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Last active July 29, 2019 14:27
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/* jshint node: true */
'use strict';
var fs = require('fs'),
util = require('util'),
EventEmitter = require('events');
var Q = require('q'),
_ = require('busyman'),
zclId = require('zcl-id'),
proving = require('proving'),
Objectbox = require('objectbox'),
debug = { shepherd: require('debug')('zigbee-shepherd') };
var init = require('./initializers/init_shepherd'),
zutils = require('./components/zutils'),
Controller = require('./components/controller'),
eventHandlers = require('./components/event_handlers');
var Device = require('./model/device'),
Coordinator = require('./model/coord'),
Group = require('./model/group'),
Coordpoint = require('./model/coordpoint');
/*** ZShepherd Class ***/
function ZShepherd(path, opts) {
// opts: { sp: {}, net: {}, dbPath: 'xxx' }
var self = this,
spCfg = {};;
opts = opts || {};
proving.string(path, 'path should be a string.');
proving.object(opts, 'opts should be an object if gieven.');
spCfg.path = path;
spCfg.options = opts.hasOwnProperty('sp') ? opts.sp : { baudrate: 115200, rtscts: true };
/*** Protected Members ***/
this._startTime = 0;
this._enabled = false;
this._zApp = [];
this._mounting = false;
this._mountQueue = [];
this.controller = new Controller(this, spCfg); // controller is the main actor
this.controller.setNvParams(; = null;
this._dbPath = opts.dbPath;
this._coordBackupPath = opts.coordBackupPath;
if (!this._dbPath) { // use default
this._dbPath = __dirname + '/database/dev.db';
// create default db folder if not there
try {
fs.statSync(__dirname + '/database');
} catch (e) {
fs.mkdirSync(__dirname + '/database');
this._devbox = new Objectbox(this._dbPath);
this.acceptDevIncoming = function (devInfo, callback) { // Override at will.
setImmediate(function () {
var accepted = true;
callback(null, accepted);
/*** Event Handlers (Ind Event Bridges) ***/
this.controller.on('permitJoining', function (time) {
self.emit('permitJoining', time);
this.on('_ready', function () {
self._startTime = Math.floor(;
setImmediate(function () {
this.on('ind:incoming', function (dev) {
var endpoints = [];
_.forEach(dev.epList, function (epId) {
self.emit('ind', { type: 'devIncoming', endpoints: endpoints, data: dev.getIeeeAddr() });
this.on('ind:enddeviceannce', function (dev) {
var endpoints = [];
_.forEach(dev.epList, function (epId) {
self.emit('ind', { type: 'endDeviceAnnce', endpoints: endpoints, data: dev.getIeeeAddr() });
this.on('ind:interview', function (dev, status) {
self.emit('ind', { type: 'devInterview', status: status, data: dev });
this.on('ind:leaving', function (epList, ieeeAddr) {
self.emit('ind', { type: 'devLeaving', endpoints: epList, data: ieeeAddr });
this.on('ind:changed', function (ep, notifData) {
self.emit('ind', { type: 'devChange', endpoints: [ ep ], data: notifData });
this.on('ind:cmd', function (ep, cId, payload, cmdId, msg) {
const cIdString = zclId.cluster(cId);
const type = `cmd${cmdId.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + cmdId.substr(1)}`;
const notifData = {};
notifData.cid = cIdString ? cIdString.key : cId; = payload;
self.emit('ind', { type: type, endpoints: [ ep ], data: notifData, linkquality: msg.linkquality, groupid: msg.groupid });
this.on('ind:statusChange', function (ep, cId, payload, msg) {
var cIdString = zclId.cluster(cId),
notifData = {
cid: '',
zoneStatus: null
cIdString = cIdString ? cIdString.key : cId;
notifData.cid = cIdString;
notifData.zoneStatus = payload.zonestatus;
self.emit('ind', { type: 'statusChange', endpoints: [ ep ], data: notifData, linkquality: msg.linkquality });
this.on('ind:reported', function (ep, cId, attrs, msg) {
var cIdString = zclId.cluster(cId),
notifData = {
cid: '',
data: {}
console.log("=+=+=+=", "reported", cId, attrs, msg);
self._updateFinalizer(ep, cId, attrs, true);
cIdString = cIdString ? cIdString.key : cId;
notifData.cid = cIdString;
_.forEach(attrs, function (rec) { // { attrId, dataType, attrData }
var attrIdString = zclId.attr(cIdString, rec.attrId);
attrIdString = attrIdString ? attrIdString.key : rec.attrId;[attrIdString] = rec.attrData;
if (attrIdString === 'modelId' && !ep.device.modelId) {
* Xiaomi devices report it's modelId through a genBasic message.
