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Created June 22, 2009 04:48
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proc prime? n {
if {$n <= 0} { return 0 }
if {$n >= 341550071728321} { error prime? }
if {$n < 4759123141} { set as {2 7 61} } else { set as {2 3 5 7 11 13 17} }
if {$n == 2 || $n == 3 || $n == 5 || $n == 7 || $n == 11 || $n == 13 || $n == 17 || $n == 61} {
return 1
if {$n == 1 || $n % 2 == 0} { return 0 }
set d [expr {$n - 1}]
while {$d % 2 == 0} { set d [expr {$d / 2}] }
foreach a $as {
set t $d
set y [modpow $a $t $n]
while {$t != $n-1 && $y != 1 && $y != $n-1} {
set y [expr {$y * $y % $n}]
set t [expr {$t * 2}]
if {$y != $n-1 && $t % 2 == 0} { return 0 }
return 1
proc modpow {b e m} {
set result 1
while {$e > 0} {
if {$e % 2 == 1} { set result [expr {$result * $b % $m}] }
set e [expr {$e / 2}]
set b [expr {$b * $b % $m}]
return $result
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