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Last active August 17, 2016 11:41
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from datetime import datetime
from urllib.parse import quote
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import json
import base64
import os
import os.path
import re
# base URL : WordPress base URL.
# do not forget to add trailing "/"
site = 'http://your_domain/'
base_url = site + 'wordpress/'
# GUID pattern : unique pattern for each posting
guid_pattern = '{}'
post_status = { 'public' : 'publish', \
'private' : 'private', \
'draft' : 'draft', \
'trash' : 'trash' }
tree = ElementTree.parse(source = 'Tistory-Backup.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
authors = {}
posts = []
categories = []
tags = []
terms = [] # terms array is currently not used but implemented for future extension
for raw_category in root.findall('category'):
# Category handling loop
category = {}
# Weight level-1 category ID. Usually 100 is sufficient.
# if the blog has more than 100 categories (which is impractical), increase weight value.
category['term_id'] = int(raw_category.find('priority').text) * 100
category['cat_name'] = raw_category.find('name').text
category['category_nicename'] = quote(category['cat_name'].replace(' ', '-')).lower()
category['category_parent'] = ''
category['category_description'] = '' # tistory has no category description
parent_id = category['term_id']
parent_slug = category['category_nicename']
for raw_subcategory in raw_category.findall('category'):
# level-2 category.
subcategory = {}
# add to its parent category
subcategory['term_id'] = int(raw_subcategory.find('priority').text) + parent_id
subcategory['cat_name'] = raw_subcategory.find('name').text
subcategory['category_nicename'] = quote(subcategory['cat_name'].replace(' ', '-')).lower()
subcategory['category_parent'] = parent_slug
subcategory['category_description'] = ''
def process_body(content, attachment, useLessMargin = False):
# converts tistory-specific tags to WordPress tags
def process_moreless(m):
# process more/less tags, "[#M_(more)|(less)|(content)_M#]"
# depends on "WP show more plugin" ( ).
c = '[show_more more="{}" less="{}"]{}[/show_more]'.format(*m.groups())
return c
def process_image(m):
# process image tags, "[##_(count)(align)(|(filename)|(attribute)|(caption))(...)(...)_##]"
count = int(
align = {'C':'aligncenter', 'L':'alignleft', 'R':'alignright'}.get(, 'alignnone')
# split
tags ='|')
#assault len(tags) == 3 * count
images = []
for tag in (tags[n:n+3] for n in range(0, len(tags), 3)):
# find filename from attachments
params = attachment[tag[0].strip()]
params['align'] = align
params['base'] = base_url
params['attr'] = tag[1].strip()
params['caption'] = tag[2].strip()
if re.match('image', params['mime']):
if len(params['caption']) > 0:
c = '[caption id="attachment_{id}" align="{align}" width="{width}"]<img class="wp-image-{id} size-full" src="{url}" {attr} /> {caption}[/caption]'.format_map(params)
c = '<img class="wp-image-{id} size-full {align}" src="{url}" {attr} />'.format_map(params)
c = '<a href="{url}">{label}</a>'.format_map(params)
return ''.join(images)
def process_gallery(m):
# process gallery tags, "[##_Gallery(|(filename)|(catpion))(...)(...)|(attribute)_##]"
align = 'alignnone'
tags ='|')
#assult len(tags) == odd
# last tag item is attribute. split array
attr = tags[-1].strip()
tags = tags[:-1]
images = []
for tag in (tags[n:n+2] for n in range(0, len(tags), 2)):
# find filename from attachments
params = attachment[tag[0].strip()]
params['align'] = align
params['base'] = base_url
params['attr'] = attr
params['caption'] = tag[1].strip()
if re.match('image', params['mime']):
if len(params['caption']) > 0:
c = '[caption id="attachment_{id}" align="{align}" width="{width}"]<img class="wp-image-{id} size-full" src="{url}" {attr} /> {caption}[/caption]'.format_map(params)
c = '<img class="wp-image-{id} size-full {align}" src="{url}" {attr} />'.format_map(params)
c = '<a href="{url}">{label}</a>'.format_map(params)
return ''.join(images)
# remove line-breaking in html source
content = re.sub('<pre([\s\S]*?)\/pre>', lambda m: '<pre' +'\n', '<br />') + '/pre>', content)