* Set this as the modelId when the device doesn't have one yet.
ep.device.update({modelId: rec.attrData});
Q.ninvoke(self._devbox, 'sync', ep.device._getId());
self.emit('ind', { type: 'attReport', endpoints: [ ep ], data: notifData, linkquality: msg.linkquality, groupid: msg.groupid });
this.on('ind:readRsp', function (ep, cId, attrs, msg) {
var cIdString = zclId.cluster(cId),
notifData = {
cid: '',
data: {}
console.log("=+=+=+=", "readrsp", cId, attrs, msg);
self._updateFinalizer(ep, cId, attrs, true);
cIdString = cIdString ? cIdString.key : cId;
notifData.cid = cIdString;
_.forEach(attrs, function (rec) { // { attrId, dataType, attrData }
var attrIdString = zclId.attr(cIdString, rec.attrId);
attrIdString = attrIdString ? attrIdString.key : rec.attrId;
const skip = attrIdString === 'modelId' && rec.attrData.replace(/\0/g, '') === '';
if (!skip) {[attrIdString] = rec.attrData;
} else {
console.log("------------- skipped modelid")
self.emit('ind', { type: 'readRsp', endpoints: [ ep ], data: notifData, linkquality: msg.linkquality });
this.on('ind:status', function (dev, status) {
var endpoints = [];
_.forEach(dev.epList, function (epId) {
self.emit('ind', { type: 'devStatus', endpoints: endpoints, data: status });
util.inherits(ZShepherd, EventEmitter);
/*** Public Methods ***/
ZShepherd.prototype.start = function (callback) {
var self = this;
return init.setupShepherd(this).then(function () {
self._enabled = true; // shepherd is enabled
self.emit('_ready'); // if all done, shepherd fires '_ready' event for inner use
debug.shepherd('zigbee-shepherd is _ready and _enabled');
ZShepherd.prototype.stop = function (callback) {
var self = this,
devbox = this._devbox;
debug.shepherd('zigbee-shepherd is stopping.');
return Q.fcall(function () {
if (self._enabled) {
self.permitJoin(0x00, 'all');
_.forEach(devbox.exportAllIds(), function (id) {
return self.controller.close();
}).then(function () {
self._enabled = false;
self._zApp = null;
self._zApp = [];
debug.shepherd('zigbee-shepherd is stopped.');
ZShepherd.prototype.reset = function (mode, callback) {
var self = this,
devbox = this._devbox,
removeDevs = [];
proving.stringOrNumber(mode, 'mode should be a number or a string.');
if (mode === 'hard' || mode === 0) {
// clear database
if (self._devbox) {
_.forEach(devbox.exportAllIds(), function (id) {
removeDevs.push(Q.ninvoke(devbox, 'remove', id));
Q.all(removeDevs).then(function () {
if (devbox.isEmpty())
debug.shepherd('Database cleared.');
debug.shepherd('Database not cleared.');
}).fail(function (err) {
} else {
devbox = new Objectbox(this._dbPath);
return this.controller.reset(mode, callback);
ZShepherd.prototype.permitJoin = function (time, type, callback) {
if (_.isFunction(type) && !_.isFunction(callback)) {
callback = type;
type = 'all';
} else {
type = type || 'all';
if (!this._enabled)
return Q.reject(new Error('Shepherd is not enabled.')).nodeify(callback);
return this.controller.permitJoin(time, type, callback);
ZShepherd.prototype.backupCoordinator = function (callback) {
if (!this._coordBackupPath)
return Q.reject(new Error('coordBackupPath not set')).nodeify(callback);
else if (!this._enabled)
return Q.reject(new Error('Shepherd is not enabled.')).nodeify(callback);
return this.controller.backupCoordinator(this._coordBackupPath, callback);
} = function () {
var net = this.controller.getNetInfo();
var firmware = this.controller.getFirmwareInfo();
return {
enabled: this._enabled,
net: {
state: net.state,
panId: net.panId,
extPanId: net.extPanId,
ieeeAddr: net.ieeeAddr,
nwkAddr: net.nwkAddr,
firmware: firmware,
startTime: this._startTime,
joinTimeLeft: net.joinTimeLeft
ZShepherd.prototype.mount = function (zApp, callback) {
var self = this,
deferred = (callback && Q.isPromise(callback.promise)) ? callback : Q.defer(),
