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# remove leading zeroes and non-numerical characters from hash
# take first 9 numbers so it fits into a 32 bit integer
select distinct (substr(replace(replace(md5(?curi),"[a-f]",""),"^0+",""),1,9) as ?cid) ?curi replace(replace(str(?curi),"^([^/]*/){4}",""),"/",":") as ?cname (substr(replace(replace(md5(sample(?parent)),"[a-f]",""),"^0+",""),1,9) as ?cparent) (count(?child) as ?count_cache) (if(count(?child)=0,1,0) as ?is_leaf)
?curi a owl:Class.
OPTIONAL { graph ?g {?curi rdfs:subClassOf ?parent.}}
OPTIONAL { {?child rdfs:subClassOf ?curi.} UNION {?child a ?curi.}}
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