content = content.replace('\n', '')
# process tistory-specific tags
content = re.sub('\[#M_(.+?)\|(.+?)\|([\s\S]+?)_M#\]', process_moreless, content)
content = re.sub('\[##_(\d)([CLR])\|(.+?)_##\]', process_image, content)
content = re.sub('\[##_Gallery\|(.+?)_##\]', process_gallery, content)
# strip P tag
if useLessMargin is True:
# p tag has no bottom margin.
content = re.sub('<[pP]>\s*?<\/[pP]>', '\n', content)
content = re.sub('<[pP]><br ?\/?><\/[pP]>', '\n', content)
content = re.sub('<[pP]>(.*?)<\/[pP]>', '\\1\n', content)
# p tag has bottom margin
content = re.sub('<[pP]>\s*?<\/[pP]>', '\n\n', content)
content = re.sub('<[pP]><br ?\/?><\/[pP]>', '\n\n', content)
content = re.sub('<[pP]>(.*?)<\/[pP]>', '\\1\n\n', content)
# process simple tags. should not overlap
replace_map = {'<br>' : '\n',
'<br/>' : '\n',
'<br />' : '\n',
'&nbsp;' : ' ',
'&quot' : '"'}
#content = reduce(lambda content, old : content.replace(old, replace_map[old]), replace_map, content)
for old, new in replace_map.items():
content = content.replace(old, new)
# strip useless span tag
content = re.sub('<span style="(.*?)font-size: 9pt;(.*?)">', '<span style="\\1\\2">', content)
content = re.sub('<span style="(.*?)line-height: 1\.5;(.*?)">', '<span style="\\1\\2">', content)
content = re.sub('<span style="(.*?)background-color: transparent;(.*?)">', '<span style="\\1\\2">', content)
content = re.sub('<span style="\s*?">([\s\S]*?)<\/span>', '\\1', content)
return content
def process_comment(raw_comment, next_id, parent_id):
global authors
comments = []
# parse comment
raw_author = raw_comment.find('commenter')
author = authors.get(raw_author.get('id'))
if author is not None:
author = author['author_id']
author = 0
comment = {}
comment['comment_id'] = next_id
comment['comment_author'] = raw_author.find('name').text
comment['comment_author_email'] = '' # tistory does not support comment email
comment['comment_author_IP'] = raw_author.find('ip').text
comment['comment_author_url'] = raw_author.find('homepage').text
comment['comment_date'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(raw_comment.find('written').text)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
comment['comment_date_gmt'] = comment['comment_date']
comment['comment_content'] = raw_comment.find('content').text
comment['comment_approved'] = '1' # i don't know why it is string
comment['comment_type'] = ''
comment['comment_parent'] = str(parent_id)
comment['comment_user_id'] = author
comment['commentmeta'] = []
#increase next comment id
next_id += 1
# parse subcomments
for raw_subcomment in raw_comment.findall('comment'):
subcomments = process_comment(raw_subcomment, next_id, comment['comment_id'])
comments += subcomments
next_id += len(subcomments)
return comments
# author and tag are included in post
def process_post(key_tag):
global posts, authors, tags, terms
global root
for raw_post in root.findall(key_tag):
print('Processing id {}'.format(raw_post.find('id').text))
author = {}
post = {}
# author. tistory manages author information internally, and does not provide in backup text. only author ID is provided.
# build author info randomly. user should manage how to merge author information.
author['author_id'] = int(raw_post.find('author').text)
author['author_login'] = str(author['author_id'])
author['author_email'] = ''
author['author_display_name'] = str(author['author_id'])
author['author_first_name'] = ''
author['author_last_name'] = ''
if authors.get(author['author_login']) is None:
authors[author['author_login']] = author
# post
post['post_title'] = raw_post.find('title').text
post['guid'] = guid_pattern.format(raw_post.find('id').text)
post['post_author'] = raw_post.find('author').text
post['post_content'] = ''
post['post_excerpt'] = '' # tistory doesn't support excerpt text
post['post_id'] = int(raw_post.find('id').text)
post['post_date'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(raw_post.find('created').text)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
post['post_date_gmt'] = post['post_date']
