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Kmfernan5 /
Created November 11, 2024 20:33 — forked from yardnsm/
My "checklist" for backing up my Android devices


Android backup

Mainly for Google Pixel phones.

I mostly use Google's backup to Google Drive (which is freaking amazing). It backs up the following:

  • App data
  • Call history
Kmfernan5 /
Created May 24, 2024 03:00 — forked from scyto/
proxmox cluster proof of concept

ProxMox Cluster - Soup-to-Nutz

aka what i did to get from nothing to done.

note: these are designed to be primarily a re-install guide for myself (writing things down helps me memorize the knowledge), as such don't take any of this on blind faith - some areas are well tested and the docs are very robust, some items, less so). YMMV

Purpose of Proxmox cluster project

Required Outomces of cluster project

Kmfernan5 /
Last active May 11, 2024 21:24 — forked from glasslion/
This script convert youtube subtitle file(vtt) to plain text.
Convert YouTube subtitles(vtt) to human readable text.
Download only subtitles from YouTube with youtube-dl:
youtube-dl --skip-download --convert-subs vtt <video_url>
Note that default subtitle format provided by YouTube is ass, which is hard
to process with simple regex. Luckily youtube-dl can convert ass to vtt, which
is easier to process.
Kmfernan5 /
Created February 15, 2024 14:00 — forked from caseywatts/
Making Bookmarklets

This is one chapter of my "Chrome Extension Workshops" tutorial, see the rest here:

Unrelated update: my book is out! Debugging Your Brain is an applied psychology / self-help book

Making Bookmarklets

I'm feeling very clever. I've got this sweet line of javascript that replaces "cloud" with "butt". My mom would LOVE this, but she doesn't computer very well. I'm afraid to show her the Developer Console and have her type/paste this in. But she IS pretty good at bookmarks, she knows just how to click those!

A bookmark normally takes you to a new web page. A bookmarklet is a bookmark that runs javascript on the current page instead of taking you to a new page. To declare that it is a bookmarklet, the "location" it points to starts with javascript:.

Kmfernan5 / shell-setup.ps1
Created September 4, 2022 18:38 — forked from mikepruett3/shell-setup.ps1
Packages to install via scoop, winget, choco, and other tools...
Script to Initialize my custom powershell setup.
Script uses scoop
**NOTE** Will configure the Execution Policy for the "CurrentUser" to Unrestricted.
Author: Mike Pruett
Date: October 18th, 2018