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Last active January 13, 2016 17:49
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Date: 2016-01
# Author; George Lester
# Recurses all folders underneath the path given by the first positional parameter,
# finding all git repos. As it finds repos, it checks to see if they're gitp4 repos.
# If the repo is gitp4 and contains no local uncommitted changes, this performs a `git p4 rebase`.
import sys
import os
import subprocess
class colors:
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
def main():
targetPath = determineTargetPath()
if(targetPath == None):
print("First positional argument must be a path to check for git repositories")
return 1
total, dirty = recurseDirectory(targetPath)
print("\nDone. Checked " + colors.OKBLUE + str(total) + colors.ENDC + " p4 repositories, found " + colors.WARNING + str(dirty) + colors.ENDC + " dirty repos.")
return 0
# Recurses the given [path] looking for git repositories.
def recurseDirectory(path):
total = dirty = 0
path = os.path.abspath(path)
for node in os.listdir(path):
node = os.path.join(path, node)
total += 1
print("\n" + colors.WARNING + "Not updating repository because of uncommitted changes: '" + node + "'" + colors.ENDC)
dirty += 1
lower = recurseDirectory(node)
total += lower[0]
dirty += lower[1]
return (total, dirty)
# Returns True if the repo rooted at the given [repoPath] is a "git p4" repo.
def isRepoP4(repoPath):
remotePath = os.path.join(repoPath, ".git", "refs", "remotes", "p4")
return os.path.exists(remotePath)
# Returns True if the given [path] is a git repository.
def isRepo(path):
repoPath = os.path.join(path, ".git")
return os.path.exists(repoPath)
# Returns True if the given [path] (which is a git repo) contains uncommitted changes.
def isRepoDirty(path):
command = ["git", "status", "--porcelain"]
output = subprocess.check_output(command, cwd=path)
return len(output) > 0
# Runs 'git p4 rebase'
def syncRepo(path):
print("\n" + colors.OKBLUE + " Rebasing '" + path + "'" + colors.ENDC)
command = ["git", "p4", "rebase"]
return, cwd=path)
# Determines the first positional parameter, returning it if it was specified.
# Otherwise returns None.
def determineTargetPath():
if(len(sys.argv) != 2):
return None
return sys.argv[1]
status = main()
if(status != 0):
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