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Created December 29, 2016 13:52
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Arduino sketch to find the memory that was never used (HighWaterMark of the Stack) for a AVR microcontroller.
// -----------------------------------------
// HighWaterMark of the stack
// -----------------------------------------
// Calculate the high water mark for a Arduino with AVR microcontroller.
// It is the amount of memory that was never used since the Arduino was started.
// The __init() or .init1 up to .init9 was used in the past.
// It was used to run assembly code to fill the unused ram with a pattern.
// With Arduino 1.8.0 that did no longer work.
// This sketch provides an alternative.
// A function is used that fills ram with a pattern
// between the top of the heap and the bottom of the stack.
// First version, December 2016, by Koepel, Public Domain.
// Tested with Arduino Uno and Arduino IDE 1.8.0
// Not fully working yet. There is a bug that makes the
// number of found unused ram a low number (for example 10)
// when MemoryNotUsed() is called for the first time.
// Version 2.0
// december 2016, by Koepel, Public Domain.
// Added to search upward and downward for the pattern.
// That seems to help.
// Changed pattern to 4 bytes instead of just 1 byte.
// The _end address is the same as the __heap_start address.
// The __stack address is the same as RAMEND;
// The __brkval is zero when the heap is not used yet,
// otherwise it is the top of the heap.
// The SP is the 16-bit register of the stack pointer.
extern int __heap_start; // The __heap_start is a linker label.
extern int *__brkval; // The __brkval is a value
const uint32_t memory_pattern = 0xC5AA550F; // you may choose your own pattern
void setup()
// Fill the unused memory with a pattern.
// This function could be called before the setup() function,
// with a global variable that is filled with the return value
// of the function. In that case, function prototyping will be needed.
int fill_size = MemoryFillPattern();
while (!Serial); // wait for serial port to connect for ATmega32U4 based boards.
Serial.println(F( "HighWaterMark test sketch"));
Serial.print(F( "Filled "));
Serial.print( fill_size);
Serial.println(F( " bytes with a pattern"));
void loop()
int highwater = MemoryNotUsed();
Serial.print(F( "MemoryNotUsed is "));
Serial.print( highwater);
Serial.println(F( " bytes"));
// Add your own code here.
// ----------------------------
// MemoryNotUsed()
// ----------------------------
// Search for the pattern in ram between the heap and the stack.
// Returns the number of bytes that are found, accurate to 4 bytes.
// This function might fail.
// Sometimes buffers are declared on the stack or sometimes heap
// is allocated and it is used only partially and released.
// Then this function thinks that it found the pattern,
// while the big chunk of unused ram is elsewhere.
// To avoid most problems, the pattern consists of 4 bytes, and the
// memory is searched both upwards and downwards.
int MemoryNotUsed()
byte *p; // pointer to 1 byte.
uint32_t *p4; // pointer to 4 bytes.
int countUp = 0;
int countDown = 0;
byte *pBottom = (byte *) &__heap_start;
// When the heap is in use, the __brkval is no longer zero,
// and the value is set to above the used part of the heap.
if( __brkval != 0)
pBottom = (byte *) __brkval;
byte *pTop = (byte *) SP; // current stack pointer
// ------------------------
// Upwards
// ------------------------
// Search for the 4 byte pattern, search memory per byte.
p = pBottom;
while( *(uint32_t *)p != memory_pattern && p < pTop)
// The pattern is found.
// Count for how long the pattern is in the memory.
// The pointer is increased 4 bytes at a time.
p4 = (uint32_t *) p;
while( *p4 == memory_pattern && p4 < pTop)
countUp += 4;
// ------------------------
// Downwards
// ------------------------
// Search for the 4 byte pattern, search memory per byte
p = pTop;
while( *(uint32_t *)p != memory_pattern && p > pBottom)
// The pattern is found.
// Count for how long the pattern is in the memory.
// The pointer is lowered 4 bytes at a time.
p4 = (uint32_t *) p;
while( *p4 == memory_pattern && p4 >= pBottom)
countDown += 4;
// If both the countUp and countDown are the same,
// then it is sure that the number is correct.
// When they differ, they both could be wrong.
// I think that the 'countDown' is more accurate,
// since the heap is used in an other way than the stack.
if( countUp != countDown)
Serial.println(F( "Warning: HighWaterMark might not be accurate"));
Serial.println( countUp);
Serial.println( countDown);
return( max( countUp, countDown));
// ----------------------------
// MemoryFillPattern()
// ----------------------------
// Fill memory between heap en stack with a pattern.
// Returns the number of bytes that are filled (accurate to 4 bytes).
int MemoryFillPattern()
int count = 0;
uint32_t *p4 = (uint32_t *) &__heap_start; // top of normal variables is bottom of heap.
// When the heap is in use, then the __brkval is no longer zero,
// and the value is set to above the used part of the heap.
if( __brkval != 0)
p4 = (uint32_t *) __brkval;
byte *pTop = (byte *) SP; // SP is the 16 bits combination of SPL and SPH registers.
pTop -= 8; // For safety, be sure not to overwrite own stack variables.
while( p4 < pTop)
*p4++ = memory_pattern; // first fill 4 bytes, then increase pointer.
count += 4; // 4 bytes at a time.
return( count);
// ----------------------------
// DumpRam()
// ----------------------------
// Function used during development to dump the whole ram.
// The actual ram data starts at 0x100 !
void DumpRam()
for( int i=0; i<=RAMEND; i++)
if( i%16 == 0)
if( i < 16)
Serial.print( "0");
if( i < 256)
Serial.print( "0");
if( i < 4096)
Serial.print( "0");
Serial.print( i, HEX);
Serial.print( " ");
// Make 'i' a pointer to memory and get the contents of the that memory.
byte data = *(byte *)i;
Serial.print( " ");
if( data < 16)
Serial.print( "0");
Serial.print( data, HEX);
if( (i + 1) %16 == 0)
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Koepel commented May 14, 2017

In May 2017 I found that something like this already existed. It is called StackPaint and StackCount. I have tested my sketch with an Arduino Uno, Leonardo and Mega 2560 board, and I don't know if the StackPaint code will work on all three.

The StackPaint uses a single byte. I tried that, but it was more reliable with a pattern of 4 bytes.
My sketch scans up and down, because scanning just one way did not always work.

StackPaint mentioned on StackExchange:
StackPaint at avrfreaks:

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Koepel commented Aug 25, 2018

There are some warnings, I have to cast p4 to byte * when comparing to a byte *.

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