(forearmInitialRotation, rot, w);
static Quaternion TwistRotation(Vector3 axis, Quaternion rot)
return new Quaternion(axis.x * rot.x, axis.y * rot.y, axis.z * rot.z, rot.w);
/// <summary>The renderers to modify when the Assistant is selected.</summary>
public Renderer BodyRenderer;
public Renderer BackPlateRenderer;
public Animator HandAnimator;
public PlayerRig rig;
public AnimationClip LHandClose, RHandClose;
public Transform SkeletonTorso;
public Vector3 TorsoHeadOffset; // Offset of the torso relative to the rig head
public ArmRigging LeftArmRig, RightArmRig;
// Rigging for the skinning. The skinning is the final flat-hierarchy bones that feed the animator.
public Transform SkinTorso;
public Transform SkinHead;
private Matrix4x4 SkinTorsoOffset; // offset from the player rig hand positions.
private Vector3 SkinHeadPositionOffset;
private Quaternion SkinHeadRotationOffset;
[Range(0, 1)]
public float TwistCorrectionStrengthAll;
[Range(0, 1)]
public float TwistCorrectionStrengthBicep;
[Range(0, 1)]
public float TwistCorrectionStrengthForearm;
private RigInputPlayback playback;
private MaterialPropertyBlock materialPropertyBlock;
private Assistant assistant;
private static readonly int RingProgressProperty = Shader.PropertyToID("_RingProgress");
private void Awake()
rig = GetComponent<PlayerRig>();
playback = rig.Input.Playback.ValueOr(null);
assistant = GetComponent<Assistant>();
BackPlateRenderer.material = assistant.Data.MinLoopMeasures switch
1 => Params.Instance.BackPlateMaterial1,
2 => Params.Instance.BackPlateMaterial2,
4 => Params.Instance.BackPlateMaterial4,
_ => Params.Instance.BackPlateMaterial2
materialPropertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
HandAnimator.applyRootMotion = false;
graph = PlayableGraph.Create("HandAnimationGraph");
lHand = new HandAnimation(graph, HandAnimator, LHandClose);
rHand = new HandAnimation(graph, HandAnimator, RHandClose);
public void UpdateEffects()
// Run purely visual logic in Update().
if (playback == null)
materialPropertyBlock.SetFloat(RingProgressProperty, playback.CurrentLoopProgress);
public NVRHand LeftHand, RightHand;
private PlayableGraph graph;
private HandAnimation lHand, rHand;
public HelpBubble ShowDeleteHint()
Assistant a = GetComponent<Assistant>();
Transform rigHead = GetComponentInParent<PlayerRig>().Head.transform;
var bubble = HelpBubble.Spawn(rigHead, Vector3.up * .2f,
// Lower the target position slightly to match the head visual rather than rig head position.
targetOffsetWorld: new Vector3(0, -0.15f, 0));
// Destroy if the clone is destroyed.
a.OnDestroyAsObservable().First().Subscribe(() =>
if (bubble != null) // can happen during scene destruction. the bubble might get destroyed first.
return bubble;
public void InitializeRigging()
SkinTorsoOffset = TransformHelpers.GetTransformBetween(SkinTorso, SkeletonTorso);
SkinHeadPositionOffset = SkinHead.position - rig.Head.transform.position;
SkinHeadRotationOffset = Quaternion.Inverse(rig.Head.transform.rotation) * SkinHead.rotation;
public void UpdateRigging()
Params param = Params.Instance;
bool highCloneNumber = Assistant.AllAssistants.Count > param.MaxClonesToDisableAnimations;
// After ~18 clones we start to stagger/disable animation updates:
// Disable the hand animations past a certain distance:
bool disabledHandAnimations = highCloneNumber &&
RealPlayer.Instance.Rig.Head.transform.position) >
if (!disabledHandAnimations)
HandAnimator.enabled = true;
HandAnimator.enabled = false;
// Update the animation poses for clones every N frames, staggered to spread out the workload.
// Only applies to clones far enough away from the player.
bool lowFramerateAnimation = highCloneNumber &&
RealPlayer.Instance.Rig.Head.transform.position) >
bool isMyFrame = Time.frameCount % param.LowFrameRateSkip ==
assistant.Identity % param.LowFrameRateSkip;
if (!lowFramerateAnimation || isMyFrame)
public void UpdateSkeleton()
// Torso
var skeletonTorsoPosition = rig.Head.transform.position + TorsoHeadOffset;
var skeletonTorsoRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, rig.Head.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0);
SkeletonTorso.position = skeletonTorsoPosition;
SkeletonTorso.rotation = skeletonTorsoRotation;
Matrix4x4 skeletonTorsoTransform = Matrix4x4.TRS(skeletonTorsoPosition, skeletonTorsoRotation,;
SkinTorso.position = (skeletonTorsoTransform * SkinTorsoOffset).ExtractTranslation();
SkinTorso.rotation = (skeletonTorsoTransform * SkinTorsoOffset).ExtractRotation();
// Head
SkinHead.position = rig.Head.transform.position + SkinHeadPositionOffset;
SkinHead.rotation = rig.Head.transform.rotation * SkinHeadRotationOffset;
LeftArmRig.UpdateSkeleton(rig.LeftHand, skeletonTorsoPosition, skeletonTorsoRotation,
TwistCorrectionStrengthAll, TwistCorrectionStrengthBicep, TwistCorrectionStrengthForearm);
RightArmRig.UpdateSkeleton(rig.RightHand, skeletonTorsoPosition, skeletonTorsoRotation,
TwistCorrectionStrengthAll, TwistCorrectionStrengthBicep, TwistCorrectionStrengthForearm);
private static float TriangleAngle(float aLen, float aLen1, float aLen2)
float c = Mathf.Clamp((aLen1 * aLen1 + aLen2 * aLen2 - aLen * aLen) / (aLen1 * aLen2) / 2.0f, -1.0f,
return Mathf.Acos(c);
private void OnDestroy()
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