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Created August 17, 2016 16:19
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BH1750 Arduino sketch to compare different modes
// BH1750.ino
// ----------
// 17 august 2016
// First version by Koepel. Public Domain.
// Tested with Arduino Uno and IDE 1.6.9
// In 2016, there are about 10 to 20 libraries for the BH1750,
// but I was not happy with the existing code.
// I started from scratch and tried to get the maximum out of the sensor.
// Light sensor BH1750FVI info
// ---------------------------
// Manufacturer : Rohm Semiconductor, Japan.
// Normal range : 1 lux to 65535 lux
// Extended range : 0.11 lux to 100k lux (by adjusting the measurement time)
// There is a Japanese and English datasheet.
// The newest datasheet is "2011.11 - Rev.D" for both languages.
// The power usage in power down mode is typical 0.01 uA, and maximum 1.0 uA.
// That current is measured with no light.
// The 1.0 uA is hundred times more than 0.01 uA.
// It it not known why it is such a big difference, or why it was measured with no light.
// Sensor in the dark
// ------------------
// The sensor is not very accurate with 20% measurement variation.
// The best resolution is 0.11 lux.
// That means that light below 0.11 lux can not be measured.
// One lux is the light from a candle at 1 meter distance.
// Moonlight is about 0.5 lux.
// A LDR with a high resistor value (200k) and with averaging in software is able to detect below 1 lux.
// The maximum time to collect light for the BH1750 is about 441 ms.
// It is not possible to lengthen that time.
// Sensitive photo diodes can measure 1 mlx (0.001 lux).
// Sensor in bright light
// ----------------------
// The sensor should perhaps be able to (almost) measure direct sunlight with the 100k lux range,
// but the sensor is not ment to be used in direct sunlight.
// The best way to measure bright light, is by placing the sensor under semi-transparant material.
// The maximum temperature is 85 degrees Celsius.
// BH1750 Software interface
// -------------------------
// It is a chip for 3.0 or 3.3V and uses I2C up to 400kHz.
// The BH1750FVI can receive one byte, and two bytes can be read from it.
// It does not support a repeated start.
// The one byte that is send can be a command or a few data bits for the measurement time register.
// The two bytes that are received is the light intensity.
// It might be possible to have many BH1750s connected to the I2C bus and select just
// one by changing the I2C address with the ADDR pin of that one sensor. Not tested yet.
// Only 3 commands of the possible 16 (the lower nibble) are used.
// It is not known if there are other undocumented commands.
// Measurement and test results
// ----------------------------
// 1 )
// It is not possible to detect light below 0.11 lux.
// There is no noise that can be averaged to get below it.
// 2 )
// There is sometimes a difference between the normal high resolution
// and the high resolution mode2. Sometimes 0.5 lux.
// When automatically changing between the two, perhaps changing at a higher
// lux is better, for example at 50 or 100 lux and not at 10 lux.
// 3 )
// With the high resulotion and minimal time measurement period, the
// lux can go up to 120k lux in direct sunlight.
// (The sensor is for ambient light, not for direct sunlight)
// 4 )
// There is no status bit or interrupt to indicate that the sensor has finished measuring.
// During the measurement time, the sensor does acknowledge to its I2C address in a normal way,
// and does return the value of the illuminance data register. That is however,
// the data of the previous measurement.
// When the measurement time has finished, the new value will be written
// in the illuminace data register.
// A reset command clears the illuminance data register, therefor that can be
// used to determine if a new value is ready, unless it was very dark
// and the light was 0 lux.
// 5 )
// Measurement times
// low resolution : typical 16 ms, max 24 ms, measured : 18 ms
// high resolution : typical 120 ms, max 180 ms, measured : 134 ms
#include <Wire.h>
// The I2C address is 0x23 (ADDR pin is low) or 0x5C (ADDR pin is high).
#define BH1750_I2C_ADDRESS_1 0x23
#define BH1750_I2C_ADDRESS_2 0x5C
#define BH1750_POWER_DOWN 0x00 // Stop all operations
#define BH1750_POWER_ON 0x01 // Power on and wait for measurement command
#define BH1750_RESET 0x07 // Clears the illuminance data register, does not work in power down.
#define BH1750_CONT_H_RES_MODE 0x10
#define BH1750_CONT_H_RES_MODE2 0x11
#define BH1750_CONT_L_RES_MODE 0x13
#define BH1750_ONE_TIME_H_RES_MODE 0x20
#define BH1750_ONE_TIME_H_RES_MODE2 0x21
#define BH1750_ONE_TIME_L_RES_MODE 0x23
#define BH1750_MEAS_TIME_H 0x40
#define BH1750_MEAS_TIME_L 0x60
// Moving average array.
// A "moving average" is also called "rolling average" or "running average".
#define NUM_SAMPLES_AVG 10
float moving_avg[NUM_SAMPLES_AVG];
int index_avg;
const int _i2c_address = BH1750_I2C_ADDRESS_1;
// The default correction factor to calculate the lux is 1.2.
// Adjust it when you are able to calibrate the BH1750.
// According to the datasheet, the value can be 0.96 to 1.44.
