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Created December 15, 2022 05:42
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Governor execute
function execute(
address[] memory targets,
uint256[] memory values,
bytes[] memory calldatas,
bytes32 descriptionHash
) public payable virtual override returns (uint256) {
uint256 proposalId = hashProposal(targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash);
ProposalState status = state(proposalId);
status == ProposalState.Succeeded || status == ProposalState.Queued,
"Governor: proposal not successful"
_proposals[proposalId].executed = true;
emit ProposalExecuted(proposalId);
_beforeExecute(proposalId, targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash);
_execute(proposalId, targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash);
_afterExecute(proposalId, targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash);
return proposalId;
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