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Created April 5, 2014 12:51
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Knight swap
#include <boost/range/algorithm.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptors.hpp>
#include <boost/range/join.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm_ext/push_back.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/breadth_first_search.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix.hpp>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/timer/timer.hpp>
using namespace boost;
using namespace adaptors;
using phoenix::arg_names::arg1;
using std::placeholders::_1;
using std::bind;
enum class Color {
Color operator!(Color rhs) {
if (rhs == Color::White)
return Color::Black;
return Color::White;
struct Square {
std::uint_fast8_t row, col;
static_assert(std::is_pod<Square>::value, "Square is POD");
bool operator==(const Square& lhs, const Square& rhs) {
return (lhs.row == rhs.row) && (lhs.col == rhs.col);
bool operator!=(const Square& lhs, const Square& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
bool operator<(const Square& lhs, const Square& rhs){
if (lhs.row == rhs.row)
return lhs.col < rhs.col;
else return lhs.row < rhs.row;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Square& square) {
static const char* colToChar = "abcdefgh";
stream << colToChar[square.col] << (square.row+1);
return stream;
struct Move {
Square square_1, square_2;
static_assert(std::is_pod<Move>::value, "Move is POD");
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Move& move) {
stream << move.square_1 << "-" << move.square_2;
return stream;
using Moves = std::vector<Move>;
class Position {
using Attacks = std::multimap<Square, Square>;
static const Attacks attacks;
using KnightSquares = std::array<Square, 3>;
Position() {
Position(const KnightSquares& white, const KnightSquares& black, Color color = Color::White):
Position(const Position& position, const Move& move):
for (auto& square : join(whiteKnights, blackKnights)){
if (square == move.square_1)
square = move.square_2;
const KnightSquares& getKnightSquares() const{
if (m_color == Color::White)
return whiteKnights;
else return blackKnights;
bool isLegal(const Move& move) const {
for (const auto& square : join(whiteKnights, blackKnights)){
if (square == move.square_2)
return false;
auto ownKnights = getKnightSquares() | filtered (arg1 != move.square_1);
const auto attacked = attacks.equal_range(move.square_2) | map_values;
for (const auto& square : attacked){
if (find(ownKnights, square) != ownKnights.end())
return false;
return true;
Moves legalMoves() const{
Moves toReturn;
for (const auto& square_1 : getKnightSquares()){
push_back(toReturn, attacks.equal_range(square_1)
| map_values
| transformed([&square_1](const Square& square){ return Move{square_1, square}; })
| filtered(bind(&Position::isLegal, this, _1)));
return toReturn;
bool operator<(const Position& rhs) const{
if (whiteKnights == rhs.whiteKnights)
return blackKnights < rhs.blackKnights;
else return whiteKnights < rhs.whiteKnights;
bool operator==(const Position& rhs) const {
return (whiteKnights == rhs.whiteKnights) && (blackKnights == rhs.blackKnights);
KnightSquares whiteKnights, blackKnights;
Color m_color;
const std::multimap<Square, Square> Position::attacks = {
{{0,0}, {1,2}}, {{0,0}, {2,1}},
{{1,0}, {0,2}}, {{1,0}, {2,2}},
{{2,0}, {1,2}}, {{2,0}, {0,1}},
{{0,1}, {1,3}}, {{0,1}, {2,2}}, {{0,1}, {2,0}},
{{1,1}, {0,3}}, {{1,1}, {2,3}},
{{2,1}, {1,3}}, {{2,1}, {0,2}}, {{2,1}, {0,0}},
{{0,2}, {1,0}}, {{0,2}, {2,3}}, {{0,2}, {2,1}},
{{1,2}, {0,0}}, {{1,2}, {2,0}},
{{2,2}, {1,0}}, {{2,2}, {0,3}}, {{2,2}, {0,1}},
{{0,3}, {1,1}}, {{0,3}, {2,2}},
{{1,3}, {0,1}}, {{1,3}, {2,1}},
{{2,3}, {1,1}}, {{2,3}, {0,2}},
struct Position_t {
typedef vertex_property_tag kind;
struct Move_t {
typedef edge_property_tag kind;
typedef property<Position_t, Position> PositionProperty;
typedef property<Move_t, Move> MoveProperty;
using Graph = adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, directedS, PositionProperty, MoveProperty>;
using Vertex = Graph::vertex_descriptor;
struct KnightSwap {
Vertex value;
struct SwapChecker
typedef on_discover_vertex event_filter;
void operator()(Vertex u, const Graph &g){
static const Position swapped({{{0,3},{1,3},{2,3}}}, {{{0,0},{1,0},{2,0}}});
auto position = get(Position_t(), g, u);
if (position == swapped)
throw KnightSwap{u};
using PredecessorMap = std::map<Vertex, Vertex>;
using Edge = PredecessorMap::value_type;
class PathIterator : public iterator_facade<PathIterator, const Edge, forward_traversal_tag, Edge> {
PathIterator(Vertex vertex = 0, const PredecessorMap* predecessorMap = nullptr):
{ }
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
void increment() {
vertex_1 = m_predecessorMap->at(vertex_1);
Edge dereference() const {
return {m_predecessorMap->at(vertex_1), vertex_1};
bool equal(const PathIterator &other) const {
return vertex_1 == other.vertex_1;
Vertex vertex_1;
const PredecessorMap* m_predecessorMap;
class Pathfinder {
Pathfinder() {
Position initial({{{0,0},{1,0},{2,0}}}, {{{0,3},{1,3},{2,3}}});
m_vertices.emplace(initial, add_vertex(initial, m_graph));
PredecessorMap predecessorMap;
auto pMap = make_assoc_property_map(predecessorMap);
auto both = std::make_pair(record_predecessors(pMap, on_tree_edge()), SwapChecker());
auto bothWrapped = visitor(make_bfs_visitor(both));
try {
breadth_first_search(m_graph,, bothWrapped);
} catch (KnightSwap knightSwap) {
auto pathRange = make_iterator_range(PathIterator(knightSwap.value, &predecessorMap), PathIterator(;
Moves path;
transform(pathRange, std::back_inserter(path), [this](const Edge& edge){
auto edge_desc = boost::edge(edge.first, edge.second, m_graph).first;
return get(Move_t(), m_graph, edge_desc);
copy(path | reversed, std::ostream_iterator<Move>(std::cout, "\n"));
std::pair<Vertex, bool> uniqueAdd(const Position& position) {
if (!m_vertices.count(position)){
auto vertex = add_vertex(position, m_graph);
m_vertices.emplace(position, vertex);
return {vertex, true};
return {, false};
void generatePositions(const Position& position){
auto movesTotry = position.legalMoves();
for (const auto& move : movesTotry){
Position newPosition(position, move);
auto vertex_1 =;
decltype(vertex_1) vertex_2;
bool insertion;
tie(vertex_2, insertion) = uniqueAdd(newPosition);
add_edge(vertex_1, vertex_2, move, m_graph);
if (insertion)
Graph m_graph;
std::map<Position, Vertex> m_vertices;
int main() {
//Uncomment the following line to benchmark
//timer::auto_cpu_timer timer;
Pathfinder pathfinder;
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