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Last active April 28, 2024 05:50
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Use :Set! (instead of :set) to make setting persist in a modeline
function! Set(args, isPersistent) abort
" remove whitespaces surrounding =
let cmd = 'set ' . substitute(a:args, '\s*=\s*', '=', 'g')
execute cmd
if !a:isPersistent | return | endif
" append modeline
let commentstring = empty(&l:commentstring) ?
\ (empty(&g:commentstring) ? '# %s' : &g:commentstring) : &l:commentstring
let modeline = substitute(commentstring,'%s',' vim: ' . cmd . ': ', '')
call append(line('$'), '')
call append(line('$'), trim(modeline))
command! -nargs=+ -bang -bar -complete=option Set call Set(<q-args>, <bang>0)
command! -nargs=1 -bang -bar SetSpelllang Set<bang> spelllang=<args>
command! -nargs=1 -bang -bar -complete=filetype SetFileType Set<bang> filetype=<args>
command! -nargs=1 -bang -bar -complete=customlist,s:complete_foldmethod SetFoldMethod Set<bang> foldmethod=<args>
function! s:complete_foldmethod(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos)
return filter(['marker', 'indent', 'syntax', 'expr', 'manual', 'diff'], 'v:val =~? "^" . a:arglead')
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