// It is not know if this correction factor is the same for the whole range.
const float BH1750_factor = 1.2;
void setup()
Serial.begin( 9600);
Serial.println(F( "\nBH1750 lux sensor"));
// Start the sensor and test if the I2C address is right.
int error = BH1750_begin();
if( error != 0)
Serial.println(F( "Error, BH1750 not found"));
// Initialize the moving average array.
for( int i=0; i<NUM_SAMPLES_AVG; i++)
moving_avg[i] = 0.0; // or fill it with the actual current lux value.
index_avg = 0;
void loop()
Serial.println(F( "------------------"));
// ----------------------------------------
// Low Resolution
// ----------------------------------------
// Low resolution could be a quick check of the light intensity.
// It could be used to determine which high resolution mode will be used.
write8( BH1750_POWER_ON);
write8( mt_H( 69)); // default
write8( mt_L( 69)); // default
write8( BH1750_ONE_TIME_L_RES_MODE);
delay( 24); // typical 16ms, maximum 24ms
uint16_t x = read16();
// Divide the result by a factor of 1.2 (default value)
// The resulting lux is calculated with float numbers.
float lux_lowres = (float) x / BH1750_factor; // BH1750_factor is usually 1.2
Serial.print(F( "low res : "));
Serial.println( lux_lowres);
// ----------------------------------------
// High Resolution
// ----------------------------------------
// Normal request of the lux in one time high resolution mode.
write8( BH1750_POWER_ON);
write8( mt_H( 69)); // default
write8( mt_L( 69)); // default
write8( BH1750_ONE_TIME_H_RES_MODE);
delay( 180); // typical 120ms, maximum 180ms
uint16_t a = read16();
// Divide the result by a factor of 1.2 (default value)
// The resulting lux is calculated with float numbers.
float lux = (float) a / BH1750_factor; // BH1750_factor is usually 1.2
Serial.print(F( "high res : "));
Serial.println( lux);
// ----------------------------------------
// High Resolution Mode2 with maximum measurement time
// ----------------------------------------
// Extra sensitive 0.11 lux resolution.
// The MTregister is default 69.
// It can be minimal 31 and maximum 254
write8( BH1750_POWER_ON);
write8( mt_H( 254)); // maximum value of measurement time
write8( mt_L( 254));
write8( BH1750_ONE_TIME_H_RES_MODE2);
delay( 662); // 180 * 254 / 69
uint16_t b = read16();
float lux_dark = (float) b / BH1750_factor * ( 69.0 / 254.0 ) / 2.0; // BH1750_factor is usually 1.2
Serial.print(F( "0.11 res : "));
Serial.println( lux_dark);
// ----------------------------------------
// High resultion with minimum measurement time
// ----------------------------------------
// Extra range for bright light up to 100000 lux
// The calculation could result into a lux value up to 120 klx (120000 lux).
// Normal High Resolution mode, with minimal time measurement (31 is minimum for MTregister).
write8( BH1750_POWER_ON);
write8( mt_H( 31)); // lowest value of measurement time
write8( mt_L( 31));
write8( BH1750_ONE_TIME_H_RES_MODE);
delay( 81); // 180 * 31 / 69
uint16_t c = read16();
float lux_light = (float) c / BH1750_factor * ( 69.0 / 31.0 ); // BH1750_factor is usually 1.2
Serial.print(F( "100k range: "));
Serial.println( lux_light);
// ----------------------------------------
// moving average
// ----------------------------------------
moving_avg[index_avg] = lux_dark;
// Calculate the average.
float total_avg = 0.0;
for( int i=0; i<NUM_SAMPLES_AVG; i++)
total_avg += moving_avg[i];
total_avg /= (float) NUM_SAMPLES_AVG;
Serial.print(F( "average : "));
Serial.println( total_avg);
// advance index for the moving average array.
if( index_avg >= NUM_SAMPLES_AVG)
index_avg = 0;
delay( 1000);
int BH1750_begin()
// Send command 'RESET' for extra safety.
// A 'RESET' is only valid with power on.
// A 'RESET' only resets the illuminace data register.
// Three checks if the communication with the sensor is okay.
// No more error checks after this.
int error = 0;
error = write8( BH1750_POWER_ON);
if( error != 0)
return( error);
error = write8( BH1750_RESET);
if( error != 0)
return( error);
error = write8( BH1750_POWER_DOWN);
if( error != 0)
return( error);
return( error);
inline uint8_t mt_H( uint8_t mt)
return( BH1750_MEAS_TIME_H | (mt >> 5)); // highest 3 bits
inline uint8_t mt_L( uint8_t mt)
return( BH1750_MEAS_TIME_L | (mt & 0x1F)); // lowest 5 bits
// Read the two bytes from the BH1750
// If an error occurs, then zero is returned.
uint16_t read16()
uint16_t x;
int n = Wire.requestFrom( _i2c_address, 2);
if( n == 2)
byte highbyte =; // highest byte first
byte lowbyte =;
x = word( highbyte, lowbyte);
x = 0;
Serial.println("ERROR I2C fail 1"); // for debugging
return( x);
// Write the command byte to the BH1750
// An error is returned, it is zero for no error.
int write8( uint8_t command)
Wire.beginTransmission( _i2c_address);
Wire.write( command);
int error = Wire.endTransmission();
if( error != 0) // for debugging
Serial.println("ERROR I2C fail 2"); // for debugging
return( error);
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Here's the code I was asking about on discord. Thanks so much! Problem I have is the knob is very slow; maybe

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