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Last active April 13, 2019 20:48
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Retrieving all github ssh keys and iterating through them to match your key
# This is using the v3 of github API, I could not find a guide for ssh keys
# within the github api v4
# reading public keys, you need admin:public_key & admin:read_key
# Both libraries are part of the ruby standard library
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
# @param uri [URI] the url of website youre querying
# @return [String] Returns a JSON formatted string
def start_connection(uri)
Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http|
response = yield(http)
# @param uri [URI] The url where youre querying
# @return Net::HTTP::Get
def get_request(uri)
token = "token #{ENV['GITHUB_TOKEN']}"
headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Accepts' => 'application/json',
'Authorization' => token }, headers)
# The full github http request which will return the json for all your ssh keys
# @return String returns a json string to be parsed
def full_http_request
uri = URI('')
request = get_request(uri)
start_connection(uri) do |http|
# parses a json string then iterates through each string to return
# the value of all ssh keys of your github profile
# @return [Array<String>] Returns an array of ssh keys in a String data type
def array_of_keys(json_string)
# when parsed, returns an array
JSON.parse(json_string).map { |key| key['key'] }
# checks if the ssh key is found within your public keys
# @param original_key [String] The string value of your ssh key
# @param array [Array<String>] The array of ssh keys which you are seeing if your ssh key is a part of
# @return [Boolean]
def ssh_key_exists?(original_key, array)
return true if array.include?(original_key)
# Typical ssh key location
ssh_file = File.join(Dir.home, '.ssh', '')
# Accounts for if you have a comment in your key and removes it
# when pulling keys from github, it does not recognize comments
original_ssh_key ='==')[0].concat('==')
ssh_keys_array = array_of_keys(full_http_request)
puts ssh_key_exists?(original_ssh_key, ssh_keys_array)
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