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Last active August 22, 2021 05:10
Query to generate full DDL (including comments) for all foreign keys in PostgreSQL. Can be used in flyway migrations
with fks as (
select conname as fk_name,
source_rel.relnamespace::regnamespace::text as table_schema,
conrelid::regclass::text as table_name,
select string_agg(quote_ident(attname), ', ' order by unnest.ordinality)
from pg_attribute, unnest(conkey) with ordinality
where unnest.unnest = attnum
and attrelid = conrelid
) as table_columns,
target_rel.relnamespace::regnamespace::text as foreign_schema,
confrelid::regclass::text as foreign_table,
select string_agg(quote_ident(attname), ', ' order by unnest.ordinality)
from pg_attribute, unnest(confkey) with ordinality
where unnest.unnest = attnum
and attrelid = confrelid
) as foreign_columns,
confmatchtype as match_type,
confupdtype as on_update,
confdeltype as on_delete,
condeferrable as is_deferrable,
condeferred as is_initially_deferred,
description as comment
from pg_constraint
join pg_class source_rel on source_rel.oid = conrelid
join pg_class target_rel on target_rel.oid = confrelid
left join pg_description on objoid = pg_constraint.oid
where contype = 'f'
-- and conrelid = ''::regclass -- filter by constrained table
-- and confrelid = ''::regclass -- filter by referenced table
select string_agg(ddl, E'\n\n')
from (
select format(
E'alter table %2$s.%3$s drop constraint %1$s;\n' ||
E'alter table %2$s.%3$s\n' ||
E'\tadd constraint %1$s\n' ||
E'\t\tforeign key (%4$s) references %5$s.%6$s (%7$s)' ||
case match_type
when 'f' then E'\n\t\t\tmatch full'
when 'p' then E'\n\t\t\tmatch partial'
else ''
end ||
case on_delete
when 'r' then E'\n\t\t\ton delete restrict'
when 'c' then E'\n\t\t\ton delete cascade'
when 'n' then E'\n\t\t\ton delete set null'
when 'd' then E'\n\t\t\ton delete set default'
else ''
end ||
case on_update
when 'r' then E'\n\t\t\ton update restrict'
when 'c' then E'\n\t\t\ton update cascade'
when 'n' then E'\n\t\t\ton update set null'
when 'd' then E'\n\t\t\ton update set default'
else ''
end ||
case is_deferrable
when true then E'\n\t\t\tdeferrable'
else ''
end ||
case is_initially_deferred
when true then E' initially deferred'
else ''
end ||
';' ||
when comment notnull then format(
E'\ncomment on constraint %s on %s.%s' ||
E'\n\tis %s;',
else ''
) as ddl
from fks
) as ddl;
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This query was written as basis for automatic change of foreign keys.
For example, one can replace

case on_delete 

with '\n\t\t\ton delete cascade' and add and confdeltype = 'a' to where-clause to generate migration, adding on delete cascade to all fks

More information can be found in Postgres documentation

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