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Created March 17, 2013 21:46
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Shortcut Plus
Copyright (c) 2012 Isaac Muse <>
License: MIT
Example: This shows how to define two shortcut profiles bound to shortcuts
// Shortcut Plus Toggle
"keys": ["alt+`"],
"command": "toggle_shortcut_plus",
"context": [{"key": "toggle_shortcut_plus"}],
"args": {"profile": "MyProfile1"}
// Shortcut Plus Toggle
"keys": ["ctrl+alt+`"],
"command": "toggle_shortcut_plus",
"context": [{"key": "toggle_shortcut_plus"}],
"args": {"profile": "MyProfile2"}
Example: This shows how to create shortcuts that execute only in a given shorcut profile
The first is bound to Myprofile1 and shows a dialog when all selections are empty
and the escape key is pressed.
The other is bound to MyProfile2 and shows the inverse when escape is pressed.
"shortcut_plus_test" is command only for testing. You can use any command you want.
// Shortcut Plus Test
"keys": ["escape"],
"command": "shortcut_plus",
{"key": "shortcut_plus:MyProfile1"},
{"key": "selection_empty", "operator": "equal", "operand": true, "match_all": true}
"args": {
"command_type": "window",
"command": "shortcut_plus_test",
"args": {
"msg": "All selection are empty!"
// Shortcut Plus Test
"keys": ["escape"],
"command": "shortcut_plus",
{"key": "shortcut_plus:MyProfile2"},
{"key": "selection_empty", "operator": "equal", "operand": false, "match_all": true}
"args": {
"command_type": "window",
"command": "shortcut_plus_test",
"args": {
"msg": "All selections are not empty!"
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class ShortcutMode(object):
enabled = False
profile = ""
view = None
window = None
class ShortcutPlusModeListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_query_context(self, view, key, operator, operand, match_all):
handeled = False
if key == "toggle_shortcut_plus":
handeled = True
elif ShortcutMode.enabled and key.startswith("shortcut_plus:"):
if ShortcutMode.profile == key[len("shortcut_plus:"):len(key)]:
ShortcutMode.view = view
ShortcutMode.window = view.window()
handeled = True
return handeled
class ShortcutPlusCommand(sublime_plugin.ApplicationCommand):
def run(self, command_type, command, args):
view = ShortcutMode.view
window = ShortcutMode.window
ShortcutMode.view = None
ShortcutMode.window = None
if command_type == "application":
sublime.run_command(command, args)
elif command_type == "window" and window is not None:
window.run_command(command, args)
elif command_type == "text" and view is not None:
view.run_command(command, args)
class ToggleShortcutPlusCommand(sublime_plugin.ApplicationCommand):
def run(self, profile):
if profile == "" or ShortcutMode.profile == profile:
ShortcutMode.enabled = False
ShortcutMode.profile = ""
elif profile != ShortcutMode.profile:
ShortcutMode.enabled = True
ShortcutMode.profile = profile
msg = "Shortcut Plus: %s" % (
"%s Enabled" % ShortcutMode.profile if ShortcutMode.enabled else "Disabled"
class ShortcutPlusTestCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, msg):
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