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Last active February 11, 2019 00:59
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Debugging .NET JIT Output

See this issue in Kestrel.

This is what I do from my OSX environment.

Build coreclr checked

$ ./ -x64 -checked -skiptests

Build test app as standalone and publish

Publish the app you'd like to test as a standalone binary:

$ dotnet publish -f netcoreapp2.1 -r osx-x64 -c Release

Back in coreclr, copy all files from bin/Product/OSX.x64.Checked to your standalone publish directory e.g. bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/osx-x64/publish.

Set the enviorment vars

export COMPlus_JitPrintInlinedMethods=1
export COMPlus_JitDisasm=*

Run your published app

From the publish directory, your standalone binary, probably piping its output to a file:

$ ./corerun myapp.dll

You can also get the jit to only output a certain disassembly e.g. set COMPlus_JitDisasm=System.Generic.*.

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