post['comment_status'] = "open" if key_tag == 'post' and raw_post.find('acceptComment').text == "1" else "closed"
post['ping_status'] = "open" if key_tag == 'post' and raw_post.find('acceptTrackback').text == "1" else "closed"
post['post_name'] = quote(raw_post.attrib['slogan'] if key_tag == 'post' else raw_post.find('title').text.replace(' ','-')).lower()
post['status'] = post_status.get(raw_post.find('visibility').text, 'private') # fallback to private if unknown status
post['post_parent'] = 0 # tistory doesn't support post chaining... will be used for attachments
post['menu_order'] = 0
post['post_type'] = 'post' if key_tag == 'post' else 'page'
post['post_password'] = raw_post.find('password').text if post['status'] == 'private' and raw_post.find('password') is not None else ''
post['is_sticky'] = 0
post['attachment_url'] = ''
post['terms'] = [] # category and tags
post['postmeta'] = [] # post metadata
post['comments'] = []
for raw_comment in raw_post.findall('comment'):
post['comments'] = post['comments'] + process_comment(raw_comment, post['post_id'] * 100 + len(post['comments']), 0)
attachments = []
attachments_table = {}
# process attachments
for raw_attachment in raw_post.findall('attachment'):
label = raw_attachment.find('label').text
# tistory bug handling (empty attachment)
if label is None:
label = label.replace(' ', '_')
dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(raw_attachment.find('attached').text))
fn = 'attach/{}/{}'.format(post['post_id'], label)
attachment = {}
attachment['post_title'] = os.path.splitext(label)[0]
attachment['guid'] = ''
attachment['post_author'] = post['post_author']
attachment['post_content'] = ''
attachment['post_excerpt'] = ''
attachment['post_id'] = post['post_id'] * 100 + len(post['comments']) + len(attachments)
attachment['post_date'] = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
attachment['post_date_gmt'] = attachment['post_date']
attachment['comment_status'] = 'closed'
attachment['ping_status'] = 'closed'
attachment['post_name'] = quote(attachment['post_title'].replace(' ','-')).lower()
attachment['status'] = 'inherit'
attachment['post_parent'] = post['post_id']
attachment['menu_order'] = 0
attachment['post_type'] = 'attachment'
attachment['post_password'] = ''
attachment['is_sticky'] = 0
attachment['attachment_url'] = site + fn
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fn), exist_ok=True)
with open(fn, 'wb') as outfile:
sanitized = quote(label).lower()
for s in ["?", "[", "]", "/", "\\", "=", "<", ">", ":", ";", ",", "'", "\"", "&", "$", "#", "*", "(", ")", "|", "~", "`", "!", "{", "}", "%", "+"]:
sanitized = sanitized.replace(s, '')
for s in ["%20", "+"]:
sanitized = sanitized.replace(s, '-')
sanitized = re.sub('[\r\n\t -]+', '-', sanitized)
attachments_table[raw_attachment.find('name').text] = raw_attachment.attrib.copy()
# process tags
for category in raw_post.findall('category'):
term = {}
term['name'] = category.text
term['slug'] = quote(category.text.replace(' ','-')).lower()
term['domain'] = 'category'
for tag in raw_post.findall('tag'):
term = {}
term['name'] = tag.text
term['slug'] = quote(tag.text.replace(' ','-')).lower()
term['domain'] = 'post_tag'
if len(post['terms']) == 0:
del post['terms']
if len(post['postmeta']) == 0:
del post['postmeta']
post['post_content'] = process_body(raw_post.find('content').text, attachments_table, True if raw_post.find('uselessMargin').text == '1' else False)
posts = posts + attachments
# tag. a post may have multiple tags.
for raw_tag in raw_post.findall('tag'):
tag = {}
tag['term_id'] = len(tags) # assign unique (sequential) value.
tag['tag_name'] = raw_tag.text
tag['tag_slug'] = quote(tag['tag_name'].replace(' ','-')).lower()
tag['tag_description'] = ''
# check duplicated
for index, item in enumerate(tags):
if item['tag_name'] == tag['tag_name']:
# merge
backup = {'authors':authors, 'posts':posts, 'categories':categories, 'tags':tags, 'terms':[], 'base_url':base_url, 'version':'1.2'}
with open('export.json', 'w', encoding='utf8') as outfile:
json.dump(backup, outfile, ensure_ascii = False, indent = 2)
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Koasing commented May 26, 2016

