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Last active December 11, 2019 21:06
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Save Koli14/8a96866d7f01f36a265cbc4494d82fc7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
***** Super GM.setValue and GM.getValue.js
***** This library extends the Greasemonkey GM.setValue and GM.getValue functions to
***** handle any javascript variable type.
***** Add it to your GM script with:
***** // @require
***** Usage:
***** GM_SuperValue.set (varName, varValue);
***** var x = GM_SuperValue.get (varName, defaultValue);
***** Test mode:
***** GM_SuperValue.runTestCases (bUseConsole);
// ==UserScript==
// @name Super_GM_setValue_and_GM_getValue.js
// @description Extends the GM.setValue and GM.getValue functions for any javascript variable type.
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==
var GM_SuperValue = new function () {
var JSON_MarkerStr = 'json_val: ';
var FunctionMarker = 'function_code: ';
function ReportError (msg) {
if (console && console.error)
console.log (msg);
throw new Error (msg);
//--- Check that the environment is proper.
if (typeof GM.setValue != "function")
ReportError ('This library requires Greasemonkey! GM.setValue is missing.');
if (typeof GM.getValue != "function")
ReportError ('This library requires Greasemonkey! GM.getValue is missing.');
/*--- set ()
GM.setValue ( only stores:
strings, booleans, and integers (a limitation of using Firefox
preferences for storage).
This function extends that to allow storing any data type.
String: The unique (within this script) name for this value.
Should be restricted to valid Javascript identifier characters.
Any valid javascript value. Just note that it is not advisable to
store too much data in the Firefox preferences.
this.set = function (varName, varValue) {
if ( ! varName) {
ReportError ('Illegal varName sent to GM_SuperValue.set().');
if (/[^\w _-]/.test (varName) ) {
ReportError ('Suspect, probably illegal, varName sent to GM_SuperValue.set().');
switch (typeof varValue) {
case 'undefined':
ReportError ('Illegal varValue sent to GM_SuperValue.set().');
case 'boolean':
case 'string':
//--- These 2 types are safe to store, as is.
GM.setValue (varName, varValue);
case 'number':
/*--- Numbers are ONLY safe if they are integers.
Note that hex numbers, EG 0xA9, get converted
and stored as decimals, EG 169, automatically.
That's a feature of JavaScript.
Also, only a 32-bit, signed integer is allowed.
So we only process +/-2147483647 here.
if (varValue === parseInt (varValue) && Math.abs (varValue) < 2147483647)
GM.setValue (varName, varValue);
case 'object':
/*--- For all other cases (but functions), and for
unsafe numbers, store the value as a JSON string.
var safeStr = JSON_MarkerStr + JSON.stringify (varValue);
GM.setValue (varName, safeStr);
case 'function':
/*--- Functions need special handling.
var safeStr = FunctionMarker + varValue.toString ();
GM.setValue (varName, safeStr);
ReportError ('Unknown type in GM_SuperValue.set()!');
}//-- End of set()
/*--- get ()
GM.getValue ( only retieves:
strings, booleans, and integers (a limitation of using Firefox
preferences for storage).
This function extends that to allow retrieving any data type -- as
long as it was stored with GM_SuperValue.set().
String: The property name to get. See GM_SuperValue.set for details.
Optional. Any value to be returned, when no value has previously
been set.
When this name has been set...
The variable or function value as previously set.
When this name has not been set, and a default is provided...
The value passed in as a default
When this name has not been set, and default is not provided...
this.get = function (varName, defaultValue) {
if ( ! varName) {
ReportError ('Illegal varName sent to GM_SuperValue.get().');
if (/[^\w _-]/.test (varName) ) {
ReportError ('Suspect, probably illegal, varName sent to GM_SuperValue.get().');
//--- Attempt to get the value from storage.
var varValue = GM.getValue (varName);
if (!varValue)
return defaultValue;
//--- We got a value from storage. Now unencode it, if necessary.
if (typeof varValue == "string") {
//--- Is it a JSON value?
var regxp = new RegExp ('^' + JSON_MarkerStr + '(.+)$');
var m = varValue.match (regxp);
if (m && m.length > 1) {
varValue = JSON.parse ( m[1] );
return varValue;
//--- Is it a function?
var regxp = new RegExp ('^' + FunctionMarker + '((?:.|\n|\r)+)$');
var m = varValue.match (regxp);
if (m && m.length > 1) {
varValue = eval ('(' + m[1] + ')');
return varValue;
return varValue;
}//-- End of get()
/*--- runTestCases ()
Tests storage and retrieval every every knid of value.
Note: makes extensive use of the console.
Boolean: If this is true, uses the console environment to store
the data. Useful for dev test.
true, if pass. false, otherwise.
this.runTestCases = function (bUseConsole) {
if (bUseConsole) {
//--- Set up the environment to use local JS, and not the GM environment.
this.testStorage = {};
var context = this;
this.oldSetFunc = (typeof GM.setValue == "function") ? GM.setValue : null;
this.oldGetFunc = (typeof GM.getValue == "function") ? GM.getValue : null;
GM.setValue = function (varName, varValue) {
console.log ('Storing: ', varName, ' as: ', varValue);
context.testStorage[varName] = varValue;
GM.getValue = function (varName, defaultValue) {
var varValue = context.testStorage[varName];
if (!varValue)
varValue = defaultValue;
console.log ('Retrieving: ', varName, '. Got: ', varValue);
return varValue;
var dataBefore = [null, true, 1, 1.1, -1.0, 2.0E9, 2.77E9, 2.0E-9, 0xA9, 'string',
[1,2,3], {a:1, B:2}, function () {a=7; console.log ("Neat! Ain't it?"); }
for (var J = 0; J <= dataBefore.length; J++)
var X = dataBefore[J];
console.log (J, ': ', typeof X, X);
this.set ('Test item ' + J, X);
console.log ('\n');
console.log ('\n***********************\n***********************\n\n');
var dataAfter = [];
for (var J = 0; J < dataBefore.length; J++)
var X = this.get ('Test item ' + J);
dataAfter.push (X);
console.log ('\n');
console.log (dataBefore);
console.log (dataAfter);
//--- Now test for pass/fail. The objects won't be identical but contenets are.
var bPass;
if (dataBefore.toString() == dataAfter.toString() ) {
var pfStr = 'PASS!';
bPass = true;
} else {
var pfStr = 'FAIL!';
bPass = false;
console.log ( "\n*************************** \
\n*************************** \
\n*************************** \
\n***** " + pfStr + " ***** \
\n*************************** \
\n*************************** \
if (bUseConsole) {
//--- Restore the GM functions.
GM.setValue = this.oldSetFunc;
GM.getValue = this.oldGetFunc;
else {
//--- Clean up the FF storage!
for (var J = 0; J < dataBefore.length; J++)
GM_deleteValue ('Test item ' + J);
return bPass;
}//-- End of runTestCases()
//GM_SuperValue.runTestCases (true);
//--- EOF
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