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Created March 16, 2010 08:57
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definition module Primes
isPrime :: Int -> Bool
isPrimeMR :: Int -> Bool
primes :: [Int]
primeArray :: Int -> {#Bool}
primeList :: Int -> [Int]
rangePrimes :: Int Int -> [Int]
fact :: (Int -> [Int])
countFact :: (Int -> Int)
sumFact :: (Int -> Int)
implementation module Primes
import StdEnv, StdLib, BigInt
isPrime :: Int -> Bool
isPrime n
| n < 2 = False
| n == 2 = True
| n rem 2 == 0 = False
| otherwise = f n [3,5..]
f n [x:xs] | x * x <= n = n rem x <> 0 && f n xs
| otherwise = True
isPrimeMR :: Int -> Bool
isPrimeMR num
| num == 2 = True
| num < 2 || isEven num = False
| otherwise = (all id o map f) xs
n = toBigInt num
two = toBigInt 2
xs = (takeWhile ((>) n) o map toBigInt) [2, 7, 61]
t = (hd o dropWhile isEven o iterate (flip (/) two) o flip (-) one) n
f a = (check o hd o dropWhile p o iterate g) (t,y) where
y = powMod a t n
g (t,y) = (t*two, (y*y) rem n)
p (t,y) = t <> n-one && y <> one && y <> n-one
check (t,y)
| y <> n-one && isEven t = False
| otherwise = True
::PrimeRecord = {prime :: Int, square :: Int}
primes :: [Int]
primes =: [prime \\ {prime} <- ps] where
ps = [{prime = 2, square = 4} : [{prime = n, square= n*n} \\ n <- [3..] | isPrime n]]
isPrime n = f ps where
f [{prime,square}:xs] | square <= n = n rem prime <> 0 && f xs
| otherwise = True
primeArray :: Int -> {#Bool}
primeArray n
# primeArray = {createArray (n+1) True & [0] = False, [1] = False}
# primeArray = {primeArray & [x] = False \\ x <- [4,6..n]}
= sieve (takeWhile (\x = x*x <= n) primes) primeArray
sieve [] arr = arr
sieve [x:xs] arr = sieve xs {arr & [x*p] = False \\ p <- [2..n/x]}
primeList :: Int -> [Int]
primeList n = [x \\ x <- [0..] & p <-: primeArray n | p]
rangePrimes :: Int Int -> [Int]
rangePrimes top end
| top <= root = dropWhile ((>) top) ps ++ rangePrimes (root+1) end
| otherwise = [top+x \\ x <- [0..] & p <-: arr top end | p]
root = (entier o sqrt o toReal) end
ps = takeWhile ((>=) root) primes
arr :: Int Int -> {#Bool}
arr top end
# arr = createArray arraySize True
= sieve ps arr
arraySize = end - top
sieve [] arr = arr
sieve [p:ps] arr = sieve ps {arr & [i] = False \\ i <- [first,first+p..arraySize-1]} where
first | top rem p == 0 = 0
| otherwise = p - (top rem p)
fact :: (Int -> [Int])
fact = f [2:[3,5..]] where
f [x:xs] n
| n <= 1 = []
| x * x > n = [n]
| n rem x == 0 = [x:f [x:xs] (n/x)]
| otherwise = f xs n
countFact :: (Int -> Int)
countFact = prod o map (inc o length) o group o fact
sumFact :: (Int -> Int)
sumFact = prod o map f o group o fact where
f xs = sum [1:[x^y \\ x <- xs & y <- [1..]]]
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