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Last active March 4, 2017 21:27
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Save Klowner/5457894 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Per-user systemd service file for Bittorrent Sync (initially developed for use with the bittorrent-sync from AUR)
Instructions for ArchLinux
- Place btsync@.service in /etc/systemd/system
Then for each user:
- Create a .sync directory in the user's home directory
- Create a config file (eg: /usr/bin/btsync --dump-sample-config > ~/.sync/btsync.json)
- Change options:
"storage_path" : "/home/<username>/.sync"
"pid_file" : "/run/user/<userid>/"
choose unique IP for webui listen directive
- Enable the systemd unit: systemctl enable btsync@<username>
- Fire it up, systemctl start btsync@<username>
Description=BTSync for user %I
ExecStart=/usr/bin/btsync --config %h/.sync/btsync.json --nodaemon
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