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Created February 17, 2021 21:35
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Camelize Body and Query parameters
from fastapi import Body, FastAPI
from fastapi.routing import APIRoute, APIRouter
from humps import camelize
from pydantic import BaseModel
app = FastAPI()
router = APIRouter(prefix="/haha")"/")
def home(my_potato: str = Body(..., embed=True)):
return my_potato
class MyBody(BaseModel):
first_var: str
second_var: int"/another")
def another(my_body: MyBody):
def router_another(my_body: MyBody):
def query_endpoint(my_query: str):
for route in app.routes:
if isinstance(route, APIRoute):
for param in route.dependant.query_params:
if param.alias ==
param.alias = camelize(
for param in route.dependant.body_params:
if param.alias ==
param.alias = camelize(
if route.body_field:
for field in route.body_field.type_.__fields__.values():
field.alias = camelize(
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