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Created May 17, 2022 20:54
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Tinkers Lexicon

Anything in italics represents a word from the lexicon

  • Attribute: Numerical value defined by Minecraft as part of an entity, examples include attack damage, health, and speed
  • Tool Stat: Base numerical value on the tool. Examples include attack damage, durability, and mining speed. Many stats are also attributes.
    • Base: A raw stat on the tool, value shown directly in the tooltip
    • Conditional: A stat applied based on a condition, such as elevation or the type of monster attacked. Order may matter for conditional boosts
      • Flat: Adds to the stat a flat value
      • Percentage: Multiplies stats by a percentage based on the condition
    • Multiplier: Multiplies stats by a value
      • Base Multiplier: Multiplies the base stat value, but not conditional stats
      • Conditional Multiplier: Multiplies flat conditional boosts by the value. Not to be confused with a conditonal percentage boost
      • Global Multiplier: Multiplies both base and conditional stats by the value
  • Modifier: Can be applied to a tool to apply a vareity of effects
    • Slot: Represents a type of modifier that can only be applied in a recipe a limited number of times. Slots have multiple types, but none of the types are hardcoded
      • Upgrade: Cheap slots, each tool has many
      • Ability: Powerful slots, each tool has few
      • Defense: Strong slots for boosting protection, armor has these instead of traits in the base mod
      • Soul: Slots applied for use in the soul forge. Note that while semantically the soul forge and only the soul forge should use soul slots, internally that is not required
    • Slotless: Modifier applied in a recipe that does not require slots
    • Permanent: Modifiers that cannot be removed once applied without commands
    • Removable: Modifiers that can be removed using the removal recipe (wet sponge)
    • Trait: Modifiers applied based on the tool's construction. Note traits are considered neither permanent nor removable.
      • Tool Trait: Traits applied based on the tool type, such as cleavers having severing
      • Material Trait: Traits applied based on part material, such as cobalt having lightweight
    • Internal: Modifiers that are hidden from the tooltip. Most often are traits.
    • Nested: Modifiers applied by other modifiers. Typically will be internal.
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