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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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  • Save Konafets/ad0cd3bfe0269993bb47 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Konafets/ad0cd3bfe0269993bb47 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Creates the upload folder of an extension.
* @param string $key The extension key
* @return void
public function createUploadFoldersCommand($key) {
try {
$messages = $this->extensionApiService->createUploadFolders($key);
if (sizeof($messages) > 1) {
foreach ($messages as $message) {
} else {
} catch (Exception $e) {
* Creates the upload folders of an extension.
* @param string $extensionKey The extension key
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @return array
public function createUploadFolders($extensionKey) {
$extensions = $this->listExtensions();
$extension = $extensions[$extensionKey];
$extension['key'] = $extensionKey;
$folders = $this->fileHandlingUtility->getAbsolutePathsToConfiguredDirectories($extension);
$result = array();
if (is_array($folders) && sizeof($folders) > 0) {
$result = $this->fileHandlingUtility->ensureConfiguredDirectoriesExist($extension);
} else {
$result[] = sprintf('No upload folders configured for "%s".', $extensionKey);
return $result;
// Tests for createUpdateFolders()
* Provides the array which is return value from ExtensionServiceApi::getInstalledExtensions()
* @return array
public function getExtensionArrayForCreateUploadFolders() {
return array(
'about' => array(
'title' => 'Help>About',
'description' => 'Shows info about TYPO3 and installed extensions',
'category' => 'module',
'shy' => 1,
'dependencies' => '',
'conflicts' => '',
'priority' => '',
'loadOrder' => '',
'module' => 'mod',
'state' => 'stable',
'internal' => 0,
'uploadfolder' => 0,
'createDirs' => '',
'modify_tables' => '',
'clearCacheOnLoad' => '',
'lockType' => '',
'author' => 'Kasper Skaarhoj',
'author_email' => '',
'author_company' => 'Curby Soft Multimedia',
'CGLcompilance' => '',
'CGLcompilance_note' => '',
'version' => '6.2.0',
'_md5_values_when_last_written' => '',
'constraints' => array(),
'suggests' => array(),
'key' => 'about'
'backend' => array(
'title' => 'TYPO3 Backend',
'description' => 'Classes for the TYPO3 backend.',
'category' => 'be',
'shy' => 1,
'dependencies' => '',
'conflicts' => '',
'priority' => 'top',
'loadOrder' => '',
'module' => '',
'state' => 'stable',
'internal' => 1,
'uploadfolder' => 0,
'createDirs' => '',
'modify_tables' => '',
'clearCacheOnLoad' => 0,
'lockType' => 'S',
'author' => 'Kasper Skaarhoj',
'author_email' => '',
'author_company' => 'Curby Soft Multimedia',
'CGLcompilance' => '',
'CGLcompilance_note' => '',
'version' => '6.2.0',
'_md5_values_when_last_written' => '',
'constraints' => array(),
'suggests' => array(),
'key' => 'about'
'core' => array(
'title' => 'TYPO3 Core',
'description' => 'Classes for the TYPO3 backend.',
'category' => 'be',
'shy' => 1,
'dependencies' => '',
'conflicts' => '',
'priority' => 'top',
'loadOrder' => '',
'module' => '',
'state' => 'stable',
'internal' => 1,
'uploadfolder' => 0,
'createDirs' => '',
'modify_tables' => '',
'clearCacheOnLoad' => 0,
'lockType' => 'S',
'author' => 'Kasper Skaarhoj',
'author_email' => '',
'author_company' => 'Curby Soft Multimedia',
'CGLcompilance' => '',
'CGLcompilance_note' => '',
'version' => '6.2.0',
'_md5_values_when_last_written' => '',
'constraints' => array(),
'suggests' => array(),
'key' => 'about'
'dummy' => array(
'title' => 'Dummy Extension for testing',
'description' => 'This is just a dummy extension',
'category' => 'experimental',
'shy' => 1,
'dependencies' => '',
'conflicts' => '',
'priority' => '',
'loadOrder' => '',
'module' => 'mod',
'state' => 'stable',
'internal' => 0,
'uploadfolder' => 0,
'createDirs' => '',
'modify_tables' => '',
'clearCacheOnLoad' => '',
'lockType' => '',
'author' => 'Stefano Kowalke',
'author_email' => '',
'author_company' => 'Arroba IT',
'CGLcompilance' => '',
'CGLcompilance_note' => '',
'version' => '6.2.0',
'_md5_values_when_last_written' => '',
'constraints' => array(),
'suggests' => array(),
'key' => 'about'
* @test
* @covers ::createUploadFolders
* @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
* @expectedExceptionMessage Extension "dummy" does not exist!
public function createUploadFoldersForNonexistentExtensionThrowsException() {
$installUtilityMock = $this->getMock('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extensionmanager\\Utility\\InstallUtility', array('isAvailable'));
* @test
* @covers ::createUploadFolders
public function createUploadFoldersNoUploadFoldersConfigured() {
$this->subject = $this->getAccessibleMock(
'Etobi\\CoreApi\\Service\\ExtensionApiService', array('getInstalledExtensions', 'listExtensions')
$installUtilityMock = $this->getMock('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extensionmanager\\Utility\\InstallUtility', array('isAvailable'));
$extensions = $this->getFakeInstalledExtensionArray();
$extensions['about']['key'] = 'about';
$fileHandlingUtilityMock = $this->getMock('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extensionmanager\\Utility\\FileHandlingUtility');
$this->assertSame(array('No upload folders configured for "about".'), $this->subject->createUploadFolders('about'));
* @test
* @covers ::createUploadFolders
public function createUploadFoldersFolderAlreadyExist() {
$this->subject = $this->getAccessibleMock(
array('getInstalledExtensions', 'listExtensions')
$installUtilityMock = $this->getMock('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extensionmanager\\Utility\\InstallUtility', array('isAvailable'));
$extensions = $this->getFakeInstalledExtensionArray();
$extensions['about']['key'] = 'about';
$fileHandlingUtilityMock = $this->getMock('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extensionmanager\\Utility\\FileHandlingUtility');
->will($this->returnValue(array('test/', 'test/two'))
->will($this->returnValue(array('Did not created directory "/path/to/uploadfolder". Already exists.'))
$this->assertSame(array('Did not created directory "/path/to/uploadfolder". Already exists.'), $this->subject->createUploadFolders('about'));
* @test
* @covers ::createUploadFolders
public function createUploadFoldersCreateUploadFolders() {
$this->subject = $this->getAccessibleMock(
array('getInstalledExtensions', 'listExtensions')
$installUtilityMock = $this->getMock('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extensionmanager\\Utility\\InstallUtility', array('isAvailable'));
$extensions = $this->getExtensionArrayForCreateUploadFolders();
$extensions['about']['key'] = 'about';
$fileHandlingUtilityMock = $this->getMock('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extensionmanager\\Utility\\FileHandlingUtility');
->will($this->returnValue(array('test/', 'test/two'))
->will($this->returnValue(array('Directory "/path/to/uploadfolder" created.'))
$this->assertSame(array('Directory "/path/to/uploadfolder" created.'), $this->subject->createUploadFolders('about'));
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