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Created June 30, 2024 21:37
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  • Save Komzpa/396e66fb99592c14ba88e1bca21c11eb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Komzpa/396e66fb99592c14ba88e1bca21c11eb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Support for Aquara FP2 Sleep sensor using REST in Home Assistant
method: POST
scan_interval: 3
Sys-Type: 1
Appid: FIXME
Userid: FIXME
Token: FIXME
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
payload: '{"data":[{"options":["heartrate_value","respiration_rate_value","sleep_state","body_movement_value","lux","device_offline_status"],"subjectId":"FIXME"}]}'
- name: aquara_fp2_bed_heartrate_value
unique_id: "e080fb23-1aca-4f3f-844e-c715f4a73c20"
availability: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.bedroom_presence_presence_sensor_1', 'on') }}"
value_template: "{{ value_json.result[0].value | float }}"
unit_of_measurement: "bpm"
state_class: "measurement"
json_attributes_path: "$.[0]"
- attr
- value
- subjectId
- timeStamp
- name: aquara_fp2_bed_respiration_rate_value
unique_id: "6b6a384d-435a-4d91-9cbb-b1c10d228ff1"
availability: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.bedroom_presence_presence_sensor_1', 'on') }}"
value_template: "{{ value_json.result[1].value | float }}"
unit_of_measurement: "bpm"
state_class: "measurement"
json_attributes_path: "$.[1]"
- attr
- value
- subjectId
- timeStamp
- name: aquara_fp2_bed_sleep_state
unique_id: "9283e24a-5a40-4503-aa34-d30f29af0642"
value_template: >-
{% set sleep_states = {
0: 'Out of Bed',
1: 'In Bed',
2: 'Fully Awake',
3: 'REM Sleep',
4: 'Light Sleep',
5: 'Deep Sleep'
} %}
{{ sleep_states[value_json.result[2].value | int] }}
json_attributes_path: "$.[2]"
- attr
- value
- subjectId
- timeStamp
- name: aquara_fp2_bed_body_movement_value
unique_id: "01440a16-90e0-4408-87fd-c5bda8c81ef3"
availability: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.bedroom_presence_presence_sensor_1', 'on') }}"
value_template: "{{ value_json.result[4].value | float }}"
state_class: "measurement"
json_attributes_path: "$.[4]"
- attr
- value
- subjectId
- timeStamp
- name: aquara_fp2_bed_lux
unique_id: "96e1f524-0da2-4b1f-9a5c-b5ac1c836154"
availability: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.bedroom_presence_presence_sensor_1', 'on') }}"
value_template: "{{ value_json.result[5].value | float }}"
unit_of_measurement: "lux"
state_class: "measurement"
json_attributes_path: "$.[5]"
- attr
- value
- subjectId
- timeStamp
- name: aquara_fp2_bed_device_offline_status
unique_id: "e21f6835-943e-40a7-b814-ff9e319e4ab5"
availability: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.bedroom_presence_presence_sensor_1', 'on') }}"
value_template: "{{ value_json.result[3].value | float }}"
state_class: "measurement"
json_attributes_path: "$.[3]"
- attr
- value
- subjectId
- timeStamp
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Komzpa commented Jun 30, 2024

How to use:

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I think this is now deprecated.

I captured the API used in my app, and it seems that no longer works.
Instead, the API call is made to
I also captured the token and appId to use the retrieved data.
And The format of the data included in the headers is slightly different as well.

API requests call data using resourceIds rather than names. This can be found in the Aqara Developer Console.

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Komzpa commented Nov 21, 2024

Just in case, the solution above still works for me. May the difference be region-dependent? Yours seems to phone home to kr=Korea, my seems to be in ger=Germany.

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Yes my server is Kr
I think the API specs used in my region are different. Thanks for the answer.

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