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Created March 1, 2018 13:01
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Telegram logic behind
// Script to set the webhook URL (only needs to be run once)
require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/vendor/autoload.php");
require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/app/Telegram.php");
use \unreal4u\TelegramAPI\HttpClientRequestHandler;
use \unreal4u\TelegramAPI\TgLog;
use \unreal4u\TelegramAPI\Telegram\Methods\SetWebhook;
$setWebhook = new SetWebhook();
$setWebhook->url = '';
$loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$handler = new HttpClientRequestHandler($loop);
$tgLog = new TgLog(TELEGRAM_KEY, $handler);
$deferred = new React\Promise\Deferred();
// Class to send a message via Telegram
class Telegram
function sendMessage($id, $text, $location = null)
$loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$handler = new HttpClientRequestHandler($loop);
$tgLog = new TgLog(TELEGRAM_KEY, $handler);
$sendMessage = new SendMessage();
$sendMessage->disable_web_page_preview = true;
$sendMessage->parse_mode = "html";
$sendMessage->chat_id = $id;
$sendMessage->text = $text;
if(is_array($location)) {
$sendLocation = new SendLocation();
$sendLocation->chat_id = $id;
$sendLocation->latitude = $location["lat"];
$sendLocation->longitude = $location["lon"];
$sendLocation->disable_notification = true;
// Function to handle incoming Telegram messages
public function telegram(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, $args)
$updateData = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
$update = new \unreal4u\TelegramAPI\Telegram\Types\Update($updateData);
$telegram = new Telegram();
if($update->message->text == "/start") {
$flitsUsers = new FlitsUsers();
$id = $update->message->chat->id;
$telegram->sendMessage($id, "De code is: <code>$id</code>\n\nStuur <code>/check</code> om handmatig te controleren of er flitsmeldingen op uw route zijn, en <code>/beheer</code> om uw routes te beheren.");
$flitsUsers->addUser($id, uniqid(), "telegram");
} elseif($update->message->text == "/beheer") {
$flitsUsers = new FlitsUsers();
$id = $update->message->chat->id;
$token = $flitsUsers->userToken($id);
$telegram->sendMessage($update->message->chat->id, "Klik <a href=\"$id/$token\">hier</a> om uw routes te beheren.");
} elseif($update->message->text == "/check") {
$flitsUsers = new FlitsUsers();
$flitsLogic = new FlitsLogic();
$id = $update->message->chat->id;
$radars = $flitsLogic->getRadars();
foreach ($flitsUsers->userRoutes($id) as $route) {
$name = $route["name"];
$formulas = $flitsLogic->convertWaypointsToFormulas($flitsUsers->routePoints($id, $name));
$radarsOnRoute = $flitsLogic->getRadarsOnRoute($formulas, $radars);
if(count($radarsOnRoute) == 0) {
$telegram->sendMessage($update->message->chat->id, "Geen meldingen op de route '$name'");
} else {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($radarsOnRoute); $i++) {
$telegram->sendMessage($id, $radarsOnRoute[$i]["melding"] . "\n\n" .
"Route '$name' | <a href=\"" . $id . "/" . $flitsUsers->userToken($id) . "\">Routes beheren</a> | <a href=\"\">Koenvh</a> | <a href=\"\"></a>", [
"lat" => $radarsOnRoute[$i]["Latitude"],
"lon" => $radarsOnRoute[$i]["Longitude"]
return $response;
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