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Created July 10, 2016 09:37
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Domain with Explicitly-typed Child Collections
Entity Framework has a problem: there is 1 object graph to rule them all, and that object graph is available
to anybody, whether or not they actually want/need it. This makes things ambiguous and leads to errors and
crap code.
It's saner to be able to constrain the data you read/write to exactly what you expect to work with. But
this fragments your entities. The idea here is to try and get the best of both worlds; a single base definition
of a given entity, but only exposing the bits that are relevant to a particular projection.
It also has a cheeky workaround for defaulting generics in C# :)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ConsoleApplication
interface ITeacher { }
class TeacherBase<TStudent, TClass> : ITeacher
where TStudent : IStudent
where TClass : IClass
public TeacherBase(Guid id)
Id = id;
public Guid Id { get; private set; }
public void UpdateName(string first, string last)
FirstName = first;
LastName = last;
protected string FirstName { get; private set; }
protected string LastName { get; private set; }
protected ICollection<TStudent> Students { get; private set; }
protected ICollection<TClass> Classes { get; private set; }
class NamedTeacher : TeacherBase<NamedStudent, _>
public NamedTeacher(Guid id, string first, string last, params NamedStudent[] students) : base(id)
FirstName = first;
LastName = last;
Students = students;
public new string FirstName { get; }
public new string LastName { get; }
public new ICollection<NamedStudent> Students { get; }
interface IClass { }
class ClassBase : IClass
protected string Name { get; private set; }
interface IStudent { }
class StudentBase : IStudent
public StudentBase(Guid id)
Id = id;
public Guid Id { get; private set; }
protected string FirstName { get; private set; }
protected string LastName { get; private set; }
class NamedStudent : StudentBase
public NamedStudent(Guid id, string first, string last) : base(id)
FirstName = first;
LastName = last;
public new string FirstName { get; }
public new string LastName { get; }
public override string ToString()
return string.Concat(FirstName, " ", LastName);
//Default generic :)
partial class _ : IClass, IStudent, ITeacher
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var teacher = new NamedTeacher(
"Mr", "Shanks",
new NamedStudent(Guid.NewGuid(), "Amandra", "Hugandkiss"),
new NamedStudent(Guid.NewGuid(), "Jock", "Strap")
foreach (var student in teacher.Students)
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