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Created January 21, 2012 18:13
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Chat comet response code
class ChatComet extends CometActor with CometListener {
//Register as a listener with the ChatCometServer
def registerWith = ChatCometServer
//No pre render needed
def render = <br/>
//Proccess messages
//called during update from ChatCometServer
override def lowPriority = {
case fullChatLine: FullChatLine => {
Environment.logDebug("ChatComet "" "+fullChatLine.conversastionId) match {
case Full(conversationId) if(conversationId.equals(fullChatLine.conversastionId)) => {
Environment.logError("FullChatLine didn't screw up")
this.partialUpdate(OnLoad((JqJE.Jq("#chat") ~> JqJE.JqAppend(ChatTemplate.getXHTML(fullChatLine))).cmd &
JsRaw("$('.time-formatted').each(function (i) {toLocalDate($(this)); $(this).removeClass('time-formatted');});scrollBottom();alert('conversationId');").cmd)
case Full(conversationId) if(!conversationId.equals(fullChatLine.conversastionId)) => {
Environment.logError("FullChatLine screwed up")
case _ =>
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