coord = this.controller._coord,
if ( !== 'Zive')
throw new TypeError('zApp should be an instance of Zive class.');
if (this._mounting) {
this._mountQueue.push(function () {
self.mount(zApp, deferred);
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
this._mounting = true;
Q.fcall(function () {
_.forEach(self._zApp, function (app) {
if (app === zApp)
throw new Error('zApp already exists.');
}).then(function () {
if (coord) {
mountId = Math.max.apply(null, coord.epList);
zApp._simpleDesc.epId = mountId > 10 ? mountId + 1 : 11; // epId 1-10 are reserved for delegator
loEp = new Coordpoint(coord, zApp._simpleDesc);
loEp.clusters = zApp.clusters;
coord.endpoints[loEp.getEpId()] = loEp;
zApp._endpoint = loEp;
} else {
throw new Error('Coordinator has not been initialized yet.');
}).then(function () {
return self.controller.registerEp(loEp).then(function () {
debug.shepherd('Register zApp, epId: %s, profId: %s ', loEp.getEpId(), loEp.getProfId());
}).then(function () {
return self.controller.query.coordInfo().then(function (coordInfo) {
return Q.ninvoke(self._devbox, 'sync', coord._getId());
}).then(function () {
loEp.onZclFoundation = function (msg, remoteEp) {
setImmediate(function () {
return zApp.foundationHandler(msg, remoteEp);
loEp.onZclFunctional = function (msg, remoteEp) {
setImmediate(function () {
return zApp.functionalHandler(msg, remoteEp);
}).fail(function (err) {
}).done(function () {
self._mounting = false;
if (self._mountQueue.length)
process.nextTick(function () {
if (!(callback && Q.isPromise(callback.promise)))
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
ZShepherd.prototype.list = function (ieeeAddrs) {
var self = this,
if (_.isString(ieeeAddrs))
ieeeAddrs = [ ieeeAddrs ];
else if (!_.isUndefined(ieeeAddrs) && !_.isArray(ieeeAddrs))
throw new TypeError('ieeeAddrs should be a string or an array of strings if given.');
else if (!ieeeAddrs)
ieeeAddrs =, function (dev) {
return dev.getIeeeAddr(); // list all
foundDevs =, function (ieeeAddr) {
proving.string(ieeeAddr, 'ieeeAddr should be a string.');
var devInfo,
found = self._findDevByAddr(ieeeAddr);
if (found)
devInfo = _.omit(found.dump(), [ 'id', 'endpoints' ]);
return devInfo; // will push undefined to foundDevs array if not found
return foundDevs;
ZShepherd.prototype.getGroup = function (groupID) {
proving.number(groupID, 'groupID should be a number.');
const group = new Group(groupID);
return group;
ZShepherd.prototype.find = function (addr, epId) {
proving.number(epId, 'epId should be a number.');
var dev = this._findDevByAddr(addr);
return dev ? dev.getEndpoint(epId) : undefined;
ZShepherd.prototype.lqi = function (ieeeAddr, callback) {
proving.string(ieeeAddr, 'ieeeAddr should be a string.');
var self = this,
dev = this._findDevByAddr(ieeeAddr);
return Q.fcall(function () {
if (dev)
return self.controller.request('ZDO', 'mgmtLqiReq', { dstaddr: dev.getNwkAddr(), startindex: 0 });
return Q.reject(new Error('device is not found.'));
}).then(function (rsp) { // { srcaddr, status, neighbortableentries, startindex, neighborlqilistcount, neighborlqilist }
if (rsp.status === 0) // success
return, function (neighbor) {
return { ieeeAddr: neighbor.extAddr, nwkAddr: neighbor.nwkAddr, lqi: neighbor.lqi };
ZShepherd.prototype.remove = function (ieeeAddr, cfg, callback) {
proving.string(ieeeAddr, 'ieeeAddr should be a string.');
var dev = this._findDevByAddr(ieeeAddr);
if (_.isFunction(cfg) && !_.isFunction(callback)) {
callback = cfg;
cfg = {};
} else {
cfg = cfg || {};
if (!dev)
return Q.reject(new Error('device is not found.')).nodeify(callback);
return this.controller.remove(dev, cfg, callback);
ZShepherd.prototype.lqiScan = function (ieeeAddr) {
var info =;
var self = this;