TTXML to WordPress JSON converter

What is this?

Converts TTXML (Tistory) backup data to WordPress-compatible JSON backup format (+exported attachments).


Proof of Concept. Some bugs may exists.

  • Converts some Tistory-specific tags to WordPress-style, including image, gallery and More/Less (needs WP show more plugin )
  • Removes useless P/BR/SPAN tags, while keeping article paragraph.


MIT(X11) license.

How to use

  1. Edit site and guid_pattern values to reflect your configuration.
  2. Run python code. export.json file and attach folder will be created (overwritten if already exists.)
  3. Upload attach directory to your web hosting server. It should be accessible using {site}/attach/[post_id]/[filename.ext]
  4. Install and enable modded WordPress Importer plugin.
  5. Go to your WordPress' Import page, and import export.json file.
  6. It should take some time... wait... and done!
  7. Check log message. Some attachments cannot be imported because WordPress accepts only image files.
  8. If everything is fine, now delete attach directory in your web hosting server.

How to mod WordPress Importer plugin

I cannot provide modded plugin itself because of license issue.

  1. Download the plugin from
  2. Decompress zip file
  3. Open parsers.php with your favorite text editor.
  4. Find "WXR_Parser" then mod like following.
  5. Install modded plugin
function parse( $file ) {
    return json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true);

    blahblah original codes

That's all!

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Koasing commented Aug 12, 2016

한글 파일명을 Import할 때 문제점

WordPress의 Sanitize 함수는 CJK 문자를 제대로 처리하지 못한다. PHP, 웹서버, 클라이언트 설정이 복합적으로 맞물리면서 대부분의 경우 한글 파일명은 깨져서 제대로 작동하지 않는다.

여러 플러그인이 있지만, 본 프로젝트에서는 그냥 파일명을 URLENCODE 하여 처리한다. 이 때 UTF-8을 사용하므로, 서버도 유니코드 지원하도록 설정되어야 한다. 현재 사용하는 대부분의 서버는 UTF-8 설정으로 작동하므로 별 문제 없을 것이다.

패치 : formatting.php

wordpress/wp-includes/formatting.php 파일을 열고, sanitize_file_name 함수를 찾는다.
함수의 첫 줄을 다음과 같이 수정한다. 이후 파일 업로드할 때 non-latin 파일명은 자동으로 safe url로 변경된다.

function sanitize_file_name( $filename ) {
    $filename = urlencode($filename);
    // original function body

패치 : wordpress importer plugin

기본적으로 위와 같이 수행하면 파일명 깨지는 문제는 수정된다.
다만, PHP basename 함수의 버그때문에, 파일명의 첫 바이트가 날아가면서 유니코드 파일명이 손상되는 문제가 생긴다.

워드프레스는 이에 대한 해결책으로 wp_basename 이라는 함수를 제공하지만, importer 플러그인은 이를 사용하지 않는다.
설치한 플러그인의 wordpress-importer.php 파일을 열고, 모든 basename 함수를 wp_basename 으로 수정한다.
아마 세 군데 수정해야 할 것이다.

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