const noDuplicate = {};
const processResponse = function(parent){
return function(data){
var chain = Q();
data.forEach(function (devinfo) {
const ieeeAddr = devinfo.ieeeAddr;
if (ieeeAddr == "0x0000000000000000") return;
let dev = self._findDevByAddr(ieeeAddr);
devinfo.parent = parent;
devinfo.status = dev ? dev.status : "offline";
const dedupKey = parent + '|' + ieeeAddr;
if (dev && dev.type == "Router" && !noDuplicate[dedupKey]) {
chain = chain.then(function () {
return self.lqi(ieeeAddr).then(processResponse(ieeeAddr));
noDuplicate[dedupKey] = devinfo;
return chain;
ieeeAddr =;
return self.lqi(ieeeAddr)
return Object.values(noDuplicate);
return Object.values(noDuplicate);
/*** Protected Methods ***/
ZShepherd.prototype._findDevByAddr = function (addr) {
// addr: ieeeAddr(String) or nwkAddr(Number)
proving.stringOrNumber(addr, 'addr should be a number or a string.');
return this._devbox.find(function (dev) {
return _.isString(addr) ? dev.getIeeeAddr() === addr : dev.getNwkAddr() === addr;
ZShepherd.prototype._registerDev = function (dev, callback) {
var devbox = this._devbox,
if (!(dev instanceof Device) && !(dev instanceof Coordinator))
throw new TypeError('dev should be an instance of Device class.');
oldDev = _.isNil(dev._getId()) ? undefined : devbox.get(dev._getId());
return Q.fcall(function () {
if (oldDev) {
throw new Error('dev exists, unregister it first.');
} else if (dev._recovered) {
return Q.ninvoke(devbox, 'set', dev._getId(), dev).then(function (id) {
dev._recovered = false;
delete dev._recovered;
return id;
} else {
dev.update({ joinTime: Math.floor( });
return Q.ninvoke(devbox, 'add', dev).then(function (id) {
return id;
ZShepherd.prototype._unregisterDev = function (dev, callback) {
return Q.ninvoke(this._devbox, 'remove', dev._getId()).nodeify(callback);
ZShepherd.prototype._attachZclMethods = function (ep) {
var self = this;
if ( === 'Zive') {
var zApp = ep; = function (dstAddr, dstEpId, cId, cmd, zclData, cfg, callback) {
var dstEp = self.find(dstAddr, dstEpId);
if (typeof cfg === 'function') {
callback = cfg;
cfg = {};
if (!dstEp)
return Q.reject(new Error('dstEp is not found.')).nodeify(callback);
return self._foundation(zApp._endpoint, dstEp, cId, cmd, zclData, cfg, callback);
zApp.functional = function (dstAddr, dstEpId, cId, cmd, zclData, cfg, callback) {
var dstEp = self.find(dstAddr, dstEpId);
if (typeof cfg === 'function') {
callback = cfg;
cfg = {};
if (!dstEp)
return Q.reject(new Error('dstEp is not found.')).nodeify(callback);
return self._functional(zApp._endpoint, dstEp, cId, cmd, zclData, cfg, callback);
} else if (ep instanceof Group) {
ep.functional = function (cId, cmd, zclData, cfg, callback) {
return self._functional(ep, ep, cId, cmd, zclData, cfg, callback);
} else { = function (cId, cmd, zclData, cfg, callback) {
return self._foundation(ep, ep, cId, cmd, zclData, cfg, callback);
ep.functional = function (cId, cmd, zclData, cfg, callback) {
return self._functional(ep, ep, cId, cmd, zclData, cfg, callback);
ep.bind = function (cId, dstEpOrGrpId, callback) {
return self.controller.bind(ep, cId, dstEpOrGrpId, callback);
ep.unbind = function (cId, dstEpOrGrpId, callback) {
return self.controller.unbind(ep, cId, dstEpOrGrpId, callback);
}; = function (cId, attrId, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
attr = zclId.attr(cId, attrId);
attr = attr ? attr.value : attrId;
self._foundation(ep, ep, cId, 'read', [{ attrId: attr }]).then(function (readStatusRecsRsp) {
var rec = readStatusRecsRsp[0];
if (rec.status === 0)
deferred.reject(new Error('request unsuccess: ' + rec.status));
}).catch(function(err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
ep.write = function (cId, attrId, data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
attr = zclId.attr(cId, attrId),
attrType = zclId.attrType(cId, attrId).value;
self._foundation(ep, ep, cId, 'write', [{ attrId: attr.value, dataType: attrType, attrData: data }]).then(function (writeStatusRecsRsp) {
var rec = writeStatusRecsRsp[0];
if (rec.status === 0)
deferred.reject(new Error('request unsuccess: ' + rec.status));
}).catch(function(err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
}; = function (cId, attrId, minInt, maxInt, repChange, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
coord = self.controller._coord,
dlgEp = coord.getDelegator(ep.getProfId()),
cfgRpt = true,
if (arguments.length === 1) {
cfgRpt = false;
} else if (arguments.length === 2) {
callback = attrId;
cfgRpt = false;
} else if (arguments.length === 5 && _.isFunction(repChange)) {
callback = repChange;
if (cfgRpt) {
attrIdVal = zclId.attr(cId, attrId);
cfgRptRec = {
direction : 0,
attrId: attrIdVal ? attrIdVal.value : attrId,
dataType : zclId.attrType(cId, attrId).value,
minRepIntval : minInt,
maxRepIntval : maxInt,
repChange: repChange
Q.fcall(function () {
if (dlgEp) {
return ep.bind(cId, dlgEp).then(function () {
if (cfgRpt)
return, 'configReport', [ cfgRptRec ]).then(function (rsp) {
var status = rsp[0].status;
if (status !== 0)
} else {
return Q.reject(new Error('Profile: ' + ep.getProfId() + ' is not supported.'));
}).then(function () {
}).fail(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
ZShepherd.prototype._foundation = function (srcEp, dstEp, cId, cmd, zclData, cfg, callback) {
var self = this;
if (_.isFunction(cfg) && !_.isFunction(callback)) {
callback = cfg;
cfg = {};
} else {
cfg = cfg || {};
return, dstEp, cId, cmd, zclData, cfg).then(function (msg) {
var cmdString =;
cmdString = cmdString ? cmdString.key : cmd;
console.log("=+=+=+=", "foundationclaled", cId, cmd, zclData);
if (cmdString === 'read')
self._updateFinalizer(dstEp, cId, msg.payload);
else if (cmdString === 'write' || cmdString === 'writeUndiv' || cmdString === 'writeNoRsp')
self._updateFinalizer(dstEp, cId);
return msg.payload;
ZShepherd.prototype._functional = function (srcEp, dstEp, cId, cmd, zclData, cfg, callback) {
var self = this;
if (_.isFunction(cfg) && !_.isFunction(callback)) {
callback = cfg;
cfg = {};
} else {
cfg = cfg || {};
return, dstEp, cId, cmd, zclData, cfg).then(function (msg) {
console.log("=+=+=+=", "zclfunctional", cId, cmd, zclData);
self._updateFinalizer(dstEp, cId);
return msg.payload;
ZShepherd.prototype._updateFinalizer = function (ep, cId, attrs, reported) {
// Some eps don't have clusters, e.g. a Group
console.log('=== updatefinalizer', ep.device.ieeeAddr, cId, attrs, reported);
if (!ep.getClusters) {
var self = this,
cIdString = zclId.cluster(cId),
clusters = ep.getClusters().dumpSync();
cIdString = cIdString ? cIdString.key : cId;
Q.fcall(function () {
if (attrs) {
var newAttrs = {};
_.forEach(attrs, function (rec) { // { attrId, status, dataType, attrData }
console.log("=== rec", rec);
var attrIdString = zclId.attr(cId, rec.attrId);
attrIdString = attrIdString ? attrIdString.key : rec.attrId;
const skip = attrIdString === 'modelId' && rec.attrData.replace(/\0/g, '') === '';
if (!skip) {
if (reported)
newAttrs[attrIdString] = rec.attrData;
newAttrs[attrIdString] = (rec.status === 0) ? rec.attrData : null;
} else {
console.log('==== skip', rec);
return newAttrs;
} else {
return, cId);
}).then(function (newAttrs) {
var oldAttrs = clusters[cIdString].attrs,
diff = zutils.objectDiff(oldAttrs, newAttrs);
if (!_.isEmpty(diff)) {
_.forEach(diff, function (val, attrId) {
ep.getClusters().set(cIdString, 'attrs', attrId, val);
self.emit('ind:changed', ep, { cid: cIdString, data: diff });
}).fail(function () {
module.exports = ZShepherd;
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